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Everything posted by AncientAngel

  1. Yeah my goal at the time with the project was to try to give the same impression of detail in relation to its size. So the ammout of detail would appear to be about the same if you where either in a fighter or at the helm of one the of bigger ships. That way when those little fighters start skimming off the hulls of the capital ships they have something to look at. And man would it be nice to be able to program complete flight dynamics of these ships into a game engine. At best with Starshatter you have some controll over that but not down to the slats, flaps and rudder control.
  2. I know what you mean by the only one working on a project. I started one for Starshatter game engine. Sofar its the only game engine that I can mod that doesn't have issues with the Size of Macross / Mospeada stuff. Granted this shot was taken awhile ago and about one total system crash due to a family member doing something with my system. Anyways needless to say I got the models backed up but I haven't had the urge to pick it back up again since then. Sad thing is I was about to put the SDF-1 in game before all this happend.
  3. Look at this one! MPC Alpha I mean ...insert something profound here.. Granted it states something like getting four of them in a case..so that would explain the pricing ...but its only mentioned once .. Very Very Od
  4. Too Boney Oh sweet baby Jesus ... I would Ninja Hit IT! if my wife would let me (lol)
  5. Thanks Lestat ... I hate to say it but the engine shroud, I guess that is what you would call it. That section that looks some what metalic is actually a very stretched texture but for some od reason it works with the darker paint job on the rear end of the ship. The Hanger Bay Shot does not looks okay. I really need to get this sucker in the game to post a good internal shot of it . I had to omit the poster in the hanger bay, to cut it down to scale to became a blurry mess.
  6. Holy cra.. ..your right ...just went back and looked at a few other pics on the Beta fighter. Yeah that nose is a good 1/3 longer than it should be. Man where did I put that ref-shot I used. Ah found it it was a 3-quarters view in one of the Palladium Books. Now I know why the Legios Version is not fitting together correctly like is should. Geeeze, you would think I would have caught that even after having issues with the Alpha-Beta Combination. Thanks for bring that to my attention As for better and closer shots you might have to wait for me to get this baby dropped into the SS(starshatter) game engine. Since about any game engine renders better than Milkshape.
  7. Man I would almost be willing to given up my first child for a low poly version Hehehe, low poly
  8. Okay ...here is another WIP shot. Still have to go back and detail this out more.
  9. Up-dated pic coming this afternoon. Spent most of the night fixing issues with some of the texturing and the mesh it self. As an example I forgot to add in the lower reaction control thrusters for both the arm pylons and all of the ships fins. On top of that I had to ad in another 16 Tri-laser turrets and created 4 missile launchers (which aren't textured yet). Found some information that this ship possibly has 28 plus point defense guns mounted in retractable turrets that slide out from the hull. So I went in and added the noticeable open ports with hull plating slid back. Currently this thing is a beast for something that was going to be low poly to begin with. She is currently resting at 7618 and that is not counting the poly count for the 28 point defense guns. Anyways I will post a shot once I get the missile lanchers textured in, then Iwill have to go back to keep detailing the .bmp out.
  10. Dam man that is just plainly stunning! I hate to even ask what the poly count is on that baby.
  11. Well the hanger is done, bridge tower is finished off as well. Time to detail this puppy out and get this into the game. Hopefully I made the hanger bay doors wide enough to handle an Tread (aka:Beta Fighter) Finally
  12. /On RT Well yes I am to some degree apart of that mod. I mainly just have supplied them with the bulk of my REF fleet I have modeled over the past years. At one time I was also helping another RT mod for HW and have also submitted a few things for the Macross mod while Lestat was gone. Most of what I did for the Macross Mod was replaced due to higher than needed poly counts on the VE-1 and the Strike. As for RT in general, I have ever yet to see a full, good & completely finished Mod for any game. Maybe one day that might change. Now as for the Izumo, if they want it or need it for their mod they can have it. I really do not mind if anyone uses this model. I just want to be aware of what its getting used for and that credit is given... /Off RT
  13. Thanks again Lestat, that hanger bay shot has helped me out a lot this past afternoon. 90% of the Hanger Bay is textured in, I just need to add in the lights and the control booth or obversation windows now. Anyways time to run, got work in a few hours.
  14. Well I would have posted this sooner but it turns out its a snow day over here and my sleep , if you want to call it that, schedule got screwed. As you can see the brigde tower is all .. messed up ..just simply because one mod viewer i use atomatically applies an texture to anything with out one .. Oh yeah and it flips all textures as well ..so the letter are all backwards ... I would have took a shot in milkshape but my ati card doesn't like that program to well ...faces bleed thru etc... All of the base lines are done for the rest of the ship. Bridge and Internal Hagger are next before I redo the texturing.
  15. up-date: She is about 95% texture mapped in, all that is left if the bridge tower and the internal hanger bay. When I get up this afternoon I will post a preshot of what has been done sofar. Currently she is at 4870 Polys which is a little high but I am fairly shure I can trim that down a bit if I redesign the turrets. Anyways time for me to crash..just got off work (3rd shift) not to long ago and I am starting to run down. Just keep in mind.. wonce the texture mapping is done. I am going to go back and add in detail & clean it up.
  16. yeah ... its coming along ..if its not one thing it is the other ..texturing isn't so bad ...pulling the right faces for the uvmapping can be a royal pain thou. base line texturing is about 80% done and uvmapped. Once I get the rest of the ship mapped in I will post another shot. Before I take it and rework the texturing one last time. Does anyone know what a standard VF hanger bay looks like? I need to create the texture mapping for the internal landing bay for this ship. If there is nothing out there I will just create something close ... (Already goggled for pics found nothing). As a side note, I am going to put up some properganda posters inside the landing bay as well... So depending on what angle you come in to land ...you should be able to see them in the hanger bay.
  17. Yeah ... I know how much you love RT Lestat So ..I took an Mospeada ship that is now known to be connected with RT and now ..twisting it again and attempting to make it Macross Lol, what can I say I am just a trouble maker! Anyways this ship is going to be for a Macross mod (which has not been named yet) that I am working on. It currently has two meshed in hangers bays one on the port and starboard sides. It will be intresting to see how the texturing holds up when you pilot your fighter up to the landing bay to make your landing .. (crosses fingers) just have to wait and see. Lestat ...man I do not now how you do it ..I have seen your texturing work before with the first HW Mod ... it just keeps getting better & better.
  18. Well guys I hope this shot is an improvement over the first part of texturing the ship ? Its been to long since I last textured anything ..and some of this is slowly coming back to me..
  19. okay ..been working on the textures since my last post ...Thankfully looking at some of the HomeWorld2 mod shots that where sticky'd helped break part of the block. Its no where near even being close to being done but the basic lines are put in place. Plus I need to bump the texture map size up to 1024 by 1024 ...the 512 map just lacks fine line detail which I need to get in place. Anyone else think I should tone down those black panel like lines?
  20. Hay guys I know its been a long time since I visited these forums but I am zapped of texturing inspiration. For whatever reason I am stuck in modeling mode and just have the texturing blahs and don't truely feal like spending a whole lot of time creating new textures..regrouping faces and applying them currenty. I could go on modeling but then I would have a handfull ships with no textures applied to them Anyways, its not like artist don't have a series of projects that are always close to being finished. So I am currently stuck and due to the ships poly-count 4200 I hoping I can get away with using one 1024 by 1024 bmp but we will see. The main issue I know I am going to have is keep the detail fairly sharp..since it is going to be imported into the StarShatter game engine and the piloted fighters are able to land in the hanger bays on the port and starboard sides. Anyone have any suggestions? I would like to turn this Mospeada ship into more of a Macross styled U.N. SPACY paint scheme. Any help to break this block would be greatly appericated.
  21. Well, I am willing to help out where I can ..but most of my work is low-poly and I have no animation skills..or computer able to chug out an .avi etc...
  22. Very nice ...excellent model .. Let me just say this, I spent the past 5 hours trying to get FS2004 to run on my system. In the ended it was just easier to Reinstall my whole OS and start over from scratch to get this bugger to run. Man this baby is fast, blew the doors off of a 747-400 on take off and this was giving it a 1 minute head start .. I can not wait to see more Macross ships flying around in this game. Maybe the CG guys would let us use a few of there VF's later on down the road for this.
  23. Well now I am bitten by the bug to get more Macross stuff into a flight sim. I do not know what I will start out with (shrug) since I will be learning Gmax and the proper scripting for MS Flight Sim04. A Fighter Pod would be intresting and yet different.
  24. Simply awesome work guys! To bad there is not a flight sim game engine that can handle actual weapons, then we could have some real fun! Well I did a little bacck ground checking and I found..well re-found a combat flight sim that might do the trick. "Strike Fighters : Project 1" On of hte active forums for it can be found here:http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/boards/bbs/ultimatebb.php?ubb=forum;f=55 Sounds like you can do your models in Max and then some how export them into the game. Although I have yet to find a tut on how to manage all of this. Not to mention the game is now out of print.
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