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Everything posted by AncientAngel
Macross Plane-form 3d renderings-- I need yours for a mod for HAWX
AncientAngel replied to RF-26AAC's topic in Fan Works
I believe Hawx can do more than what is currently known about. Seems the DEV's put some fore thought into the game but never opened up its true hidden potential. I have seen this process done in the past and it only means they are planning/marketing for a Hawx 2 and or expansion packs. Where they can make a base line profit off of the code that is already in the game just by simply turning different possible features on and calling it new content. What they haven't thought of yet, is this mod'ing community will eventually find away to create that content and or turn those features on. Its the 500lb genie in the bottle that will eventually break them if they do not treat it with enough respect and care. -
Macross Plane-form 3d renderings-- I need yours for a mod for HAWX
AncientAngel replied to RF-26AAC's topic in Fan Works
Well guys, StarShatter game engine does allow for real physics. But there is no programing code to handle any sort of transformation process. Otherwise you can model about anything into the game. Carriers, Battleships, Frigates, Fighters etc... You can create new weapons and their profiles otherwise called "DEF"'s. I took a shot at it awhile ago and got side tracked by a 3D animation studio. Here is a in-game shot of the game engine. YouTube Video of a VF-1 Super in-game Around 24 seconds you will see the reaction control thrusters in the wings key up. -
Macross Plane-form 3d renderings-- I need yours for a mod for HAWX
AncientAngel replied to RF-26AAC's topic in Fan Works
As much as that game engine has been changed by the community. It is a shame another company took advantage of this fact and now are making profits off of this work. Dam the man, Save the Empire. -
Really need to post up download links to YSflight and the Macross Addons. God love'm for putting that much time into this Sim.
Macross Plane-form 3d renderings-- I need yours for a mod for HAWX
AncientAngel replied to RF-26AAC's topic in Fan Works
The FreeSpace2 game engine is now free to the public. The community took control over the gaming code years ago and started tweaking it and getting it up to date. As for Mod'ing it, I have no idea that is more of Star Dragons knowledge base. -
Macross Plane-form 3d renderings-- I need yours for a mod for HAWX
AncientAngel replied to RF-26AAC's topic in Fan Works
To be completely honest. I am surprised there has not been a Freelancer mod for Macross. Mod the living hell out of it and you would have a good start for a basis of a game. Granted transformation modes are next to none unless you can secure a programmer to twist the code. Again, not a Grand game engine but it is a small step in the right direction. -
Macross Plane-form 3d renderings-- I need yours for a mod for HAWX
AncientAngel replied to RF-26AAC's topic in Fan Works
Star Dragon: I found the information buried in the thread with no rhyme or reason to it. You literally had to read each post to catch on to what was going on. Organization would be extremely help full over there. By no means did anyone PM me with this information, I found it all scattered to the wind in that thread and that huge section I posted at the end with "code" every where was linked to from the forums. Sakura Shinguji: Thanks for the kind words on the VF-1. As for me pulling another Solo project, for get it. Been there done that for the past 6 plus years. Besides the amount of forth coming information from the HAWX engine is extremely lacking. Well, not that you can't find it but it does seem if you are not in the "in" crowd. You might as well stay seated in the bleachers type attitude does not sit very well with me. Side thought, 18K poly fighters would look great, luckily enough I have none over 4K. -
Macross Plane-form 3d renderings-- I need yours for a mod for HAWX
AncientAngel replied to RF-26AAC's topic in Fan Works
Here is the bulk of what I found by going threw 60 of those pages sofar. Warning Wall of Text coming up. If you are looking for the folder to put modified skins in you have to make it first. Go to Ubisoft/tom clancys HAWX/data and make a folder called "textures". Inside of this on put a folder called "geoms". Put the modified skins in here. If you call the modified skin file the same as the original skin file your PC will pick them up instead of the game ones. PhotoShop Info hmm, when you open the file in photoshop, do you get a prompt "NVIDIA DDS read properties"? thats what i get whenever i open the dds files, and i just choose the first option "load using default sizes" you can convert to 8 or 16 bit, but i dont use those. when the files open, it should be 1024x1024 image size at 72 DPI, although this might all be different in CS3, i use PS 7. More Details This is all in the forums somewhere but I thought i'd repeat it as I have asked all the same questions in the past few days. To get the original skins you need to open the data2.pak file in the main Hawx folder. Its like a rar file so open it with winrar. Once in winrar navigate to textures/geoms and extract all these files to a new folder somewhere. If you are asked for a password it is in the private message I sent you. Its easier to unzip all the files at once rather than entering this each time you want to extract a file. The plane skins you need all end _P01 or _P02 e.g. YF-23_Blackwidow_II_P01. You can view and edit these skins in Photoshop using the nvidia .dds plugin from http://developer.nvidia.com/ob...hop_dds_plugins.html. You can also view them using the DXTBMP program from here http://www.mnwright.btinternet.../...rams/dxtbmp.htm. Shout if you need anymore info - looking forward to seeing some skins :-) Password: rF4hfGe1PfrzGe3IbaRtWsIn For the WinRar extraction. Tools This might also help anyone out there. Not sure if this has been posted but these are two tools that allow for much easier handling of DDS files. http://developer.nvidia.com/ob...humbnail_viewer.html http://developer.nvidia.com/ob..._texture_viewer.html newest version by Lotsbiss, this tool is all 3 tools built into 1. it also has a chinese and an english version. http://files.filefront.com/Lot...38268;/fileinfo.html Gimp hey guys what kind of compression do the dds files for hawx use? cause when i save a dds files in gimp its like 4 mb you should save in "8.8.8 24 bit (RGB)", but the files are about 4mb each, so your doing it right. Custom Afterburners Here is the link to the afterburners. After you download change name by deleting the (blurred Rings) part. In the data\textures folder create a new folder called Planefx place the file in that folder and you should be good. I say should be because these directions are from memory (no home PC access right now). If you have any problems let me know. http://rapidshare.com/files/21...rred_rings_.dds.html New Model Syntax So how did you get the EDI selectable as an extra plane? I added the B-52 to the defaultplanes.lua and that made it show up in the hanger, except the plane is half sunken and doesnt have its name, also the plane is locked and i'm not sure how to unlock it. you have to recompile the entities.mdl file as the default_planes.lua references dem_* files. can you post the entry you used in the default_planes.lua file { Name = "B52", Pack = "MainMenu", Model = "dem_B-52H_Stratofortress_highpoly_player", Dat = "Data/Models/plane_playable/menu_B-52H_Stratofortress_highpoly.dat", Skin2 = 0, Country = 0, Level = 0, Speed = 1, Maneuverability = 1, Resistance = 10, AARating = 1, AGRating = 10, Role = 2, Stealth = 0, Carrier = 0, EW = 0, SuperCannon = 0, Drift = 0, StallRecovery = 1, Stability = 2, Avionics = 2, WeaponCharge = 2, SPPacks = { {"wpm_BM-FFB-FL",160,90,0,7}, {"wpm_BM-RG-FL",160,35,0,7}, {"wpm_BM-AGM-FL",160,52,0,7}, }, MPPacks = { {"wpm_BM-FFB-FL_mp",50,50,0,4}, {"wpm_BM-RG-FL_mp",50,14,0,3}, {"wpm_BM-AGM-FL_mp",50,40,0,4}, {"wpm_BM-EW-FL_mp",50,1,0,8}, }, Pic = {"Data\\Textures\\Menus2\\PlaneIcons.dds",0.5,0,0.6,0.125} }, More Adding New Planes into the Hanger *Note, adding another plane into HAWX will probably screw up your Profile, so do a backup or if like me you don't really care about the XP/Ranking just carry on (challenges aren't affected) Required ====== http://www.mediafire.com/?jnyg5mnomuj http://www.mediafire.com/?4nymjjjgzmy 7-Zip or some other Zip tool rF4hfGe1PfrzGe3IbaRtWsIn (password for pak files) Microsoft .Net 3.5 for the toolkit I will use Impala_88 EDI Mod as the basis for the guide. http://files.filefront.com/EDI+UCAV+hawx+M...;/fileinfo.html The latest Mod already includes the plane, this is how I got it in the game ?Why is it called dem_EurofighteZ_Typhoon_player to save time when hex editing open up plane2skins.lua and add the following lines in (add them into the function) CODE isPlaneWithTwoSkinsName() .. if id == "dem_EurofighteZ_Typhoon_player" then return true end .. end CODE function isNewModdedPlane ( plane ) .. if plane == "dem_EurofighteZ_Typhoon_player" then return true end .. end CODE function getNewModdedPlaneCaption ( plane ) .. if plane == "dem_EurofighteZ_Typhoon_player" then return "EDI Stealth" end .. end CODE function isExtraPlayablePlane( plane ) .. if plane == "dem_EurofighteZ_Typhoon_player" then return true end if plane == "dem_EurofighteZ_Typhoon_skin2_player" then return true end .. end getNewModdedPlaneCaption, this sets the name to display for the plane in the hangar This makes the EDI Stealth unlocked, displays EDI Stealth in the hangar and allows the plane to use 2 skins open up default_planes.lua add the following to the end of the file CODE { Name = "EDI", Pack = "MainMenu", Model = "dem_EurofighteZ_Typhoon_player", Dat = "Data/Models/plane_playable/menu_Eurofighter-200Z_Typhoon.dat", Skin2 = 1, Skin2Model="dem_EurofighteZ_Typhoon_skin2_player", Skin2Dat="Data/models/plane_playable/menu_skin2_Eurofighter-200Z_Typhoon.dat", Country = 2, Level = 0, Speed = 5, Maneuverability = 9, Resistance = 6, AARating = 9, AGRating = 7, Role = 3, Stealth = 0, Carrier = 0, EW = 0, SuperCannon = 0, Drift = 1, StallRecovery = 1, Stability = 1, Avionics = 3, WeaponCharge = 1, SPPacks = { {"wpm_BM-MM-FL",140,40,0,5}, {"wpm_BM-MM-FFB-FL",140,20,60,5}, {"wpm_BM-AM-RL-FL",140,50,140,5}, }, MPPacks = { {"wpm_BM-MM-FL_mp",40,20,0,3}, {"wpm_BM-MM-FFB-FL_mp",40,16,20,3}, {"wpm_BM-AM-RL-FL_mp",40,10,60,3}, }, Pic = {"Data\\Textures\\Menus2\\PlaneIcons.dds",0.7,0.5,0.8,0.625} }, Go to where you extracted the EDI Stealth Model data\models\plane_playable CODE Eurofighter-2000_Typhoon.dat rename to Eurofighter-200Z_Typhoon.dat menu_Eurofighter-2000_Typhoon.dat rename to menu_Eurofighter-200Z_Typhoon.dat copy Eurofighter-200Z_Typhoon.dat to skin2_Eurofighter-200Z_Typhoon.dat copy menu_Eurofighter-200Z_Typhoon.dat to menu_skin2_Eurofighter-200Z_Typhoon.dat data\textures\geom CODE Eurofighter-2000_Typhoon_N.dds rename to Eurofighter-200Z_Typhoon_N.dds Eurofighter-2000_Typhoon_P01.dds rename to Eurofighter-200Z_Typhoon_P01.dds Eurofighter-200Z_Typhoon_P01.dds copy to Eurofighter-200Z_Typhoon_P02.dds Eurofighter-2000_Typhoon_S.dds rename to Eurofighter-200Z_Typhoon_S.dds open up Eurofighter-200Z_Typhoon.dat in xvi32 Hex Edtior replace EuroFighter-2000_Typhoon_<xx>.dds with EuroFighter-200Z_Typhoon_<xx>.dds (4 occurences) open up menu_Eurofighter-200Z_Typhoon.dat in xvi32 Hex Edtior replace EuroFighter-2000_Typhoon_<xx>.dds with EuroFighter-200Z_Typhoon_<xx>.dds (4 occurences) open up skin2_Eurofighter-200Z_Typhoon.dat in xvi32 Hex Edtior replace EuroFighter-2000_Typhoon_<xx> with EuroFighter-200Z_Typhoon_<xx> (4 occurences) open up menu_skin2_Eurofighter-200Z_Typhoon.dat in xvi32 Hex Edtior replace EuroFighter-2000_Typhoon_<xx> with EuroFighter-200Z_Typhoon_<xx> (4 occurences) <xx>; Value are P01, _N or _S Go to 'entities_recompiler\tests\unknown' CODE dem_Eurofighter_Typhoon_player.bin copy to dem_EurofighteZ_Typhoon_player.bin dem_Eurofighter_Typhoon_player_Expert.bin copy to dem_EurofighteZ_Typhoon_player_Expert.bin dem_Eurofighter_Typhoon_skin2_player.bin copy to dem_EurofighteZ_Typhoon_skin2_player.bin dem_Eurofighter_Typhoon_skin2_player_Expert.bin copy to dem_EurofighteZ_Typhoon_skin2_player_Expert.bin open up dem_EurofighteZ_Typhoon_player.bin in xvi32 Hex Edtior replace EuroFighter-2000 with EuroFighter-200Z (1 occurence) open up dem_EurofighteZ_Typhoon_player_Expert.bin in xvi32 Hex Edtior replace EuroFighter-2000 with EuroFighter-200Z (1 occurence) open up dem_EurofighteZ_Typhoon_skin2_player.bin in xvi32 Hex Edtior replace EuroFighter-2000 with EuroFighter-200Z (1 occurence) open up dem_EurofighteZ_Typhoon_skin2_player_Expert.bin in xvi32 Hex Edtior replace EuroFighter-2000 with EuroFighter-200Z (1 occurence) open up entities_ordered.txt add the following to the bottom of the file CODE dem_EurofighteZ_Typhoon_player dem_EurofighteZ_Typhoon_skin2_player dem_EurofighteZ_Typhoon_player_Expert dem_EurofighteZ_Typhoon_skin2_player_Expert open up entities_unknown3.txt add the following to the bottom of the file CODE dem_EurofighteZ_Typhoon_player.bin,814 dem_EurofighteZ_Typhoon_skin2_player.bin,826 dem_EurofighteZ_Typhoon_player_Expert.bin,834 dem_EurofighteZ_Typhoon_skin2_player_Expert.bin,846 run 'Entities Recompiler.exe', this will output entities_mod.mdl .. rename this to entities.mdl and drop into data\missions\common folder go to the extracted \inicache\data\scripts folder CODE eurofighter-2000_typhoon.ini copy to eurofighter-200Z_typhoon.ini menu_eurofighter-2000_typhoon.ini copy to menu_eurofighter-200Z_typhoon.ini eurofighter-200Z_typhoon.ini copy to skin2_eurofighter-200Z_typhoon.ini menu_eurofighter-200Z_typhoon.ini copy to menu_skin2_eurofighter-200Z_typhoon.ini go to the inicache folder, select all files and folders ( config, data, config.ini, test.ini ) create a Zip file, password for the file is rF4hfGe1PfrzGe3IbaRtWsIn, call it DataInis.pak That's about it.... Textures go in data\textures\geom Models go in data\models\plane_playable Scripts go in data\menus2\ Entities.mdl goes in data\mission\common\ DataInis.pak goes in main Hawx Program Folder -
Macross Plane-form 3d renderings-- I need yours for a mod for HAWX
AncientAngel replied to RF-26AAC's topic in Fan Works
Umm, the thread I just read stated you can add in new planes. I am compiling notes on everything I have found so far about mod'ing this sucker. The first Mission in the Demo is rough at first. Using a keyboard would be a complete mess thank God I've been using a Joystick. When ever I get into a fur ball with more than 1 Fighter I toggle that sucker off and rip them a new one. Gives you a better perspective on what the other plane is doing and beats the hell out of having your head on a pivot and wondering where did he go? Anyways, like I have stated earlier I did find the notes on the code and the files that needed to be mod'ed to do it. Then again, the SS game engine can handle a lot of this very same thing. But I am afraid my time is going to be highly limited soon. Need to find a second job with in the next two weeks. -
Macross Plane-form 3d renderings-- I need yours for a mod for HAWX
AncientAngel replied to RF-26AAC's topic in Fan Works
Yeah, I have posted in the Hawx thread about helping out. Seems Mod'ing this game engine is going to be a pain unless you know someone that can do it. I have looked around and at best all I know at this point is the model has to be in .obj format. For the conversion tool, which must be a well kept secret because there is next to no info and or links for mod'ing tools. Game Communities like this always have me confuzed. They want more aircraft possibilities in-game yet they guard the mod'ing/porting process so dam tightly, that they limit and control what gets put in-game. Even if that is not their intention. I have also seen postings where someone in 3D max was able to get flight control surfaces rigged up for the game. Depending on what that entails, there might be a slim chance to transform into gerwalk mode. If the swing wing animations are tied into players speed you might be able to move a few more parts. Anyways, I am going to look and see if I can dig up some more information. I've got some meshes that could be used. But they are low poly and I have yet to find what poly limit they game is using for their models. Here are just a few that need to textured out and finished. If By chance you guys wanted a full blown Mospeada conversion I have more than enough to cover it. Also have the Garfish (textured) Ikazuchi and the Izumo meshed out as well but I am not sure how well they will work since they are mainly found in space. Oh yeah, I have a Horizont meshed out as well. Only missing the Shock Trooper, Trooper and Clam ship on the Invid side, not counting Scout with booster. Side note I have a TV version of the SDF-1 that has been slowly getting meshed in. Granted it may run over 20K worth in polys thou and again, not shure what the useable poly limit is for the game. -
Macross Plane-form 3d renderings-- I need yours for a mod for HAWX
AncientAngel replied to RF-26AAC's topic in Fan Works
If its mod-able I will throw all that I got at it to make it happen. -
Macross Plane-form 3d renderings-- I need yours for a mod for HAWX
AncientAngel replied to RF-26AAC's topic in Fan Works
I got a VF-1J sitting around untextured (still) but its low poly. 6600 poly range with everything you see in the picture. Granted its not perfect by all means but its meant to be a game model and not a cgi beauty. I have an RT/Mospeada Alpha fighter (untextured & low poly format as well) Roughly 1600 polys. -
Dam fine work! Working on learning Modo, soon once the book finally arrives in the mail. Keep up the good work, that model is coming along nicely.
Holy Hell! Very nice work and detail going on there. Makes me want to scratch the low poly Valk I have been working on.
You know, no where in my post did I even attempt to flame. But it does seem to be a habit of someone to start a conversation to egg someone on. Or maybe I am just to dense and read into the post you directed at me, when I was attempting to lend a hand and possibly help out. Frankly I shouldn't even be posting even this statement and leave this whole topic alone like intended. I am not looking at winning this discussion nor do I care to, if you think this is another attempt to flame about this subject you would be incorrect. I have more respect for this forums do to so. I offered help and was hit with 3 reasons why I am behind the modeling curve. Fine, not a problem so I attempt to explain what is going on and the reasons for it and it is taken as an attack. In your response ,I am not arguing with you about performance but I guess I have been several times now? When I was talking about large scale combat, based towards the MMO and not directly at your game engine. Hence the reasons for low poly ship budgets. I drop the subject then someone finds the time to bring it up again and I get nicely lumped into a flame wars group. I do not mind criticism or discussing a topic look at the last series of posts I have enough thrown right at me. for simply offering to help & explaining why I am modeling in low poly format. For the last time, I am done posting in this thread, period. I have no intention of ever helping you at this point with this project due to obvious personality issues/differences between the two of us.
Fine, end of discussion. I'm done and good luck. Not going to argue this stuff when there is no need for it.
Well first let me go over the points. 1] The VF-1J was done for the MMO guys in low poly format. We have a sort of poly budget to use on models, the ship in question has only 2200 polys. Still needs some more additional attention to it yet. 2] Even in 09, large scale combat with 10-20K models will eventually choke the CPU or GPU which ever comes first. If you are going for the Ace Combat approach with no multi-player function then its do able. As for textures, I have been doing 1024's for over the past four years, it was a set standard around then. But I only do one texture map, no specular mapping. For one, when trying to recreate a game model based on cell shaded animation series a single texture with layers should do the trick. If you are going for the ultra realistic, which seems to be the direction, then yes all three would really make a model come to life. Only problem is, most game engines, will render that one model in three passes, vs a single pass with the single layer causing the over all frame rate to go down. As for bump mapping and specular mapping, I have yet to learn that process. Making my cockpit canopy clear, is also something I have been looking at doing as well. Right now it is not feasible with the MMO group. clear cockpit means a cockpit needs to be mesh in. Thus adding to the poly budget, granted a very basic and simple one can be put in place and let the texture do the work for yah. In any cae I have yet to find the right documentation to do the clear canopies. VF-1J & Alpha Fighter are all based off of blue prints as well. Both handle and are designed to go threw the transformation process as well, just in low poly form. Alpha fighter is only 1600 polys, the hands still need to be done for the ship but that is up in the air until I have an understanding on how much articulation needs to be designed into them. 3] I use Wings3D for my modeling work and an ancient Paint Shop Pro7 for texturing. In the process of attempting/learning to texture in Wings3D. But all of my model screen shots are done in 3D Exploration which makes a huge difference in presentation quality. As for the bad experience with another group on a game project. Yes, I did have one but since I was the only person on the project it had nothing to do with the project. It had everything to do with the Non-3D Max tools needed to convert the models over into the correct format for the game. I got tired of spending 8hrs on one ship model just to get the basic features into the game. Only to see 1 poly texture thrown off of the ship model. Why spend over 20hrs to get one ship in game for it to look like utter crap. The game engine was StarShatter 2, it has huge potential for those that use 3D Max. For us non 3D Max people if the magic tool didn't convert the ship properly you where just out of luck. Then I ran into a poly limit issue with it, anything close to 10K worth would choke the converter. Here are some samples, extremely old ones (6 Plus years on the StarShatter game engine) So the project is not dead, I just need to find a game engine that I can tweek with out the use of 3D Max and or learning how to script code. Please, by no means I am not a great modeler. I am still trying to figure this stuff out by messing with it until I get the desired affect. The only reason why I ever started modeling in the first place was to see in my Life Time this sort of stuff put into a game some 10 odd years ago. Lestat's low poly work was a huge inspiration for me during the HW: DYRL mod team days. His low poly work is just simply out standing. I can do higher poly work, still not CGI but in that in between stage. Still sticking to a sort of low poly frame of mind but expanding on it a little more. I started playing around with that idea last week. Started redoing the beast from a few line drawings I have found. I tell you what it is harder than hell to come up with the ships out line and transformation process based off of 2.5 inch long line drawings. Three days worth of work and 11.2K polys later the rough shape of the ship has been put in place. As for being on Skype, between the computer crash, buying a new system and needing to get away from the Net for awhile. I have not had the desire to talk shop in awhile.
Should have said you needed an Alpha fighter. Could of saved you a little bit of time meshing unless you just had the urge to build one. Still need to build the hands and create the gun pod for it though plus texture it.
I have my old one sitting around for a game project. It is low poly thou, just under 3K in weight.
Looking good, actually very good.
You on Skype anymore? Been so long, I am not sure who is who in my contacts for some people.
Please for the love of God Destroy that Ikazuchi and Izumo models I did 4 plus years ago. (ick) Even my old Garfish needs to go by bye for the newer version.
Mesher wanted for Macross/RT turrrets for ships
AncientAngel replied to Star Dragon's topic in Fan Works
I have some turrets already made and they should be low enough in poly count. -
My status is up in the air right now since my computer system is questionable right now. Still waiting to build that new system so I am not putting any effort into modeling and texture work until then.