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Million Star

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Everything posted by Million Star

  1. Hmmm this thread has inspired me to finally start putting together a solid UC Gundam archive on my shelf instead of the random VHS fansubs and downloads I have now. I was just about to pull the trigger on the US Bandai Entertainment Z Gundam boxes when I read the original opening and ending arrangements have been altered because of rights issues . Not sure what to do now, can anyone comment on how bad or good the subtitles and picture quality are on the HK bootleg sets of Z Gundam, ZZ Gundam, Victory Gundam and Turn A Gundam?
  2. Hmmm, thanks very much Keith, some guy on Amazon reviews was bitching that the US release was much more `washed out` than the Japanese one. If it`s not the subtitles, then does anyone know what the BD Live content for the release is? Also does anyone know if the old US Bandai Entertainment release of Mobile Suit Gundam (TV series) had a subtitled version?
  3. Can anyone comment on the Japanese version of the Gundam Unicorn I Blu-ray? Are the English subtitles on the disc or do I have to connect to BD live every time to see them? I`d prefer to have the Japanese release as I heard the mastering is better (as usual with jp releases) but I dont like the idea of having to always be connected to the internet to watch my purchase with subs, or for bandai to always have them on their servers or something. I just want a complete product ya know?
  4. haha, thats f`n cool!
  5. Nice, I should spend more time looking at Macross listings, would love some of those VHS tapes, the artwork on the Mecha Graffiti VHS looks too cool.
  6. You can probably import a deadstock launch 20GB off yahoo japan auctions for that or less.
  7. I am so jealous and sad that I dont live in Tokyo anymore. That sounded like a once in a lifetime opportunity to go back in time to the summer of `84.
  8. All Japan is to me is a giant shopping mall where there`s a store selling deadstock Jordans from the `90s right next to the foodcourt.

  9. Some cool stuff in this thread. Nice, nice, VHD, the first in home 3D play back machine I always meant to pick one up in Japan. Where did you find your Macross VHDs? Yahoo Japan auctions?
  10. my new ES Amp is on my desk! Built like a tank and crystal clear sound with all the processing turned off.
  11. Although the city detailing on the other Macross is better this is my favorite build of the two overall. The overall sense just feels closer to DYRL on Kurt`s build. Amazing work and congratulations to both owners though.
  12. Here`s my humble collection I`ve built up very slowly over the last 15 years. To feel generally satisfied ( besides an SDF-1, Super Ostrich, Max-1S and GBP-1S!) I just really need the Gold Book to complete my collection to a `good enough for now, for a poor guy` status). Anyone know how much the Gold Book generally goes for these days? Are prices going up, down or stable?
  13. niiiiice. I have a signed and numbered mikimoto illustrations hardcover but no sketch : (
  14. nice deck! I dreamed of one of those back in the day. A testament to how well those things were built that it still produces great results 22 years later! In fact I still dream of one or similar, I just dragged a box of old VHS out of storage and want to transfer a lot of irreplaceable stuff to hard disk.
  15. I know its not 2D but imho I think the best of that Genre was actually Die Hard Arcade/Dynamite Deka for arcade/Saturn, its probably my all time favorite Saturn game. I played a sequal at some arcade in Tokyo a few years ago, it was bizarre, with weird enemies made of transforming lego??
  16. drool at this thread..I wish I was a millionaire, I would collect the shi t out of Hot Toys 1/6th Afghanistan figures.
  17. My friends wanted to see it at imax and I refused. I got better things to spend $27 on. They ended up paying for me so I didnt have to wait outside in the cold. Feel kinda bad but the movie sucked as much as I thought it would, waiting outside woulda been better probably.
  18. sometimes I forget how old the F-22 project actually is. The time from first flight to service introduction was extremely long from memory. Is this really a SNES thread so far? I don`t have very good reflexes so some of the best SNES games for me were Metal Marines/Militia, P.T.O.II and UN Squadron/Area 88. I did finish Megaman X, Darius Twin, Aliens, Cybernator and all the SNES Mario games still though, I just took longer than anyone else I know. The thing about SNES was a lot of the games were just poor mario clones AKA platformers. Way too many platformers on SNES, the games that broke that mould were always the best imo I`ve had Scramble Valkyrie sitting on my shelf for a couple of years but have yet to get my SNES out of storage to finally play it.
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