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Million Star

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Everything posted by Million Star

  1. Roy Strike 1S - any scale or maker. In fighter mode its just the epitomy of Macross to me. Completely bad ass war machine, looks so f`n cool from any angle.
  2. Ah just checked Australian Customs and its true the duty free limit for imports has been increased from AUD$250 to AUD$1000 as of October 2005 . So AmiAmi all the way. Too bad I cant really afford this, having no job and all, oh well, theres always deadstock or the used market in a year or two.
  3. Will HLJ mark it as a gift/low value? Might make it cheaper than through AmiAmi? Although I heard Australian customs only bothers to charge duty on items over $1000 these days? Any Aussies know if that is true?
  4. very nice. Now you can start adding 1/5000 characters, christmas cakes, posters, sempai helmets, tax returns and spare change etc to really bring the city to life. Good luck.
  5. I wonder how it ended up there? Theres no collector that would donate it. Maybe a wife or mother donated it `on behalf` of a the collector? Or my personal favorite story: maybe a rich Japanese or HK family moved out to Australia in the `80s, their kids had so many toys that there were too many to play with and some weren`t even opened. This year since the kids have moved out the grandmother had a clean out and donated it and the other things you picked up to the store.
  6. very sensible post.
  7. It doesn`t look too large to be 1/60 at all imo. Regults consistantly tower over valkyries in the TV series. In the movie they are only seen in outer space combat so its harder to judge the size difference but in the TV series its clear in the majority of ground combat scenes that regults are much larger than valkyries.
  8. nice pick up! I think I`ll go check out my local Vinnies and Salvos tomorrow...
  9. So this is 100% confirmed to be a completed and painted toy right? If so I`m in, will look bad ass on my desk with the rest of my small DYRL collection.
  10. Thats very cool man, it reminds me of playing Dino Wars! where the emphasis is on fun rather than scale or realism. still it would be epic to see this game at a much smaller scale with complete Zent invading forces vs complete UN Spacy garrison.
  11. Interesting post, I was hesitant to write anything negative about Mari Iijima myself due to her being worshipped here. I have to say I can believe there are two sides to the story of the con, because after reading Mari Iijima`s facebook for the last 6 months she does come off often as over senstive and a little prima-donna ish, and really a little too sensitive about being typecast as Minmay. I love her music and voice (Macross and non), have most of her albums but as a person, I`m not sure I would want to hang out with her. But thats 99% of famous people. and I guess she does cons for the money, she even offered Japanese lessons on mariimusic.com at one point (still does?), after all, like athletes, singers generally only have a limited time at being marketable and they have to make as much money as possible during that time. I know I`ll contribue to her retirement fund by continuing to only buy her material through marimusic.com. starting with the Lorna Doone reissue next! whoo hoo!
  12. well the sacanime `staff` are just volounteers so they can`t be out of a job. I`m sure that if they had jobs they would lose them over this in America. Actually in Japan it is VERY hard to lose your job for incompetence. If companies REALLY want to get rid of someone (rare) they will just bully the person until they resign. I`ve seen it happen multiple times.
  13. okay, I guess in the long term (or in this mod`s case the REALLY long term) its better to work up to the Spacy slowly.
  14. So just Meltran vs Zentran for now? No UN Spacy?
  15. I wonder if somewhere out there theres an Earth 2 convention held?
  16. okay, yeah thanks.
  17. haha, I bought those BGC tapes back in the day in Australia for AUD$70 a pop. Besides Gunbuster they were the only commercially subbed anime I could find until I got a multi system deck. Thankyou for the upload, I think I have this on the back of an old fansub somewhere but no VHS machine these days.
  18. I liked Small Wonder, Harry and the Hendersons, My Secret Identity, Weird Science (the TV show), it was all better than ALF. I mean ALF didnt make any sense, all ALF did was destroy the Tanner`s house, burn down the kitchen, eat all their food, chase their cat and they STILL didnt turn him into the CIA. Why not??? My vote goes to ALF as the worst Sci Fi TV show of all time.
  19. Sorry for the late reply Ruskii, I got mine off Yahoo Japan auctions while I was living in Japan. Theres tons of proxy services around online that will shop for you and charge around a 10% commission though. Even including shipping I`m sure you will pay less than what they charge here for PS3. Plus you can watch US/Japan blu-rays on it, including the trial frontier disc.
  20. Latic, so did you download and burn those titles with the custom covers? Do you have a modchipped Saturn or do you play on a PC emulator? If you play on a modchipped Saturn like me WHERE CAN I GET A REPLACEMENT BOOTLEG RAMCART???!!!
  21. I just realised my OGMs (including Orguss and Orange Road) havent converted over with subtitles intact. I used something called `OGM to AVI` converter but no subs option. MKV2VOB doesnt convert OGM...any other options?
  22. Well, I wouldn`t rule the Earth out yet, there is 3-400 years of oil left even without new field discoveries, the air and water keep getting cleaner as technology improves and if we embrace nuclear power then we have a good few 1000s of years to develop nuclear fusion. No point wasting government resources on futile ideas like wind, solar power and planetary emigration in a rush before the technology is even close. Get to nuclear fusion first, then we`ll talk. Maybe even about super long distance space travel. Also many experts now believe the Earths population will level out and start declining in the next 20 years. This is easy to believe as it is already happening in almost all developed countries and contraception programs in developing countries are starting to take hold already.
  23. yeah I tried using PS3 media server but even hard networked my low spec laptop had real trouble serving up mkvs smoothly, in face anything 720 and over.
  24. A non issue for Americans, but luckily I have a jp PS3. Remember Australians, you can import a Japanese PS3 for less than Australian RRP AND all PS3s are multi voltage!
  25. I use mkv2vob and yeah its not that fast but it will hardsub the file from the subtitle file if you select the option. The video and audio is almost identical to the original mkv I think.
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