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Everything posted by Squird5

  1. How? It would have to have one of the consonants between the O and the E removed. But seeing as there are two, I can't see how it could possibly be pronounced like that other than they did that so kids didn't start saying 'Roy F**ker'.
  2. Okay... Finally got around to watching an episode... Now my head hurts... 'It tore through the fabric of Hyperspace' the narrator says and I instantly think, "Did they mean time-space?(Space-time, w/e)" Then later they say 'Warp' Then they go back to 'Hyperspace' So what is it? Some sort of mystical HyperWarpSpaceSlipFoldCultureDrive powered by flowers and unborn whales? And OH GOD THE VOICE ACTING! I hear some of you complaining about the SDF Macross English dub, saying that Robotech's was better. I, personally, am quite confused by that... Sure, they pronounce Macross correctly, but FOW-KUR? Focker and Fokker aren't pronounced like that... Maybe Foker or something... And the lack of emotion. Rick gets shot down and Roy says, "Riiiick." Not even "RIIIIIIIIIICK!!" 'Maybe if I enlongate the 'I' sound I can last for as long as the animation has his mouth open.' No offense to the people here that DO like it, but I don't see how you can... Explain maybe?
  3. You mean... Trigun isn't real? NOOOO!!! And how many people had even heard of Jonah Hex before this? (Or had forgotten and didn't know who he was when first seeing the trailer)
  4. That just sounds creepy... "99% human my ass! HAHA!!"
  5. So, just don't bother with it. Though a live action version might be fun to see, just to laugh at in the middle of the theater...
  6. So, are there any real reasons to watch RT? It's not sounding that intriguing in my opinion... Before it sounded like a crappy ripoff of SDF... Now it sounds like a really crappy ripoff of a few things...
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