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Everything posted by mrhillz

  1. I've never seen anything about it in any art book, but did Shoji Kawamori ever design Super/Strike parts for the VF-4? If not, where do you think they would go on the plane? Or part of it on the wings, a la part of the VF-25's tornado pack. Just something to think about .
  2. Really cool, it was tough to decide who to cheer for at the end.
  3. Sounds awesome. They might actually do this well. Please don't be crap please don't be crap please don't be crap Please don't be crap please don't be crap please don't be crapPlease don't be crap please don't be crap please don't be crapPlease don't be crap please don't be crap please don't be crapPlease don't be crap please don't be crap please don't be crapPlease don't be crap please don't be crap please don't be crap
  4. While Shinji cries because he's unsure of his life?
  5. You mean DYRL isn't on Blu yet in Japan? I'm a bit surprised since they've really adopted the medium over there.
  6. To be honest, that's great for those that like to drive 4 + hours away (or fly) to cons, but what about the rest of the fan community? I mean word of mouth really doesn't do that much unless there's something to back it up, like an updated website.
  7. I just watched Shadow Chronicles again. It's alright, but it definitely isn't the best mecha anime movie out there. Is it just me or was Alex's death just kind of shoehorned? You can't even feel bad when he dies or anything, you know?
  8. Nothing really to add, I just wanted to say that Love But on a serious note, what exactly did that footage that they showed at the cons have anyways?
  9. Who is the other girl besides Jeanne and Minmei?
  10. I got the first Evangelion rebuild movie yesterday, my first anime on blu- ray! I'll probably watch it later on today. I'm expecting a few changes between it and the tv series. Does anyone know if Project A-Ko is still going to be re released on dvd? I missed out on it the first time.
  11. So, over the last month or two, I've been lurking, posting, etc. in this thread. It appears that the Robotech franchise really needs help if it would ever be revived. So far, some of the cures I've seen are- 1. Sell the franchise to Bandai 2. Re design the website. 3. A new re organization with the Robotech staff. 4. If you're going to start something, at least finish it, instead of empty promises. If no, just announce a cancellation and let it be the end of it. 5. Actually hype a project with more than just convention tours. Internet and other forms of media do more than word of mouth ever can. 6. Be truthful to fans as much as possible when answering a question, do not take the ball and run in another unrelated direction. 7. Learn to take criticism from fans, even if it's constructive. To be honest, most of these really do sound good. Are there any that I'm missing? What are the odds of any of these actually happening?
  12. Why does this have to happen right as I lose my job...
  13. I thought Robotech had a little bit of a revival about 10 years ago with the DVD releases, was it just an adrenaline shot that wore off after a few years?
  14. So, is there any time limit to when HG could lose the trademark? Or is that just too much wishful thinking.
  15. Don't you mean Rebecca Black? I think she would be able to get away with it. Then again, she's only sung one single so far, so it's hard to judge. While we're going into what if's , who would do Sheryl's vocals?
  16. But what about the Toynami 1/100 valks. If they release any this year, could that screw things up? Or would it have to be something from HG themselves.
  17. I started a thread on RT.com a bit over a month ago, then I found out that I could be flat out banned for it by friends here and other boards so I never bothered to post anymore in it. I just flat out asked why HG themselves couldn't get the rights to bring over the 1/48 /60/72/100 etc. valks. Eventually MEMO made a post in the thread. Enjoy. Can anyone translate what hey's trying to say?
  18. Yeah, they really did. The "New" Dungeon was great .
  19. ... April fool's?
  20. Your winner right there!
  21. I figured this thread would be as good as any to ask about Gundam Related stuff, since I didn't see any other ones. I just watched Endless Waltz for the first time in a LOOOOONG time, maybe 7-8 years. My question is this- why all the hate some people have for the W series? The gay undertones, if somewhat invented by trolls, are a given, but why else? It's just a bit of a retelling of the one year war with a few twists.
  22. Several of us have already donated, thanks for asking though . I hope things get better for you there .
  23. Why is the word Yamato filtered on the official site to stars? I just noticed it in a thread. I mean, they do make quality Macross toys after all.
  24. I'm pretty tempted on the Millia VF-22, that looks like a really good deal.
  25. It's just a random thought, but did any banks in Japan ever make any? They would be rather collectible if any were ever issued.
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