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Everything posted by mrhillz

  1. I can't help but feel that if it was Tony Oliver instead, they would be all over it. They seem to "love" him, get him when they can, etc.
  2. I think you're excuded, since you "Know the business" .
  3. Fansubs? Ranma was one of my favorite anime series in the 90's, I wouldn't mind watching it, no matter how godawful it is.
  4. That's the way I've been thinking for a while. Instead of trying in vain to keep things in the forefront, just be honest and put things off, let all the negativity die down, maybe work on a total reboot or something behind the scenes.
  5. Please forgive me if this has been posted before. How old were you when you first discovered Macross? It doesn't matter if it was Robotech or not, since it 'tech uses the same animation for the first third of their saga. I was about 14, just getting into anime, back when it was still rare and underground. I had heard of Robotech from when I was younger, from commericals and all, but it was never on here. So, I discovered that a video store here had anime for rent. I clearly remember renting Project A-KO, but saw both Robotech II the Sentinels and Macross II (this was the VHS days) on the shelf as well. I later rented Robotech II, but honestly didn't understand any bit of it. A few weeks later I rented Macross II vol 1, and I was amazed by the space combat and storyline. I then subequently rented the later volumes when the store got them in. An anime all about transforming jets? Yeah I was definitely pleased. I later rented Clash of the Bionoids from another rental store, by this time I knew it was Macross, but still didn't know how it was related to Robotech at all. A few years later I found out the "awful" truth about the differences between Robotech and Macross, By that time, I had all 4 vhs OVA episodes of Macross Plus (still my favorite macross story to date), had purchased the "Uncut" version of Clash of the Bionoids, aka "SDF Macross: Do You Remember Love?" as everyone else in the world knows it as. Then Robotech came on Toonami (RIP) , and I was able to enjoy it knowing it as an alternate universe to a greater storyline. Years later I was finally able to watch the original Macross series the way it was originally intended to, and enjoy it that much more So, what's your Macross story?
  6. Hey has anyone been able to find the vintage style Bespin Han anywhere? I have yet to find him in my area, I'll paypal the amount & shipping if anyone can find it. The stores here are picked over like crazy.
  7. That's what I meant. They're so tight I don't really want to touch them.
  8. I got my heavy artillery Regult today too, is the cannon on the top supposed to move? I was trying to, but decided not to in fear of breaking it off.
  9. My only Yammie, period, is a 1/48 Hikaru VF-1S . I'm a fan of the scale series just out of the fact that I haven't been able to mess with the 1/60 versions. My only complaint I have is the tiny hands it has. Half the time I almost feel like I'm going to break them in transformation.
  10. Wow, very nice.
  11. Robotech must have done such a good job at saving Macross. I mean, I bet Macek went back in time to help them do DYRL , then went forward in time to help Shawn&Graham make this site! We must owe a lot to HG!
  12. I would have to go on team Rick too. I mean come on, Shane in the comics. I just don't agree with anything that Shane's been doing. Though, Daryl really seems to be a wild card, his character development is interesting figuring they made him just for the show.
  13. So when are we getting reissues of these? I demand something that my MP Transformers and 1/48 can go on dates with!
  14. Actually look, I found the documentary right here! Starring McKeever and the yunes!
  15. You know, in their fanboy defense, even Duke Nukem Forever eventually came out, although dated, along with the original Dungeons&Dragons movie. I'm sure it'll eventually come out, but unfortunately 10 years or so down the road.
  16. I just now remembered to check this thread to see if there were any replies to what I said last week. Yeah I agree with that, heck even in wow you don't have to go through that to heal up, you just hit a button on one of your hotbars. In other news, Steam is having a fall sale right now, check it out daily if you use your pc for gaming as well.
  17. Seeing that the only yamato valk I have is a 1/48, I wouldn't mind having one at all.
  18. Yeah I know that they're two different people altogether, just wanted to pass along a convention sighting of McKeever, for his "fans" on the site, however many there could be *does he even have any? * And got sidetracked with the posted on Robotech X .
  19. I've purposely been refraining from posting in this thread for the most part due to that fact that I would be regurgitating the same topics that have been posted already. But- Does this guy really think that a cheap shot at a fan made production that's been delayed into almost nothing, as common ground with a professionally made production that's been just as delayed into nothing for years? Whatever helps him sleep at night I suppose. Also , the reason why I came to the thread, He's actually going to be an official convention guest somewhere? How? Why? Who did he pay off? http://ndkdenver.org/guests/kevin-mckeever
  20. I'm playing int on the pc. I haven't had that problem with rock joint on wolves, you have to hit the Q key to go to favorites on here, not that big of a deal to me.
  21. Thank you, I was wanting a version to watch on my 360, especially since I just got a HD tv.
  22. I just got the other game with Sky in the name, the gameplay is above the Rim so far .
  23. Cool, sounds like it could be a good jumping point for me to watch it.
  24. Just wondering, Who holds the rights for Macross Plus & Macross 2 in the US and other countries outside of Japan? If things happen like everybody's hoping but not holding their breaths on, these might finally get a Blu Ray release over here. Also, since Toynami aquired the Robotech liscense from HG, would this mean that there could be apossibilty for Bandai's and Yamato's USA divisions to release Macross toys if the demand for them would occur? *really wishful thinking, I know*
  25. How so? They would go back to Tatsunoko. Does Bandai work with them much?
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