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Everything posted by mrhillz

  1. I started playing last week. Been playing off and on since then because of work, have a cybernetic smuggler on corellian run at the monment. I don't know how much of the end game I'll do when I hit 50, or I'll just roll a jedi alt or something.
  2. At this point I just read this thread for laughs. Aside from recycling comments by new people, some of the stuff seen on the rt.com forums just seems like comedy gold to me. As in the words of Dark Helmet- "Keep firing @$$h0le5!"
  3. Same here, and anime conventions too, where most have never seen Robotech, but have heard of it, and even fewer have really heard of Macross- thanks HG.
  4. Looks good, I can't wait to see the final product.
  5. If the internet was as advanced where everyone could access it on their home computer, phone, tablet, etc. in the 80's as it is now, would people have laughed at Harmony Gold as we do today?
  6. That reminds me of some people at TFW who are the same way about G1. Yes, it was great, but it died in 1992 or so. Just put it to rest and move on.
  7. It really is such a shame that Robotech introduced Macross to so many people, only to see the company that can do anything try, stumble, fail, try again, stumble, fail again more miserably, then won't because of bad management and over inflated egos.
  8. To be honest, the anime market in the western world is shrinking, seeing how Media Blasters and Bandai Entertainment are no more. I wouldn't say that Macross would be a shot in the arm, but it could help.
  9. If someone intelligent decides to just get rid of Yune, Yune, & Mckeever, you do know that they would try for the self righteous martyr angle like how Glenn Halitt did when 3H went down in flames with the official transformers fan club stuff.
  10. Wow, very nicely done.
  11. So many cheap shots at HG in here it's like going to Hooters during happy hour. Any one want to speak on their defense?
  12. Well, Captain of the SDF-1 Macross didnt make a new one for the events this year, so I decided to in his place. Sometime this month the defensive battle of Macross City takes place, if it hasn't already, with Episode 36- Tender Farewell. In a matter of days from now, UN Spacy will annunce the Humankind emigration project as well, so check the news?
  13. Well, hopefully someone will pick up the Gundam Liscense then, I was looking forward to seeing Turn A a little bit.
  14. Damn, who's left now, Funimation, 4kids, and...?
  15. "Flash Crapper"? Come on, doesn't anyone want to poop while riding on a hover bike? Why should Dana/Jeanne get all the fun?
  16. And it's done, I've finished the main storyline in Skyrim.
  17. You know, should we be expecting the new dvd set to drop in price as fast as Duke Nukem Forever did?
  18. So I got WH40K Space Marine, it's on sale until tomorrow @ Best Buy for $30. If you have a $20 off coupon from their @Gamer magazine, you can get it for $10 like I did. Emperor Protects!
  19. Yeah I remember that, he had maybe one or two valid points, the rest were trollish at most. I"m waiting for someone to try to compare WH40K to RT.
  20. This is probably a dumb question, but I don't remember where this was explained. Who exactly were the group from the Galaxy fleet that wanted to take control of the Varja? Were they vengeful micronized Zentraedi or what?
  21. I was just thinking, why doesn't Kevin do a survey on the site to see what type of content that people would want to see, take constructive criticism and change the site from the feedback?
  22. You know, I actually thought that was a joke. A horrible horrible joke. Why don't they do that on Robotech episodes too, just to troll the fanbase even more?
  23. Shhh, Tommy might be watching.
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