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Everything posted by LOW_ALT

  1. I managed to get a grasp on the controls. About the only thing I can't figure out is how the customization menus. Great game though, tons of fun for something so simple.
  2. Just picked up a brand new copy of the votoms ps2 game for 20 bucks. I don't suppose anybody knows of a translation for the controls or menus by chance?
  3. It looks like you would do fine at weathering and adding some detail to your 1/12's. It doesn't take much, maybe just an oil wash and some paint chipping. Plus it's always easier to add the fine details to the larger toys.
  4. Love that pic of Fyana there alchemo. Got my DMZ dog yesterday and it's certainly top notch. While it looks much more "real" than the other toys, the weathering is very basic in application. Sort of inspires me to do a similar paint job on my Yamato if nobody takes it. The one thing I found strange about the DMZ compared to the Yamato is that the knee joint isn't so much in the knee but halfway up the thigh. There is maybe 1-2 degrees of articulation at the knee and a ratcheting joint inside the thigh itself that acts like the knee joint. Kind of strange. Here are a few pics, but my photo taking skills seem to have left me today and the lighting in house is terrible at the moment. Alas, I give you DMZ... I also am about to start painting on a small custom votoms project of mine. It's a Calamity Dog red shoulder custom of sorts with mission pack, missile launcher, mortar, side rocket pod, and a light mini-gun as well as a sort of "flak gun" for it's right hand. I still need to make smaller feet and smooth out a few seams here and there before painting it but I think the standard red shoulder scopedog paint scheme is in order with some weathering too. It's all just held together with poster putty at the moment to see how things will look after final assembly. I think I will also upgrade some of the ball joints, especially on the shoulders as they stick out rather far. You can see the right arm is sagging as a result of the tiny little ball joints that the CM's come with. I also will be doing a similar weapons pack on a CM Funny Devil which will end up getting a Fatty ground type paint scheme and a red shoulder as sort of a "what if an ex-red shoulder battalion soldier went mercenary and was hired by the other side?" sort of thing lol. Anyway, it's not hard to tell where some of the parts came from to make this one:
  5. I did manage to find a guy who was willing to part with his never-been-opened DMZ scopedog for a reasonable price, unfortunately it isn't a turbo custom but I'm still stoked. The turbo custom DMZ's seem to be a bit of a unicorn these days. In the mean time I got antsy and pulled my Yamato 1/12 out of the box even though It's technically up for grabs. I just had to get a good look at it since my DMZ should be here in the next few days. I have to say, Yamato did a pretty good job on the 1/12's. Lots of detail and very proportionate. It's definitely big. I never though I would find anything to make my VF-0A look "small".
  6. I'll say one thing, the DMZ feet have always bothered me. The regular scopedogs feet, as opposed to the turbos, seem really wide to me. It's like they couldn't get the scale right. Maybe they had issues standing up and wanted to give them a better footprint? It's just one of those things that has always bothered me. Here's a comparison between the Bandai and DMZ feet: Looking at the OVA, the flat "toe" portion is about the same width as the front of the armor plate that hangs down over the front of the foot. Nowhere close on the DMZ's unfortunately.
  7. ^ That's the one, thank you
  8. At one point I recall finding a section on Takara's site about their VOTOMS lineup showing each on and their respective release dates, updates, etc. similar to the link that Jenius posted about the Yamato's here: I had found it about a week ago but can't seem to find it now and unfortunately did not book mark the page. Anybody have a link?
  9. err wait that was supposed to be $200
  10. If anybody is interested I'd be willing to sell my 1/12 red shoulder + red shoulder weapons/equipment set for like $300 $200 shipped. I've never displayed it and hate to part with it now but I'm on a serious hunt for the DMZ's! just putting it out there
  11. The ver.1 's can be had for less than $100, the ver.2's seem to go for about $200ish but can be found for less. Unfortunately people are charging a boat load for the turbo customs now. I saw a Roots of Ambition turbo on ebay for almost $700 once you figured in shipping.
  12. I wonder if a 1/10 Deunan would fit in the cockpit, hmmm
  13. Interesting indeed, I remember seeing those now. Thanks for pointing them out.
  14. Also in regards to the non-turbo custom Yamatos. There was an update halfway through the regular scopedog production run fixing a lot of the problems in the joints. Check out for a comparison
  15. ^You mean the Wave 1/24 I'm assuming? I'm still disappointed there was never a 1/12 Chabby. I always liked that design, being that it reminds me of the Southern forces from Heavy Gear
  16. hmm, any pics of the alternate hands by chance?
  17. Strange that your red shoulder piece is so dark, haven't seen that before. Do the 1/12 scopedogs come with different hands or are you stuck with the two fixed pose hands?
  18. Ah fantastic. It's good to see that the roots of ambition set should be a good quality piece with all the fixes. Now to find one that's reasonably priced...
  19. Can anybody tell me if this is version 1 or 2? It's a roots of ambition set + the scopedog. The feet don't look like normal Yamato 1/12 feet like these:
  20. ^ ugh I hope so, I've been waiting for the VF-171 EX for too long'' I just really hope they get that leg joint figured out for gerwalk mode because that whole falling forward look just makes it seem like it belongs in the special olympics for valks
  21. ^ I was never impressed with the targeting aspect of this game. It's very frustrating to not be able to pick the target you want sometimes. BTW is there no ENEMY mission selection in this game like there was in MUF or have I simply not unlocked it yet?
  22. Strangely enough I happened upon this version on amazon japan just now, albeit having nothing to do with the movie It was just mixed in with the rest of the photos in this listing.
  23. I'm sure my monitor is fine, I'm a marketing manager/graphic artist by trade All I know is that when I compare it to the Macross kite at the top left of these forums, the VF-29 looks a little off when it comes to what's truly red. Even if it was blood red and white I still would have to paint it. I'm always biased to the more realistic paint schemes like the Moon Shooters VF-22 in my avatar. But I'm with you on seeing about the quality of this one first. I had the movie version Alto custom and it was disappointing. The head wouldn't even stay up in batt mode.
  24. ugh, why must it be pink/white? I hope they make a cannon fodder color scheme like the VF-1 mass production type or something...
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