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Everything posted by LOW_ALT

  1. LOW_ALT

    Macross 30

    ^The hundreds of "different" VF-1's come to mind...
  2. LOW_ALT

    Macross 30

    Unbeknownst to most, the Vajra are visiously attracted to scantily clad females
  3. LOW_ALT

    Macross 30

    I thought the LE was expensive, but not as expensive as having to by a PS3 as well.
  4. Due to budget constraints and a failing economy sacrifices will be made in the new Star Wars feature films: -The Death Star will be downgraded to a Death Moon -Lightsabers will be replaced with pool noodles -The Force will be downgraded to a strong persuasion There will be no refunds for preordered tickets.
  5. LOW_ALT

    Macross 30

    Play-Asia has it up as well: http://www.play-asia.com/Macross_30_Ginga_o_Tsunagu_Utagoe/paOS-13-71-bp-49-en-70-5pq1.html
  6. I would prefer they had cast anybody else, even that shark instead of Hayden Christensen. That guy alone ruined those movies for me. His acting skills are on par with Paul Walker: bottom of the barrel at best.
  7. LOW_ALT

    Macross 30

    If it's a brand new valk we haven't seen yet then I'm excited. I was pretty disappointed with some of the more recent "new" valks like the VF-27 & VF-29. Half-hearted designs at best if you ask me. This one looks promising however.
  8. LOW_ALT

    Macross 30

    True indeed. Back in '83 an Israeli F-15 was able to RTB and land with one wing after a mid-air collision.
  9. LOW_ALT

    Macross 30

    I hear they're going to allow the use of Rock Band controllers for the Fire Bomber valks.
  10. There used to be an ebay seller that sold 1/20's painted and weathered for a decent price. Haven't seen him in a while though.
  11. Harsh review, but understandable. I'm torn as to whether or not I can agree with your DMZ review being as high as it was, especially looking at the 35max review. The DMZ just seemed really over-hyped to me. They had a terrible mold (razor sharp edges on the arms, feet way too big, curious proportions), strange joints, press-on arms, hands that fall apart, top heavy, amateur "weathering" details, etc. Credit for it's success, in my opinion, was simply due to the fact that it had all the gimmicks. Enough gimmicks and paint details to draw attention away from all the flaws. I was instantly disappointed when I got mine, it just felt so cheap and phoned-in. It's too bad Yamato didn't make a smaller scale line. Their 1/12 had nicely detailed molds and proportions but the size, joints, and gimmicky panels coupled with horrid build quality ensured a recipe for disaster.
  12. <-- hopes for a Mara Jade storyline, perhaps starting off just before ANH?
  13. The 35Max line is still the best to me, the Yammy and DMZ left a lot to be desired...
  14. LOW_ALT

    Macross 30

    Dare I dream of a Forza-style paint editor?
  15. LOW_ALT

    Macross 30

    The horror! Omitting many of the valks (or series altogether) and making them DLC addons would be a huge bummer. However that wouldn't surprise me in the least with how much they stretched out the demos in the hybrid packs to get the most coin out of fans. It's all about profits to them.
  16. LOW_ALT

    Macross 30

    What's with the shark mouth painted on the Regult in this picture? Is that from an episode I don't remember or is this maybe hinting at the possibility to apply stickers to custom paint schemes?
  17. I always like these cannon fodder themes. It adds a bit of realism compared to all the "look at me!" paint schemes.
  18. LOW_ALT

    Macross 30

    The explosions look a little 2D....but the graphics look great otherwise. Let's hope they allow remote-play on the Vita with this title. I would also imagine that all the other valks will be unlockables through this game like the others
  19. *sigh* Any news on this front? Any decent mecha games out for the VIta yet?
  20. Played all three games start to finish actually. Doubtful that the rendering is what's holding back a full game. Modern Warfare games come out almost every year and while they essentially use the same engine, they render the extensive environments from scratch for each game and all the voice acting isn't already done for them like in an anime-based game. In my opinion (and this is just my opinion) I think they are stalling on this game because they can make far more money if they trickle it out in installments forcing you to buy they DVD to get a glimpse of what a full game could be like. People will buy every hybrid pack to play, then later down the road they'll likely release a full game which those same people will also buy. Meanwhile the creators are sitting on lush pile of your money. It's like downloadable content. Why would the developers include everything in the game from the beginning when they could make more money on you by making you purchase DLC after you bought the game?
  21. The graphics look great, but it seems like we'll never get a real game. Just a hokey demo with the release of films to guarantee them more sales. In fact ever since Ace frontier it's been nothing but the same games coming out. You might get a few more missions and valks and slightly better texture maps in each installment, but essentially all the PSP games were nearly identical. Now they are moving onto PS3 but still no full game? No multiplayer or online?
  22. Yes very interested in seeing the final product
  23. I'll second that. HLJ + FedEx is the way to go
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