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Everything posted by LOW_ALT

  1. Anybody want a used Tornado?
  2. I saw this on tumblr today. Anybody know anything about it?
  3. I found this guy's work on Tumblr today: More pictures here
  4. Why is the torso section so elongated? Maybe the pilot stands up now like Pacific Rim
  5. I would be stoked if they included the Pythons in the film.
  6. Hmm...it looks slightly better that I expected, but still kinda chinese knock-off.
  7. Looks pretty awesome. Makes me hope for a huge open world Macross game someday, wishful thinking...
  8. Saw this on Tumblr today. From Hobby Japan, November 1983.
  9. It's unbelievable how many different animes Armored Core took ideas from.
  10. I found this picture from when the tsunami hit Japan while digging through one of my flash drives. Despite being carried away from it's base and smashed into a building it looks surprisingly intact, though I'm sure the engine is ruined.
  11. Another size comparison: Speaking of size comparisons:
  12. I made a few gifs from M-66 for my blog a few months back. Definitely terminator style:
  13. (o_o) and here I thought I was the only one that had actually watched Black Magic, what a classic
  14. Organic did make a finished version of the EX HAW206 tank a few years back, but they were hard to find. Some more pictures: http://www.toybotstudios.com/2008/12/gits-sac-solid-state-society-scorpion.html
  15. Nothing can replace my weathered 19 :3 It was from WONFES and I think the weapons are scratch-built if I remember right.
  16. Here's another look at the additional weapons:
  17. That's nothing compared to the YF-23's super special parking lot paint scheme.
  18. Really? Thanks, glad to know some fellow MW members appreciate my site!
  19. Ah votoms, good to see this thread is still active. I've been making a lot of GIFs for my site lately, most of them from Pailsen files:
  20. Saw this on tumblr today: BURGLARY DOG
  21. ...let me help you guys with that. THIS is a YF-30:
  22. Thanks, but that's not what I mean. Obviously there are the three different modes, but there is a way to toggle between walking and hovering in gerwalk mode. I should have wrote it down...
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