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Everything posted by LOW_ALT

  1. http://theaviationist.com/2014/02/25/mysterious-bae-replica/
  2. That first clip reminds me of something...
  3. Griffon?? Pfft where's my 1/24 Python Yamato?
  4. I find it funny that the Kuratas makes an appearance as a rouge labor
  5. Wasn't the Gray Ghost almost white though?
  6. That looks great Berttt, excellent work.
  7. You can't look at the bay-verse Optimus Prime and tell me that didn't change much from G1, this is very comparable. Yes it RESEMBLES the old Ingram, but they clearly and deliberatly changed every aspect of it to diferentiate from the original.
  8. And here I was expecting to find words like "PS4" or "Vita"...
  9. There's an interesting thought. I don't know how well those Vipers would fit in next to a VF-25 but maybe something older and chunky like a Legioss. Speaking of Robotech, I'd like to see a modern day equivalent of Robotech's hover tanks turn up in a Macross series. Kind of like a variable Destroid of sorts. Something to break up the transforming-fighter-jets-only theme. (not the best pic, but you get the idea)
  10. VF-14 Vampire plz (Fz-109A & F too)
  11. That little creature's face looks like a sideways....nevermind
  12. Hmm, that I hadn't heard before. Both MAHQ and the Mecha Manual have the powerplants listed as "two Shinsei Industry/P&W/Roice FF-2025G thermonuclear reaction turbine engines". Excuse my lack of knowledge on this subject but a conventional engine would still require a fuel+oxygen combination for propulsion. How exactly does that work in space?? Isn't that the whole reason the VF-0's and SV-51's couldn't leave the atmosphere?
  13. Then again there isn't much reason to refuel an aircraft with thermonuclear engines.
  14. Those photos look extremely "made for TV movie" and I seriously hope that's not Kanuka on the left...
  15. What's the blue mech from?
  16. Too bad the F-15 never got updated to the "Eagle-Plus" from Patlabor 2:
  17. I was referring directly to radar-absorbent surface coatings, which this plane completely lacks.
  18. That sure doesn't look very radar absorbant
  19. The space tuna finally turned up in Japan:
  20. Saw this on Tumblr a while back, really glad they didn't adopt this design into the live action film.
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