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Everything posted by ManhattanProject972

  1. So one half of the triangle is the partners (Hayate x Frejya) vs the other half, the tag team (Hayate x Mirage). They're really going to have an interesting dynamic going on between the three of em.
  2. I totally get what you're saying but I feel 911's understeer too much to be compared to the responsiveness and super agility at higher speeds that the forward swept wing offers. I'd say the forward swept wing VF-19's are more akin to early Dodge Vipers and the FSW 31's the new Viper ACR. But are Vipers more twitchy than 911's I have no Idea so forget everything I just said I cant think of a car off the top of my head, besides the 911 family and the Vipers, that is a widowmaker because its too responsive and twitchy and later models becoming easier to drive while not losing those characteristics. The Skyline GTR family perhaps? Your Porsche analogy is still the most fitting.
  3. He's half Zentradi and human with an opposite case of what Klan had.
  4. It better, if the Elysium doesn't punch something by the end of this series I will be very sad .
  5. The 31A doesn't have or isn't showing its large fold quartz crystals next to the head in fighter mode that is pretty easy to spot on the the others so I was just wondering if it was a cover over the crystals or was it intentionally omitted because it's the A model and only the specialised squadrons meet the requirements to have them equipped?
  6. The 31A looked as if it doesn't have those large fold quartz crystals. I wonder why.
  7. I just noticed a lack of Fold quartz on the VF-31A. I wonder if its because its the mass production model and they didn't want to use all their fold quartz on them or it could just be a protective cover used for when the 31's are just sitting on deck.
  8. I think its just a toy or something cause a who would own as a pet something that creepy looking. Then again it is Mirage and if her demeanor is any indicator she may have weird tastes and there are people in this world who own pugs. And on a different note, What if Gamlin is Mirage's father and Mylene was the one who introduced him to her sister? That could explain her seriousness.
  9. Maybe Its a slightly bigger Macross Quarter called the Macross Three Eighth?
  10. Y'know after seeing the flight deck of the Elysium's ARMD I am just now realizing how far and fast Ranka ran during the ending of the Frontier movie to get to her little pyramid stage thing all the way by the edge of the flight deck.
  11. Well looks like we know how the 31E's radome folds up now. It was seen flying in the sky by Hayate and later seen being serviced on the flight deck of the Elysium.
  12. Well these new generation of Valkyries weigh less than real world fighters. The YF-30 weighed around 9 tons and the 31 is probably around the same so it wouldn't need such beefy gears and the material they're made out of is most likely some OT composites.
  13. - Hayate was able to dance around in that destroid/forklift because it wasnt weightless all that spinning takes weight transfer, and that civilian work destoid is most likely waayy lighter than one outfitted for combat, smaller furnace, lack of armor, no weapons, its just a Cheyene frame with forks in its arms. I do admit though that when he jumps and lands it seems that the pavement is made out of tough stuff. - They have that shielding technology that they control with a computer implant in their fingernails because they are a highly specialized unit, Seal Team Six has a stealth Blackhawk at their disposal but yet no other unit has one. - We dont really know for certain if it was only a single squadron the 262's didnt have a fold drive on them so the may have presumably folded in with their mothership that glasses guy was on. And even if they were only a single squadron, they were in Sv-262's which has performance on par or possibly superior to a YF-29 and YF-30 and those Valks are in whole different league when compared to cannon fodder VF-171's. And from what we know of these next generation of ICS equipped Valks is that they are more than capable with the right pilot to be absolutely devastating as heard from when the YF-24 Evolution piloted by Isamu Dyson was able to do just what the Aerial Knights did by himself in a trial run of the 24 Evo. Its like getting mad at Char for kicking ass in his Gelgoog and wondering why he cant beat Amuro in his Gundam its because the SV-262's and VF-31's are evenly matched and piloted by the best in the business. - As for suitless 262 pilots, we really dont know enough about them to know what tech they use, the only thing we do know is that they do not have glass canopies but an armored shell with cameras to see out of for their cool as f**k 360 panoramic cockpit. And maybe because they dont run the risk of a canopy breach they forego helmets and their suits that they do wear could very well be G-suits just super-ornamental which is fitting given their whole culture of castles and whatnot. - Like i said in my previous post Valkyries are built like tanks, they are way tougher than their pilots who in this case was a 171 pilot who was knocked out cold and pulled out by emergency crews on the ground. We've seen that it was an impact strong enough to dent the upper chest area but all its other systems and limbs were apparently running at full capacity and the 171's greatest strength isn't really its performance but its ease of use a reason why it was adopted as a frontline fighter over the VF-19's and 22's which were very difficult for the average pilot to fly. And Hayate tells us the controls are no different than his work destriod that he seemed to have mastered and the rest we saw on screen.
  14. From what we've seen of Chuck, the 31E's pilot, he'll more likely dive head first into an engagement when given the chance.
  15. I believe they requested for the identity lock on the 171 to be removed so they could easily move it out of there under its own power and thats when Hayate took his opportunity to hop in. As for the reason why its still in relatively good condition, the way I see it is the Valks are wayyy tougher than their pilots. Pilot of the 171 was put out of commission and incapacitated and was pulled out of his cockpit by emergency teams leaving an almost perfectly fine 171 open for anyone. Remember when Alto was knocked unconscience in the movie when he was in the YF-29, its like that but Im guessing it felt more severe to the 171 pilot since they dont have inertia dampeners.
  16. Not only that from what we've seen of the Jenius girls they also have greater than average "song power" so who knows Mirage might tap into some of that potential later on the series and its a plus her VA is well known for her singing.
  17. Even Gamlin had time to try to romance Mylene, I doubt Mirage will do any of the romancing in this series at least until the very end of Delta where she would eventually realize her feelings for a certain blue haired protagonist. But those two are like oil and water so im very curious as to how in the world those two would even begin to attract one another. Im seeing a bit of Hikaru and Misa in their relationship from what we know about them.
  18. Or you could be like the Russian Su-34 Fullback which actually has a toilet in its cockpit.
  19. I have a feeling its going to be Kaname she's like the Roy in the group being their leader and all. Which kinda sucks since shes my favorite out of the five, but who knows they could kill off Freyja for all we know.
  20. Damn those Walkure girls got some big cojones, singing and dancing in the middle of a battlefield, jumping out of a fighter plane at altitude to get to said battlefield, and one of them has bigger cojones than the rest of 'em actually "attacking" the enemy while singing and dancing. With the merging of the singing and the fighting in a way thats more exciting than 7's I wonder if theres going to be any good old fashion concerts that dont end with some sort of violence like Sharron's in Plus. And Hayate is the second coming of Max minus the corrective lenses... at least in Batteroid mode.
  21. They either painted a backup plane or converted a 31A into the J by giving it a revised head sensor suite and FSWs.
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