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Everything posted by ManhattanProject972

  1. So according to the display Delta will see Keith x Bouge?
  2. I actually do like the pointy face Anubis head of the Hs over the cf space Pope tho I do like its visor reminds me of a Rezel from gundam.
  3. So Makina has a nickname for everyone and anything, have we heard Arad's or Messer's yet? I wonder what they could be.
  4. I love everything about Macross to bits but I cant for the life of me see how anybody can hear anything in the Macross universe with these nuclear powered jet turbines buzzing around in the background. And when Hayate was dancing above the crowd he mustve blown some people away, literally, with his jet wash.
  5. Makes you wonder what wouldve happened to the galaxy if the SDF-1 landed on Windemere instead of earth. Would everyone be living under the windy rule of the Windemerians?
  6. You dont get an emblem on the back of your fighter for picking flowers especially one of a Reaper.
  7. Yeah aside from the obvious wing differences between the two versions the CF has what looks to be a slightly shorter nose with different camera/sensors placements.
  8. I just want Aisha's name to be mentioned somewhere in Delta like on a file of the VF-31's development in the background or something she is its grandmother after all.
  9. The 31C has the look of an old traditional J head while the 31J has a modified 31A head. With the exception of Arad and Hayate everyone else appears to be running the same head lasers.
  10. Whoops Im actually in the middle of rewatching 7 and didn't get up to that part yet I completely forgot And the last time I watched MacII was when I was 9 on Starz so there is a lot I dont remember there. Thanks for reminding me.
  11. I guess they're old tech much like the classic NACA ducts on older jets and cars.
  12. The way I see the events of Mac30 is that only Alto and Sheryl and possibly Basara who were transported through time. Alto and Sheryl after the Frontier movies and Basara sometime before the end of 7. Although it is very much possible that Leon actually did meet 2060 Basara. Two things are certain, Basara was most definitely there in one form or another because he was the one to push Leon and his YF-30 past the Fold barrier fault thing and Alto as seen in the picture of the two shaking hands. Actually I have a question of my own regarding Macross 30. Since im not fluent in Japanese I was wondering who exactly is Mina Forte and where did she come from. I played through the game almost a dozen times and am still not sure.
  13. If it really is against the rules it just makes it all the more sweeter.
  14. I'll call it right now, Delta will be the first series to have its main Macross class sink.
  15. They could turn him into a Castrato if thats the case. I built a replica of the 31F in Kerbal Space Program and modded some parts stats to give it the performance close to the actual thing, like overpowered verniers for quick direction changes, insanely powerful engines and, strengthed wing joints to prevent the craft from beaking apart during hard G's. I downloaded that one mod that allows for AI dogfights and pitted my 31F against a replica of an Su-35 and it pretty much looked exactly like it did in this episode. The 31F swooped in from high altitude and was glued to the ass of the Su-35 and promptly blew it out of the sky. And if the 31 is anything like the 30 its actually a couple of tons lighter than the VF-1.
  16. I think it more like turning down the traction and stability management in car slightly as opposed to turning it off completely, you'd probably need reaction speeds faster than a computer to handle a VF without a Fly-by-wire system. I think I remember reading somewhere that the Quarter was a modular ship made up of smaller ships, so perhaps it is a Quarter with different modules for its legs and arms?
  17. Out of all the main singing heroines in Macross, I feel Freyja has the best acapella voice.
  18. In episode one hayate mentioned that he knows someone in the interplanetary shipping business and that's how he gets around and with him just being fired from his most recent job as dock loader it doesn't seem that far fetched that Hayate used his connections and newly acquired freedom to help Freyja get to Ragna and most likely find something new to do on the planet as well.
  19. Now if only he was also nearsighted and needed glasses.
  20. I totally get the cool factor of the VF-9's wings becoming the chest, but from a practical standpoint it doesn't make much sense. If the VF-9 were to be hit from the front its wings are practically its main armor and will more often than not get damaged and could cripple its fighter mode. Not to mention it would not be able to have anything on an underwing hardpoint if it wanted to transform. With the 171 there was enough space between the back and the body to still keep its missiles and thats not a problem at all for the 25 and it also makes for a more practical mounting point for Super Pack boosters where they can be effectively utilized in all 3 modes. And with the wings mounted on the back it gives the Batteroid mode more control in the air with its large intact wing area and control surfaces and in a vacuum by providing balance and mode of attitude control from its extra "limbs" lessening the use of fuel consuming verniers. Though one can argue wings on the back limit mobility like not allowing a Batteroid to roll around on the ground or fit into tight spaces. Also why do i get the feeling the 262 will have small arms compared to its massive legs. The 262 did not skip leg day thats for sure and hopefully leg day wasn't the only thing it went to.
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