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Everything posted by ManhattanProject972

  1. Back in the SDFM days they didn't have to worry about small capable fighters folding in past defenses. Although there was that moment when we were introduced to Kamjin for the first time when we came out of Fold Space right next to Britai's fleet without warning. I think the Knights are pulling off something similar to what Max did in 7 during the attack on the Protodevlin's "homeworld" or what Isamu did with much better hacking and stealth tech at their disposal.
  2. I assume it would just grow back. If you look at Master Herman, it looks as if he shaved his rune and its just what looks like a orange highlight on the left side of now.
  3. I feel they should do whatever they want with Plus or Zero like OVA's and stick to the formula for the main series .
  4. I say myung because she has experience directing and managing things and seems like the type of person who can make that call with Messer and it would be pretty funny for Isamu to be part of the SMS and Myung part of or possibly the head of Chaos. If not her it's most likely a Jenius girl since Jenius's tend to appear along side each other Max and Millia, Mylene and Emilia, and since Mirage is in delta I wouldn't put it past them to make another Jenius appear later on in the series or future OVA's . Well you gotta drink it so I would assume fresh water unless the special bicarbonate or what ever can't get get filtered out at a filtration system .
  5. After this ep I have a doubt that Lady M is Mylene. I mean the fact that Lady M knew about Messer's condition and allowed it to be kept hidden for data just doesnt seem very Mylene-like at all. I wouldn't put it past Myung tho and it could also very well be Mirage's own mother Miranda, but I've got a feeling Lady M is 85% going to be a new character I almost guarantee it. Hell from the Jenuis family alone it could be * Mylene - I just dont think she's capable of making that call with Messer unless she grew up to be something very different from what we've seen of her * Millia - She what, 80? would be pretty cool though * Miracle * Muse * Miranda - Any one of the Jenuis daughters especially Mirage's mother would be cool to see animated. * Moaramia - Even the adopted one. * Max - Hell, even Max then we got * Myung - Probably the most likely IMO * Mina Forte - Mina would actually be pretty awesome and it would give us a more solid connection to the origins of the VF-31 with her being friends with the YF-30's test pilot and designer and very unlikely it could be * Misa * Minmay Am I missing anybody?
  6. With the VF-17/171's they have a cockpit pod thing that swung upwards to keep it parallel. I feel it would have a lot more space if it wasn't a pod but instead utilized the whole section of the plane like the 31/30's. But then again Veffidas had a whole drum set in the back of her and Ray's 17 so it probably had more than enough room.
  7. There is probably more space inside of the VF-31's cockpit compared to other VF's because it doesn't need a fancy rotating cockpit interior because the cockpit itself is still parallel, whereas most other VF's I can think of at the moment have theirs perpendicular, to the ground in battroid mode.
  8. Herman has another rune on the side toward the back of his head and I believe Windermerean women have one heart shaped one if Freyja and the brief shots of civilians as the Aerial Knights flew by were anything to go by.
  9. Or even replaces the whole weapons pod with a giant missile that turns out to be a new form of Speaker Pod Gamma.
  10. Lyrically Im loving the new songs in this series more than most in the past but I agree that there is something missing with the instrumental part of the songs or lack thereof everything sounds to synthetic. I still like it but songs from previous series sound better in the instrumental department IMO.
  11. Well to win an unconventional war you need unconventional people.
  12. Well most Ragnans walk around half naked if Chuck's sister is anything to go by.
  13. And dont modern Valkyries use some sort of airflow control to manipulate air flowing over, around and in the airframe?
  14. What if the fold distortion surrounding the planet was a side effect or cause of that super dimensional resonance device or whatever they called it that resulted in the armistice?
  15. i meant it as a joke referring to when a F-104 collided with the XB-70 Valkyrie during a test flight photo shoot. Maybe I should've said take down instead of beat.
  16. I bet that old SV can beat any Valkyrie if its true to its F-104 roots.
  17. It looks like they're going to give us two little filler caps for the shield hinges.
  18. Messed is going to be possessedl after in the series and be calmed down be his teammates but not before he kills one of them under the influence. My guess it's either going to be Kaname or Reina or Makina.
  19. Possibly the Var is a phenomenon already occurring in that part of the galaxy and the Windermereans are just taking advantage of it and trying to twist it to meet their needs and thats going to bite them in the ass later down the line?
  20. I wish they didnt have the normal credits in this episode since the song was already sung during the joyride, which I did enjoy, and gave us some more scenes with the credits rolling over them or something.
  21. That new/old SV looks like it has a transformation similart tothe 262 just with different wings and a conventionalc canopy.
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