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About zerodigit1
- Birthday 06/06/1973
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Macross, Skydiving, Guitar playing, Air models, Flying Airplanes. Use Hubble Space telescope to take a picture of my girlfriend.
zerodigit1's Achievements

Cannon Fodder (1/15)
many thanks David! Got the text file with the tab from the link you mentinede above. http://tabs.animebw.com/tabs/macross-7-flash-in-the-dark.txt And it got easy chords to play , so it will be great fun praticing it. thanks for the help.
Hi Jasonc I`m actually looking for "Flash in the Dark" and "Heart and Soul" Bass Guitar Tabs, I got just 6 months on guitar pratice, so pretty new to it. I`m trying to find tabs for these two songs.. but seems like my Web-fu is not good enought. I will keep on looking till find them but if you have them handy and dont mind posting it I would appreciate a lot. Best Regards ZD1
Not sure guys.. but are we going on and watch Episode 21?
-Can be used to carry babys (Komilia loves riding on it). -If you're plaining to chase space whales, valkeries will do the trick. -If you don't have a stage to perform...well...use your Valkery.. specially when it comes with huge speakers. -Single seaters...naaahh.. you always can have one more in the cockpit, ask Milene and Bassara, they love sharing VF-19 single seat. -Accessories can be easly attached during a dogfight, specially if designed by Dr. Chiba.
Hi All, Does anybody have a nice Guitar Solo and Tabs for : Heart and Soul and Flash in the Dark ?
I just started reading your Macross Gateway site.. very nice ! I will dedicate some time to go trough all of it.
Well that's true, but still not Gamlin fault that Docker was hit... Docker was careless, Gamlin was fighting enemy when Docker passed behind him. See.. two figthers shooting each other, you take the decision to fly behind one of them, of course you going to be hit, he was lucky that was the spiritia draining beam not real fire what could have killed him. That kinds makes me get the impression that maybe Docker was not an ace and made a rookie mistake. Sorry, did not understand that part, I appreciate if you could provide more input on it. It is a very good comment, what I agree with part of it, but I would like to wait on further episodes to address a couple of details on the above.
Hi Marzan, nice takes on the episode... I put mine down bellow. Its an episode full of interesting comments and questions, as soon as time allows I will post some about your comments Marzan. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Episode 20 - A Lady's Temptation (Really true.. hotest episode ever) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 - Bassara's Effort Episode 20th starts with Basara working hard on finding a "music more powerfull than missiles". (Does Holy Lonly Light is the music in the background ? ) Over the sunden he falls to the ground and says something like "Something is Not right". Not sure what that really means,maybe he fells that his music does not have what it takes to reach enemies heart or if he is just felling tired/exausted. Allthoug he quickly get's up and keep playing.. that's how strong and determined he is. {Comment - a} 2 - Ray and Akiko are getting closer (at least looks like to me, any comments ?) When Akiko and Ray are talking to each other about the show that is about to start, Ray reconizes all effort that Akiko did to get the band such fame and audience and them she replies to him : "I felt in love with the music"... by the way she looks it sounded more like.. "I felt in love with you". Seems like they are slowly becoming more than friends. 3 - First Fire Bomber's big Show/audience and First time Bassara is not Late Finaly Planet Dance is number 1 hit on Macross7 Fleet Bassara makes a big entrance skydiving {Comment - B} from City7 top roof. Milene mentions something about a new music that Bassara was working and he was finishing...(what music is it, Holy Lonly Light ?) Everybody in the band is very exited with the band success specially Mylene, she jumps and screems Thank you , thank you. 4 - First body possession by Protodevlin Sivil takes Rex's body. Rex goes wild on the bike Jumps over Miria car {comment - C }, almost hitting poor Michael and falls directly into Fire Bomber concert.she drives trought the crowd calling all attetion,steals the flowers from flower girl, jumps into stage, gives flowers to Basara and ... gives him a Hollywood like Mega Kiss. I like when Basara says in a very natural way, just after her kiss.. "Rex, we continue this later..." That kind adresses or if you preffer gives a better clue to answer the question from past episodes about cute Straws in his refrigerator. (Mylene was wondering if lot of girls use to show up at his place). Mylene becames very jealous and of course...furious...I just find very funny all faces she makes before and after that kiss. 5 - First attacked Pilots are fully Recovered and VF-19 is incorporated to M7 Fleet Hate that Docker got promoted and Gamlin not.. Does not make sense to me.. Docker was hit and spend all time in semi-coma, while Gamlin was working his ass off protecting the city. 6 - First time Big Boobs apeareance (or almost apearence) REX - Super Hot Blond . With Sivil's possession she tends to be more affected by Bassara's influence tha never.. always ziping down her bike suit to the point where we get a good but not complete sight of her tits. Nice curves specially on the end when she fells from the bike and thinks he had an accident (end of the episode). 7- Milene and Gamlin Milene and Gamlin are officially friends, (Milene says so) They had already been trough a few dates, Gamlin is always going after her, showing up in concerts and inviting her for meals , etc... This time he brought her some yellow and red flowers...(to me this is kind a test) Enemy attack alarm goes off.. Gamlin has to run to fight, she gaves him a Yellow flower.. later on, in VF-17 cockpit he says "I actually wanted the red one" 8 - First M5 Fleet apperance. Gepernerich is playing with his puzzle toy (what I think is a graphic representation from Spiritia Farm). and HE (yes that is a DUDE!) sees a change in his original plan to get both fleets in his spiritia farm dream. 9 - Final REX is in Bassaras room watting from him to return, he is exausted, and Rex has to help him avoid falling to the ground a couple of times.. He starts singing to her... she ( still under Sivil possession) gets affected by his song and runs away from it. leaving Fire Bomber building screeming,runing with her tits bouncing almost over her suit... Right in front the building the entire band is wacthing that increadible show that once again got Mylene offguard. Finaly Sivil leaves Rex body, of course Rex can't remember a thing, she thinks she got a bike accident. Ray and Velfidias are the only ones that notice that a bright light ball (Sivil) (Kind make me think that Holy Lonly Light is Sivil's theme song.. any takes?) raises from the direction where Rex was heading and notices that something was not right, they might get more aware Mylene missed it because she was too jealous about seeing partially naked Rex running away from Bassara's place. Conclusion :One of my favorite. Great Episode, full of "Firsts" and Hot scenes. There are hints of characters and plot progression and funny parts too. --------------------------------//---------------------------------------- ---- Botton Notes -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------//---------------------------------------- (a) Bassara's Guitars In the begining of this episode, Bassara is playing with his pratice guitar that is very similar to the one he uses in the show... Makes me think that actually both guitars are the same type /brand. Just one of them got customize in a "futurisct" hight tech look for the shows. (Maybe that bubles on the guitar is to go with the bubles in their outfits...) (b) Bassara's Parachuting from M7 City roof.. Actually that would be classified as BASE jump..., no way It would have enought time to do a trike(*) like that towards to stage direction.(at least from that view perspective) and his parachute would have to be 5 times bigger than that one to make a precision landing like that what actually would not be usefull for BASE jump, since it would not fully open on time. Bigger parachutes.. longer to open... BUT...... M7 city might have lower gravity than earth.. what would allow him to do that !!! (any takes/comments ?) (*)Trike : Position where you put your arms behind and extend your legs as maximum as possible forming a airfoil alowing you to "fly horizontally" while in freefall. C - Miria in a Rock Concert ? Yes, Miria went to keep watch on Mylene, (Max did that before) she is becaming more and more protective of Milene since she is showing some tendence to go into dangerous situations. (as last episode when she and Gamlin went to rescue Miria). Miria knows that zentradi blood flows on Mylene's veins and is trying to protect her by having Michael waching her even closer.
I agree about the Robotech thing, I also only like Macross. Please forgive me the spoiler bellow. Guys, I will post Episode 20 summary as soon I get home, I've already did the summary, but it is in my home computer... it's like 10 PM here and still got some work in my office...
Indeed very nice point of view from Sivil. The one bellow adds a couple of very interesting info about her origins and characteristics Sivil Origins and Design http://www.steelfalcon.com/Macross/sivil.html IMPORTANT : Be carefull..Lots of Spoilers on that page.
Guys, Just to make sure, this friday we will watch episode 20, right ? If it is the case, I can make the summary ?. Hi mickyg, I hope you enjoy it as much I WILL do.
Hi Marzan, Yes, I agree with your comment, that is what she has been doing, but sounds like that there is more than that. We can see that Sivil, at this moment, is doing more than simply going out for lunch. a) She walks around in the streets in the middle of the day, as if she is just another person. She is just trying to capture what Human/Zentran do on their regular lives, how they interact to each other and how that affects their spiritia (Sivil can sense spiritia like no other enemy). Since in Mayor's office there was a rebelion going on, spiritia level was higher there, that might have attracted Sivil to that room. b) She orders Gigils to not attack and return to base. Gigil's attacks, causes the pilots to get stressed and everybody in the city as well, so everybodys spiritia grows up high, ruining her investigation, She can senses everybody's spiritia getting increased due to Gigil's attack and not due to what they do on their normal lives...that causes her to lost her focus on what activities Human/Zentran do that maintain their spiritias. That's why she asks Gigil to leave. c) She gets confused when near Bassara. Since she is the most spiritia sensitive one, getting near to Bassara causes her senses to go out of scale, that of course, to such a sensitive enemy might be painfull and joyfull. Its like having a entire chocolate cake...(assuming you're adicted to chocolate). It feels great eating all of it,but painfull afterwards. d) She is searching for something, what is it is not entirely clear or mentioned. I think items above indicates that... she using her spiritia sensors to identify what causes spiritia changes in nomal human life, so they can plan/design Spiritia farm to do the same. To me she is looking for the source of Spiritia Regeneration (anima spiritia), does it come only from Bassara ?, Is there a possibility of others in M7 to have Anima Spiritia or is there any specifics on human/zentran life that helps regenerate Spiritia or even create anima spiritia ? It sounds logical (*** Dr. Spoke type quote ***), since , to me , protodelvin plan is following logical steps: 1 - they know the M7 fleet has spiritia (from first attaks) 2 - they know that this fleet has different types of spiritia (vampire investigation, sucking and kidnaping all different types of people) 3 - they know that this spiritia can be regenerated (this was confirmed by recovering spiritia from Alice Holliday- that blond singer) 4 - they are looking for Spiritia Regeneration sources ... this to me seems to be Sivils main objective.(allthough never mentioned, on purpose, because there is a twist in the next episodes) With that last piece of info confirmed, they could complete Spiritia Farm project. Protodelvin could have wiped out M7 the same way they did other fleets (such as M5), If they were not looking for something. Because Sivil had such a strong reation to Basara they might never be able to fully complete investigation on item 4 above, and this delays Spiritia farm project and the outcome of that in future episodes will be clear.
Other things that I notice 1) Sivil's spiritia sucking bean actually can hit the entire face or boddy of it's victim (if she chooses so) , this is different from vampires and mechas that need to hit Head or Neck (one interesting point based on previous posts when Bassara gets hit by vampire beam in the shoulder, any comments ?). 2)Also, Guvava, seems to be affected by Sivils presence, but not regular vampires. (why ? He is connected to Mylene, she is half zentrady, she also should be affected, any takes ?) 3)Sivil's influence to Zentradi is so strong that makes Miria misses Several shots, what an ACE like Miria would never missed. 4)Sivil got affected by Bassara's song in Miria's office when TV was turned on, but she did not got affected previousilly when she was in the top of a building (or antena) and Bassara was singing in a TV show. Later she got face to face with Bassara and fleed, sounds like distance to Bassara, not only music, is a major player on Bassara's affect on Sivil. 5) Something AMAZING happens here... Mylene did not went to TV studio with the rest of Fire Bomb band.. Yes, she left WORK behind to be with Gamlin !!! (of course, Miria should have helped a lot on this)