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Everything posted by frothymug

  1. Watched this video this morning. I was apprehensive at first, but this movie is starting to look more and more appealing. They're spending a lot of money on peripheral media; this isn't just you usual direct-to-video quality sequel.
  2. That guy usually posts his stuff in the Fan Works forum. I haven't seen that one, though. Pretty much everything he does has some sort of "sexy" aspect to it.
  3. Okay, so I watched a bunch of Doom videos this weekend and I CANNOT wait for it to release. I didn't really enjoy the multiplayer beta, but the single player campaign is gonna be amazing.
  4. Grimgar was great. It was intentionally slow-paced to develop the characters much more than usual. They still had plenty of action in almost every episode. The final 2 or 3 eps were excellent. It ended well, but there's plenty of potential for more.
  5. Leave it up to Sketchley to argue over semantics about the proper pronounciation of terms. Just let it go, dude. We all know what is intended; I accept both spellings equally.
  6. Last season was full of good shows. This season is lacking, however. Only So You Thought There Is Never a Girl Online? and Macross Delta are on my radar right now. The former is pretty funny and constantly pokes fun at people who game in their free time. I can relate.
  7. So, I got bored of the Doom open beta after about a heavy day of playing. My main complaint is that the weapons are pretty unbalanced. The super shotgun is the undisputed king, due to the insane damage it does in short range, the speed at which everyone is capable of moving (to close medium distances to short distance), and the general cramped-ness of the deathmatch levels. I am still looking forward to the single player campaign and will explore the other multiplayer modes that the retail version ships. Not gonna recommend it based on my beta experiences. There needs to be some significant rebalancing to make it fun again, IMO. But man, it's so fun to get a glory kill on a player who has the demon rune. Soooo satisfying. I also got into the Overwatch beta over the weekend. Played two matches and then gave it up. A lot of imbalance from character to character. The movement and controls felt clunky and laggy. I probably should try some other classes, but again, balance was an issue. Tried out the UT4 alpha. VERY good for the state that it's in right now. This game is definitely my style, which is why I played the crap out of UT99 and UT2K4 back in the day. They've done a fantastic job of bringing back the feeling of UT99 both in gameplay and aesthetics (they even are using recycled media such as sounds and some maps, which helps). The levels are much more wide open and combat is fast and frenetic. Weapons are pretty well-balanced, but I think the link gun needs to be tuned down a bit. The alpha is fully-functional and it's FREE to play. I ran into some very good players and did not feel like the game was bullshit like Doom is right now. I'd recommend checking it out, partly due to the "free" pricetag. Epic is hoping to get tons of feedback from the community while building this game, so take advantage of it!
  8. I'd say that he does see some potential in Hayate. However, there may be an ulterior motive here... Since synchronized valkyrie dancing is now a thing :shudder:, he has some extra value that may be realized for the team.
  9. Saw it. It's an improvement over episode 1, for sure. Not sure if the Mirage/Hayate thing in the OP is just a fake-out. You know how much SK loves to troll his audience.
  10. Yeah Seto, you've been an invaluable source of information and well-educated opinion. However, I think you're off the mark this time when you say that Delta follows the same formula as all the other Macross shows. Those of us who are critical of Delta are telling you that it's not the same; something feels way off point. That's pretty much all it boils down to. Take from that as you will. And FWIW, I will still watch Delta to see if things get back on track a little bit. We criticize because we love.
  11. Actually, Brera is wearing a helmet. You just don't see it because of the cockpit's holo system. IIRC, check one of the last episodes of the Frontier series (it's episode 23). However, he wasn't wearing one in the final battle of the SnT movie. I suspect that is so they can show him ripping out the implant from his head.
  12. I normally don't agree with him, but I completely understand where Duke Togo is coming from. You guys have all these explanations and precedent and are so quick to jump down the throats of anyone who expresses their... vehement disapproval of what they've seen in Delta. There's a difference between fans, here. Some fans have a hard time suspending their disbelief when seeing what looks like a drastic departure from the tone and content of earlier series. The presentation screams out loud and appears to only dazzle the eyes, not to present a solid foundation of a story. I can say that alarms are going off in my head as I am watching this show. It's just too much; there's little content and world-building thus far and it seems like no effort is being made to appeal to the hard sci-fi crowd that has come to respect this franchise. All of this advanced technology has begun to advance Macross across the line from science-fiction to science-fantasy. Up to this point, the tech has been gradually introduced and has remained grounded in a loose framework of real-world physics. Everything gets explained and makes some sense. We just don't get that in the first episode of Delta. That being said, I really really loved Macross Zero. Yes, I am aware that the aspects of mysticism and magic caused a lot of fans to generate disdain for that series. However, it was presented in such a way that this "power" was subtle; it was some mysterious essence hidden away from the eyes of modern man. It wasn't thrown in your face from the start. Rather, it was gradually integrated into the story as both the MC and audience learned more about this ancient... religion, for lack of a better term. TL;DR, Delta is too flashy and it rubs some fans the wrong way. I think that the complaints could be appeased by changing the presentation a bit. I hope that the next few episodes restore some semblance of order and context to what we've seen thus far.
  13. True, but I wasn't really talking about the movies. I mean, the same kind of arrangement happened in DYRL where the first "meeting" was with Misa. Also true.
  14. One of my rules of thumb in regards to anime love triangles is that it's almost always the FIRST one that the MC meets that wins his or her heart in the end. However, Macross has consistently turned that trope on its head, almost always awarding that distinction to the SECOND of two. Misa > Minmei, Sara > Mao, Sheryl > Ranka. Plus was an exception and Seven had no resolution. I'm playing the odds here and betting on Mirage.
  15. Oh, yeah. Sorry, I forgot to come back and post an update. Everything worked out just fine. After reading your response earlier, I realized that what I was doing was basically a hard drive wipe and reinstall. Aside from the usual quirks of getting all drivers installed and working with each other without any conflicts, it went well. Now that I have an SSD, I fully comprehend how painfully slow my old HDD was. GTX 970 is working great, finally sat down and figured out how to correctly run my RAM at 1600 MHz and then overclock it to match my motherboard's clock speed. Also played around with overclocking the GPU to see how the benchmarking improves. Now, comes the wait until I get a new modern game to push my setup to its limits.
  16. So, I bought a new SSD, GPU, and gaming keyboard from Newegg and they should be arriving today. I had to ask again about Windows 7 OEM. From some research on the internet, it appears that the OEM version only binds to the motherboard. If I just install my SSD and then install Windows 7 OEM onto it, it should work, right? Can I attach my old HDD afterwards and pull files over as needed without having some kind of OS conflict?
  17. Okay. I was just wondering what was holding you back.
  18. What are you waiting for? It's on Crunchyroll.
  19. Loved Chaika (+1). Extremely underappreciated show. I thought the series ended on a good point and didn't need a second season. I was not aware that there was something in production. Shocking truth! I actually liked Ladies vs. Butlers!, even though I'm not a huge fan of blatant fanservice. Character development went well, but it was too short a series. I wanted to see how interpersonal relationships would continue to develop.
  20. I think there's been a couple of other posts about this concept. Astute observations by all! I loved Zero and I am looking forward to seeing if this relationship really does have meaning.
  21. Quoted for truth!
  22. Each trailer looks better and better. Either that, or my hope that this movie does well is blinding me to the truth...
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