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Everything posted by frothymug

  1. I give it t 6/10. Entertaining, yes, but too much for me to complain about. I didn't like the ending, either, but everyone in the theater seemed to be somewhat satisfied. Not worth seeing in the theater, unless you're really bored. Wait for it to come out on DVD or get it on Netflix/OnDemand.
  2. One thought that's hit me recently, though, is that a lot of the fans have already bought bootlegs. I think the question is "If you already have a bootleg set, would you be willing to pay for an official set?" With me, it'd have to depend on whether or not I had some extra money. If I did, I would buy the officials.
  3. Very much so! I want to have high-def on my Macross Frontier (and Zero, at this point), along with decent subtitles. I've been considering buying a bootleg set, but I am not sure if they actually offer full HD resolutions. I had brought up the question as to what it is that keeps Bandai from just freakin' subtitling their products in English. One forum user had mentioned that it's a large investment of money on their part, in order to fill the demand of a very small demographic. I had thought that there would be a much bigger market for English-speaking fans of the series, making it worth the investment. Even if it doesn't make all of the money back, at least they'd be doing what it takes to help "spread the word" of the series.
  4. Here is the site that I found them on. It's in Spanish, but page navigation should be pretty straightforward. They have some other works on there as wallpapers, but you'll notice a hell of a lot of highly-detailed pictures.
  5. Damn our cultural differences!
  6. Right, I thought I had seen somewhere that they are biological, but maybe that was just my assumption in the first place. I guess it could go either way. Just like how they never actually confirm that Michael had some Zentraedi lineage, even though his ears are slightly pointed. I'll continue to assume that they're half-sisters or whatever...
  7. I was going to post this in Fan Art Appreciation, but I thought perhaps this would be the better thread. I recently changed my background and forgot to save my old background to my computer before changing it. I finally found a site that had it on there, so now it's saved forever and ever. On the site, there was a whole plethora of just absolutely stunning VF art and it occurred to me that maybe they're works by Hidetaka Tenjin. So, here I am to confirm this. There was art of a VT-1 Super Ostrich, an VE-1 Elint Seeker, and several other highly-detailed works.
  8. Alright, so I just had a thought hit me earlier today. Are Klan and Nene actually biological sisters? I know that Nene has referred to Klan as "one-sama" on a couple of occasions in the series, but they have different last names. Initially, I figured they were either half-sisters, or it was just some kind of Zentraedi naming convention that gave them different surnames. I began to wonder this morning, whether it was just how Nene refers to Klan, in that Klan is the leader of Pixie Squadron. That would make her somewhat of a senior-classman status, like how "sempai" is used. I used to think that sempai was used only for male figures, but one of the episodes of MacF had Lam refer to Mena as a "Mena-sempai". ANYWAY, I looked around for some clarification on this matter and came up empty. Little help?
  9. Didn't really find much on DeviantArt on my last deep-water dive... this one was the only thing that jumped out at me and makes it all worthwhile!
  10. Amazon is to books and movies as Gamestop is to video games.
  11. Hikaru is in some trouble now.... At least Kakizaki is having some fun, though.
  12. Here is a neat little guide I found to get you started. Hope this helps!
  13. I just finished taking a trip down Nostalgia Lane: Star Control 2! Ah, the feeling of discovering a Rainbow World or finding a Ruby or Emerald World chock full of exotics, only to notice that the surface temperature is freaking 3500 degrees Celsius and you haven't bought the heat resistance technology from the Melnorme. Discuss.
  14. I've been looking for a bit of a breakdown of the different evolutionary stages of Vajra. Can someone point me in the right direction or just describe each stage here?
  15. I keep hearing people say that "We Built This City" was one of the worst songs ever. I tend to disagree, as I consider it to be one of those iconic songs from the 80's that reminds me of that glorious decade. Good song choice, as Jasonc has already mentioned. The picture quality was pretty top-notch and you did a good job on timing some of the events of the song with your video.
  16. Some more goodies from my recent scouring of DeviantArt...
  17. Macross Compendium: Eden I'd say that's pretty official
  18. Yeah, not sure if it actually is FANart; it really looks official. Regardless, it IS a good work.
  19. I'm inclined to agree with you guys there. I'll talk to him about the scanner so we can work on archiving his work and possibly enhancing it with a good graphics program. Perhaps he can work on some concept art to see if Chillyche likes anything he produces. I appreciate the advice... and I'm sure he will too!
  20. I thought Eden was 11.7 or 11.8 light years from Earth. I think they just didn't put a decimal point in "117"... or maybe its there, but too small to notice? Just trying to help
  21. Okay, found a couple of notables to post here. Some Milia for David... I haven't seen any VF-171 works, so I thought it'd be nice to post this pic.
  22. He's 16 years old and has been drawing since he could pretty much properly hold a pencil in his hand. He's taken numerous art classes and attends the art magnet in the school district he attends. From what I've seen him draw, it's just something that comes to mind. He will sketch out a decently-detailed creature of his imagination within 15-20 minutes and it looks like polished concept art for some fantasy game that hasn't even been created yet.
  23. Yeah, that's what I was kind of getting at. Interesting decision to design the Meltran as a VF-girl, though. Too bad it's not in English... I don't remember where I read it, but there was something out there about how the SV-51 was, indeed, used to help defend the Earth from the Zentraedi invasion. **I just quickly browsed the Macross-related art on Pixiv and I see there are two others in that series that showcase a VF-4 and VF-11 in the same color scheme as the SV-51. Some interesting works on there, but the limited returns on my search (due to me not having an account) didn't show anything that really jumped out at me.
  24. I'll run the character design thing by him and see what he says. I was thinking of getting him the Bamboo, since it's so cheap and it comes with some basic software. I think it's worth the seventy-dollar investment to see if it takes off for him. If he really likes it, we can work on getting him and Intuos with a much bigger screen. As far as archiving his work, is it worth investing in a good scanner so he can digitize his work and possibly work on coloring them in a digital format?
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