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Everything posted by frothymug

  1. That's one thing I scratched my head about. Most standard series are 26 eps. Was it really the intention to do 25 eps as a nod to both the 25th anniversary of Macross and that the Frontier fleet was the 25th Macross-class emigration fleet?
  2. "Haters". That is all.
  3. That's one thing that scares the crap out of me about these RTS games. I consider myself to be a pretty intelligent guy and I am good at video games, but the people who play Starcraft and Warcraft online are f'ing... hard... core... I tried to have at least a marginally successful run when WC3 was popular, but I ended up with a record of like 12-27 in FFA play. Some of those wins were due to people leaving the game too. I decided to stop hating myself enough so I'd keep on playing and moved onto something a little more dainty for my tastes.
  4. Bah! Details! I was close enough and you know what I meant! I tend to appreciate the term "United" more than anything. It is, after all, part of the name of my country, so it has extra-special meaning to it. As far as the other conglomerating term goes, some sort of "federation" type of term would be pretty accurate to the meaning. Excessive attention to and dedication to the preservation of hyper-accurate translations of Macross-related materials is hereby dubbed "Sketchleyitis". We all appreciate the lengths to which you go to provide us with translations of printed media and the such. I'm just giving you a hard time...
  5. I don't know... I can appreciate that they spend time working on the details when there's more time to do it in. One thing I appreciate about Macross series is that they really try to give depth to the characters and the relationships they have with other characters. I have to admit, manly tears were shed when Roy and Michael died in their respective series. Powerful stuff... You don't get that in a movie where the story is rushed to fit all of the content in within the alloted time.
  6. I can take a shot at possibly helping you come up with a term. From my point of view, I think you should try using a thesaurus for synonyms for the terms you're trying to use. I'm guessing you're trying to keep the "UN" acronym, so that restricts the number of synonyms you can consider. However, you can play with some combinations like you've already listed. You're looking for a term that's all-inclusive to (initially) the nations of Earth, and (later on) the unification of Zentraedi and Humanity as one force. The term "Universal" comes to mind for the "U". As far as "N" goes, there's not much wiggle room. "Nations", "Nationalities", etc... can be alternatives, but even I don't like those. I think what ultimately needs to be considered is that the organization started out as the United Nations and the term was used for many decades following the events of the Unification Wars and Space War I. No attempt to reorganize was made until the formation of the New UN to decentralize the power and allow colonies and colony ships to govern themselves with the loose association of the New UN binding them all together. Obviously, I have no knowledge of Japanese language and culture, so I don't know if certain terms could be accurately translated into English and keep the same acronym. It could just be an idiom, or we're missing the true meaning that only Shoji Kawamori knows of. Just my $0.02.
  7. The ship being "abandoned" was the official word. Who knows what they found the first time they boarded the ship? They had even classified the fact that its former inhabitants were giants, therefore the reason for creating the variable fighter concept.
  8. Do you think it would have been possible for the ASS-1's previous owners to program a set of jumps into the computer? If that was the case, the possibilities could be endless...
  9. I got my copies from Veoh.com. You have to download their player to watch the whole episode, but it doesn't eat up too much system resources. You can also download the episode using the player, and the quality is much better if you do it that way. I'm sure animea.net can help you out too.
  10. Interesting insight. Thanks for the explanation. I guess it's a tradition they've clung onto for centuries, dating back to when new technologies came out every few decades. Nowadays, it's probably not such a great idea, but they do it anyways.
  11. Well, I guess I can imagine the situation being a bit difficult for ya. A grown man collecting "dolls"?? Nuts to them! As long as you don't do anything indecent with them, you do whatever you want!
  12. Although the Rhea designations do make sense to coincide with the year that they were released, it doesn't seem to make sense from an engineering standpoint to name each iteration after the year. That's just my two cents, though. I would think that a standard drawing-board-to-assembly-line time period would be 2-3 years.
  13. That's a good figurine. I don't know why your friends would give you some poo about buying it. Are they not anime fans?
  14. Seto, do you have any actual firm dates for the development and release of the Queadluun Rhea? I know that there is information that discusses the UNG contracting the work to General Galaxy in 2035, but I haven't seen any dates on when it first rolled off of the factory sattelite assembly line. I'm under the impression that the Rhea has been around for a good while and is probably due for an update by the time Macross F takes place.
  15. It's understood that in the time of Frontier, male Zentrans use Queadluun-Rheas, since they are obviously superior to the Nousjadeul-Ger power armor. The Variable Glaug was what Moaramia Jifon piloted when Max and Milia encountered her during one of their missions. I'm not sure why they'd restrict the cockpit to a full-sized Zentran child, but perhaps it was due to the lack of space in the craft's design. ...or it could just say that because Moaramia is the only notable character who pilots one and she just happened to be a Zentraedi child. They did make a variable Glaug that can accomodate a miclone-sized pilot as well...
  16. Yeah, if you check on Macross F ep 4, when Klan gets out of her Rhea, you see that she's in a squatting position with her knees forward.
  17. It has metal swing bars that hold the legs in place and it is fully-transformable, not parts-formable. Any ideas on how to get a replacement gunpod?
  18. Is that the figurine where she's wearing Valkyrie super parts like in episode 21? If so, I'm jealous. That is a bitchin' pose.
  19. Hikuro, I know that the subtitling of DYRL that I have credits "Hurin, Ali Sama, and Mechamaniac from MacrossWorld" as the translators for it. They did the song translations for all of the songs in the movie, including the portions of "Shao Pai Lon", "Sunset Beach", and "Silver Moon, Red Moon". As far as "Ai, Oboete Imasuka" goes, I am sure they easily got the translation from the writing on the piece of paper that Misa gave to Minmei. They also translated "An Angel's Paints", or whatever the song is called that plays during the credits of the movie. I have no clue what the song is that Minmei sings while in captivity by the Zentraedi in DYRL. It's the song that plays right after Hikaru and Misa discover the wrecked hulk of the Prometheus on Earth. It's also got a tranlation on this version. You can find a translation of "Love Drifts Away" (Again, I think this is the name of the song... it plays during the final battle in episode 27 of SDFM) on what I think is the Animefiends translation of SDFM episode 27. If you guys decide to try either Cristina by herself or as a duet with a male partner, "Runner" is translated at the end of each episode on the Animefiends translations of SDFM. I hope I haven't already stated the obvious, but I figured I'd at least help in the best way I could. Good luck!
  20. Meh, not a bad choice.
  21. Normally, I'd be nerd-raging over yet another resurfacing of a cherished 80's memory, but this is a movie I can get behind. However, I do pray to God that they don't screw this one up. I was curious as to who was directing it and it appears that this is the director's first project, if I understand his bio page on IMDB correctly. Not a good sign, indeed, but we'll see... some people just have "it". They have... "zazz". Someone please tell me that BT is doing the soundtrack for this movie and I will consider pledging myself to the church in the service of God for all eternity.
  22. Okay, I guess this would be the most appropriate thread to ask my questions. I got my hands on a Toynami Robotech VF-1, but it's missing the gunpod. I e-mailed Toynami's sales department to ask about purchasing a replacement gunpod, but I never got a response. Does anyone have any ideas for me to get the one item that really makes this figure actually look pretty badass? The other question is if anyone knows the actual scale of this figure? I just want to know so I can plan to buy other VFs on a scale that I like, such as 1/60 or 1/72... Thanks!
  23. frothymug

    VF Girls

    She's a lefty, huh? Good work!
  24. He was getting g-force training early in his childhood.
  25. This thread needs moar pics. Found a few during my Animesuki forums invasion.
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