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Everything posted by frothymug

  1. Mr. March's site has some images of the SV-51 alpha in GERWALK. Check down at the bottom of the page on the "line art" section. Is this what you are looking for?
  2. heh... it wasn't as profound in the theater when I saw it. I think I was one of two people to actually laugh out loud when the trailer ended.
  3. Yeah, I grew a bit envious when I first saw that figurine for sale. It's a bitchin' pose, that's for sure. I just now noticed that it has Michael's markings on the legs. How touching...
  4. Just got home from seeing this. It was very funny and a lot of the action sequences brought a smile to my face. For a movie that avoided being serious, they did a good job with the razzle-dazzle. I just about fell out of my chair laughing at the end of the encounter with the movie-star ex.
  5. It doesn't require you to be online. I've played the game offline once or twice because Battle.net was down or it just didn't respond. Honestly, I think it was a great idea for them to retain a lot of the gameplay aspects of the first game. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Just make some enhancements here and there and throw a couple of new concepts in to keep things fresh. If it's one thing that gamers don't deal with very well, it's their response to massive change. Every once in awhile, a game comes out that changes everything and does well, but most attempts end up destroying the game and the franchise that it's associated with.
  6. Haha... why did I immediately think of the movie "Armageddon" when I read this?
  7. I agree that some of the stuff they do at CERN raises the hairs on the back of my neck, but you have to realize that the biggest reason they do stuff there is to gain a better understanding of quantum physics. If they can prove the existence of subatomic particles, like gravitons (and their function), they may learn to manipulate that subatomic energy and produce an anti-gravity or gravity control effect. It's stuff like that that makes me smile. We'd fix all of our problems with fuel restrictions in getting material into space. Also, they didn't smash two atoms together to make a bomb. They fired a neutron into an atom and split the thing into two smaller atoms. It's that discovery that's led us to nuclear power and eventually will lead us to nuclear fusion. Fusion is an incredible source of energy, but it CAN be used as a weapon of terrible destructive force, as we've seen in H-bomb tests. I'll have to read up on the space elevator; I completely forgot about that concept. For now, it might be worth looking at if we can somehow get some sort of manufacturing plant onto the moon. At this point, I believe there is at least a steady source of iron on the moon. You'll have to fact-check me on that one... Being able to build stuff on the moon will be so much easier once we need to get it into space.
  8. Pfft... DYRL was badass. Plus Movie Edition was pretty cool, though I do prefer the OVA story. I have a positive outlook for the MacF movie, based on their track record.
  9. Yes, necessity IS the mother of invention, as I said in my last post. We made it to the moon, because it was the dream of so many talented individuals. Unfortunately, we're getting to the point where everyone is just too engrossed in their own lives and more complacent than ever nowadays. Their adventures consist of living their lives vicariously through celebrities... most of whom really need to have the poo kicked out of them for the things that they do on a daily basis. ...but back to the subject. I keep trying to figure out what we'll need to really get people looking up at the night sky again and dreaming of visiting those tiny specks of light someday. I'm one of those people, and it's why I decided to go back to school and study aerospace engineering. Everyone's entitled to their dreams, but they must first overcome their apprehension; the false veil that tells them that they won't ever acheive their goals.
  10. I have no problem with being efficient with what we have. I wish we could move forward and reduce our dependency on petroleum, but that is going to take a lot of time. That doesn't mean that I can go around bad-mouthing anything that has to do with exploratory drilling and extraction. The US may have 21 billion barrels of PROVEN reserve, but that doesn't take into account the unproven numbers... they're unreliable, but it's something to consider. Canada has a ridiculous amount of proven reserve. I think, second only to Saudi Arabia... It's all food for thought. Remember, necessity is the mother of invention. However, I blame the lethargy gripping this country's work force. People no longer have any incentive to stay ahead of the game. Everyone's become complacent, thinking that this country is untouchable. Meanwhile, we have China charging up the production ladder, ready to overtake the US in GNP. It drives me nuts that people think it's a great idea to institute a cradle-to-the-grave entitlement attitude. It will just cause people to keep getting lazier, and we stop producing. What I would love to have is good old-fashioned American pride and exceptionalism; the will and drive to keep on innovating and producing. It was that attitude that allowed us to overcome the Axis powers in WWII, despite getting almost all of our Pacific fleet bombed into oblivion, and fighting a war on two fronts. It's that same attitude that allowed us to put a man on the moon. It's that attitude that keeps other countries moving forward while trying to keep up. I have no problems with people coming on here and expressing their opinions, but when it's obvious that their statements are politically or idealogically-charged, it really just ruins it for me. I agree that there is and always will be a bit of strong-arming going on in the private industry. Whenever there is a person involved, there's always the possibility of that person becoming corrupted by his or her power. However, the free market will always fuel innovation when it's unencumbered by ridiculous beauraucracy. If we want to progress in space travel, it will be the private industries who will fuel that need. NASA is too bloated and has basically gotten itself castrated over the years.
  11. I love how you quickly bring up Fox News and Glenn Beck, even though this discussion has nothing to do with them. Makes it completely obvious which side of the ball you play on. Next time, try making statements that simply discuss the facts, not your political leanings. So, rather than ring up our trade deficit by buying foreign oil, why not drill domestically? I seem to recall certain environmentalist policies that prohibit us from doing so. Problem is solved on our end and we give ourselves more time to get ready for the hydrogen economy.
  12. If by "best plot twist", you mean "singlehandedly destroyed the show", I'm in perfect agreement. Some of the characters wake up in a bar and have no idea how they got there... I was screaming "wtf is going on" at the television set.
  13. ...until Roy Scheider left Seaquest and the show, as a whole, got real gay. They must have hired some new writers, or something...
  14. First of all, props to using Macross Plus music on the video. The concept is pretty good, but there's many things that are not being considered. There is no mention of the logistics required to get that much material into outer space. The first thing that would need to happen is to create a better propulsion system. The amount of fuel that would need to be spent in getting all that poo into orbit is astronomical, pun intended. The other issue that quickly comes to mind, is how will that energy be returned to the Earth's power grid? Microwaves? I'm sure the answer would be simple, but I don't know what would be the best way to get it done. The figures as to the amount of power that will need to be generated seem greatly exaggerated. It reeks of anti-big oil. I'm all for going to a hydrogen economy, but the logistics in getting that in place will be ridiculous, as well. It will take decades to switch our energy needs to hydrogen, but that doesn't mean we just give up on it right now. Another incredible discovery will be the creation of the superconductor. The amount of energy saved by using a superconductor will be incredible. Power companies all over the world will pay out of the ass to build a new power grid on superconductors, because they'll end up saving so much money that's lost during power transmission. If I seem pessimistic, good. I just can't stand it when there are concepts like this that are deeply rooted into the destruction of the petroleum economy. Even if we remove petroleum-based fuels from our everyday needs, we will still need it for other products, such as PLASTICS! Imma get off my soapbox now and let someone else do some bitching.
  15. I think the option of going back to redo the missions is strictly for acheivement purposes only. If you got to keep the tech points and credits you earn each time you redo the mission, then you'd be able to fully upgrade everything before you really got into the thick of the game.
  16. Here is the link to the Toynami site. When I saw the picture of the SDF-Macross regulars and then there was this dude standing off to the side, I was like, "Is that... Is that Jack Archer?!?" Lols, indeed, but I started to feel a bit nostalgic. I LOVE Robotech: Battlecry. I may have to buy that one at some point for shiggles.
  17. I have to agree that the VF-11 does have its qualities. I'm starting to grow to love it a lot... especially when the pilot is named Isamu Dyson and he's tearing up a squadron of Zentraedi Enemy Battlesuits.
  18. I'd like to be able to play around with creating my own color schemes, but I don't know what steps I'd need to go through to do it. Any suggestions on where to start? On a related note, it would be pretty awesome if someone created some sort of application that would let you paint a valkyrie and it would display the appearance in all three of its forms... maybe even let you grab a 3D model with your mouse cursor and turn it in whatever direction you'd like.
  19. Don't rain on my parade
  20. Go back a couple of pages and read the posts. You really jumped into this one without finding out what it is that's really being talked about.
  21. This sh*t is getting ridiculous. Dan Aykroyd... I respect the guy for all he's done, but he is a terrible choice as the voice of Yogi. Justin Timberlake as Boo-boo? This is like having Ellen Degeneres on American Idol. Neither of them have any business being in those roles. This is another example of pandering to the masses, hoping that enough suckers will bite on this one to make the movie studios at least five bucks of profits. My take on the movie industry as a whole? Don't even bother to go to the theaters. Every time one of us buys a ticket to a movie at the theater, God kills a kitten. Punish these studios by NOT BUYING TICKETS and maybe they'll get a clue and start turning out better quality stuff.
  22. Agreed. Actually, I'm getting kind of tired of all of the fan art that only has her in her pressure suit. Yes, it's quite... revealing... but I would much prefer to see her in her civvies nowadays. MisaForever, I'm still counting the minutes until you come on here to post your approval of afforementioned pic.
  23. This summer is f'ing hot. Last year's was tame...
  24. *right-click -> Save As... -> Save* Score! Thanks, Kronnang. I need to go diving into some fan art pages again soon. I was getting a little miffed that there's not much activity in this thread lately.
  25. Boxer, I would have to say that it is official. It does look like Miyatake Kazutaka's art style and is in line with his other Zentraedi ship designs. I haven't seen any clear evidence of its officiality, though. It's just my opinion.
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