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Everything posted by frothymug

  1. World of Warcraft: Legion. Looking great so far! I got an e-mail this morning from Steam to let me know that Halcyon 6 is out of early access. I've been watching this game for a few months and I just might pick it up. It's like Final Fantasy and Star Control had a baby... Great reviews from Steam users so far!
  2. I'm almost done with some more content on my fanfic. I may pull a Hobbit/Hunger Games move and split this chapter into two and stagger the release. Actually, it's just getting to the point where it's gotten longer than I thought, which seems to happen to me a lot... I lack writer's discipline.
  3. In Macross F's second movie, the EX-gears worn by the special forces appeared to have some kind of active camouflage. Is this accurate, or was it just some technique they used to make it easier to animate? A related question for Mr. March: On your site's page for the EX-gear special forces variant, did you artificially add the camo pattern? IIRC, this is different than is seen in the movie.
  4. I thought the game was supposed to be released on the 12th? One thing I can appreciate about NMS is it's the realization of the creation of a whole universe from scratch... using a unifying mathematical equation, as far as I understand it. To me, it's like a demonstration of how universes can be created and what will happen during its existence. Existential...!
  5. Is that a smashed Supra? If so,
  6. This is my main concern. The game seems too ambitious for what it set to accomplish. The universe is too vast in the game.
  7. I live on the other side of Paine Field from that museum. Been meaning to go, but I never get around to it... They often fly warbirds all around here on the weekends. I'm sure their owners love to take them out for a spin on the weekends for that relaxing stress-relieving flight. The other day, I was outside of the Jack in the Box on the south side of Paine and there was what I think was a P-51 and what looked like a B-25 Mitchell in formation flying around the area. Then they flew right over my head as they came in for a landing one at a time. Such a good feeling to watch those babies glide past me like that.
  8. Damn. I need to catch up. Looks nice!
  9. The phrase "once in a blue moon" implies that it's pretty rare. Not trying to be snarky; I am just not sure if you are aware of that phrase, since English isn't your first language.
  10. I've been on the fence about NMS. I was excited for it when I first heard about it about a year ago. Now that I've seen some gameplay videos from various sites, I fear that it might be a little "too big" for many people to find it interesting. There's too much possibility; too much openness. Where's the macguffin? The center of the universe? That's HOW many light years away?? Not only that, but you will generally be making the trip by yourself. Unless you want to get stuck with random strangers you run into once every blue moon. You know, the kind that will pretty much stab you in the back at the drop of a hat. I wonder if this game was too ambitious for its intended audience... sorta the same feeling I get from Star Citizen. Only NMS is actually DONE and SC still has yet to coalesce into something that resembles a complete game. I may not get it afterall, since I'm planning on buying the WoW Legion expansion at the end of August. Maybe I'll wait for the first reviews to come out before making a final decision.
  11. XXX is kind of a guilty pleasure of mine. If Vin Diesel is excited about it, I think I can be too.
  12. http://www.techspot.com/news/65601-star-citizen-backer-gets-3000-pledge-refunded-help.html Any thoughts? I've been very leery of putting any of my money into this game, no matter how awesome it looks and sounds. This is exactly what was going through my mind when considering it: there's too many promises being made.
  13. Without any exposition, I clearly understood that Klan's condition was a genetic anomaly. Maybe I understood that because I knew that the micloning process was based on gene reassembly. Also, I've never seen any of you guys complain about the "inappropriateness" of their relationship as the reason you didn't like them. I thought it was handled "okay", but I share the same sentiment as this writer: they were WAY underutilized. I definitely wanted to see more of this couple. It was a much more mature relationship than the featured triangle. Cathy and Ozma were also another relationship that could have used more exposition. I guess I am just more drawn to the mature aspects of the show. As my girlfriend often quips, "Alto doesn't deserve either of the two girls". That triangle was, in my and her opinion, the weakest out of all in the show.
  14. Although I haven't studied any sources on the inner-workings of a miclone chamber, I have given it a lot of thought. It seems logical that it would read, as you said, your genetic code and construct a smaller/bigger counterpart of yourself and then do some kind of memory transfer. However, that would lead to some kind of immortality. Imagine you received some kind of grievous wound, hopped into a miclone chamber, and then reconstructed yourself. Logically, this is because it's just reading your DNA. How would it know your current physical condition? What you had for lunch? What haircut you just had last week? I'd be interested to know what other people think and/or if there has been any kind of "official" explanation.
  15. Have you had any luck getting any forward-swept wing models to fly? Their general issue stems from aeroelasticity problems. Because of the way the wings are shaped, they will stall out at the ends when they bend upwards.
  16. Don't forget all Marvel movies as well... you're supposed to love them unconditionally. Speaking of Marvel, Blizzard has great IP power and they may go the same route in developing everything they have into a movie empire. Starcraft would also make a great movie series. Diablo may be a bit too close to Warcraft, but it might be good enough to make it to the big screen too.
  17. Legend of the Galactic Heroes is really impressive. I'm only eight episodes in, but it's got me very invested in the story. You can tell it has that novel style, as the series is an adaptation of a novel series. Some episodes are pure exposition and character development, but are just as entertaining as the space combat episodes.
  18. Yeah, I've been taking it slow now, but the Avatar Project got real close to finishing before I started making some major dents in its progress. The game got more manageable as I finally picked up the subtle nuances of the game and got my troops to higher ranks. I try not to reload if things go really badly. I generally save and reload when I want to test out a game mechanic, such as how long a mech unit stays hacked. Or if I accidentally misclick one of my troops into the middle of a pod of aliens and there's no cover. The hacking mechanic is so much fun. I laughed so hard the first time I hacked a turret and used it to kill a trooper and then the Steam achievement popped up, "Stop hitting yourself!" Last night, I ran into my first Andromedon (or however its called), hacked it after the operator was killed, and used it to punch a Viper straight through a wall. SOOOOO satisfying. Setting up ambushes is also a lot of fun. Just click the "fire" button and watch sh*t fly everywhere! I gotta say, the skulljacking (or skullf***ing, as I like to call it) animation makes me cringe every time. Brutal. I'm probably 75% done. At least, that's what it looks like. The Steam reviews are generally saying the campaign is 50-60 hours. I have no idea how long I've been on mine.
  19. I went and watched this with my girlfriend last night. She and I are both pretty avid players (me more than her), and we both enjoyed the heck out of this movie. As the credits rolled, we sat there in our chairs discussing why the hell there is so much hate directed towards this movie. Trying to see it from a non-player's perspective, we still thought that it was a pretty entertaining spectacle of a movie. Any confusion as to who is who would be alleviated by a second watching, but you still don't need to watch it twice just to have fun. Maybe it was hard to differentiate the different orc clans and leaders from each other, but it could easily be broken down into Frostwolves versus the rest of the Horde. Some actors' performances were not too inspiring, but I loved the hell out of Khadgar and Gul'dan. Anduin Lothar was a decent main character. Not as awesome as Aragorn, but he had the aforementioned other two to help carry the story for him. Help me take off the rose-colored glasses. What is with all the hating on this movie? And FWIW, the theater we were in had about 30 people in it. Nowhere near capacity, but there's still some interest.
  20. XCOM 2 is absolutely brutal. I am playing on the Veteran difficulty (2nd of 4 settings) and there's so many "bullshit!" moments, it's starting to really get on my nerves. On the upside, rookie troops aren't as ridiculously useless as they were in the first game. They are more reliable at getting successful shots on enemies, even under cover. On the downside, the aliens have so many tools to completely flip the tables on you. ADVENT Shock Troopers are the new Thin Men, imo: they are so ridiculously dangerous in the early game, they now take highest kill priority. Oh, and shapeshifting Faceless, you make me rage so hard with your ability to just pop up in the middle of my soldiers and melee them from THREE goddamn squares away. It's a good game, but it can be really unfair. You can be playing a mission perfectly and then some of that bullshit happens and you lose two or three of your squad in the blink of an eye. It makes me play way more conservatively, but it also makes me even more determined to eliminate every one of those alien bastards with extreme prejudice.
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