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Everything posted by frothymug

  1. I recently watched The Last Starfighter AGAIN, and this movie never gets too old or outdated for me. Too many awesome memories of watching this badass movie when I was a kid... If any of you haven't seen it, it's a MUST-SEE. It's considered to be one of the "Top 10 Movies You've Probably Never Heard Of", imo.
  2. I LOVED FS2 as well and I considered posting some of the ships from that game on here. However, I sat there and thought "you know, they'd just debunk the game, due to its lack of Newtonian physics". Regardless, the Herc and Herc Mk. II were excellent fighters. I was partial to the Ulysses and Perseus fighters. I also loved the Fenris/Leviathan destroyers and the Aeolus-class corvettes.
  3. Don't forget that your chalkmanship is terribad.
  4. Bones Jackson forever! Mutant League Hockey was one of the most fun games I ever played. Hours upon endless hours of laughing while you beat the poo out of each other with maces, axes, chainsaws, and other sharp objects with which to maim others with.
  5. Milia is actually kind of short for a Meltran. She's 8.55m tall and afaik, most average soldiers are near the 10m mark. Regardless, the VFs all stand much taller than Zentrans and Meltrans alike. Ergo, the Zentraedi and Meltrandi mecha must be a good bit larger than the VFs.
  6. I recently played Freespace 2 on my Vista system and it wouldn't run right out of the box. I had to use a program called Freespace 2 Open to get it to work. Not sure if you will have the same problems with 7, but just in case, there's a solution for ya once you get around to installing it.
  7. Trust me, that question has been asked so many times, you don't have to look hard for the answer.
  8. frothymug

    VF Girls

    I like the nod to the M7 opening there on that last pencil sketch. The cobra coming out of the sand was a nice touch too. You've definitely got the passion for Macross to do well on the Aria project.
  9. As an example, Office Space didn't do very well in the theaters, but tore it up on DVD sales. It just took some time for it to gain a cult-like following and the rest was history.
  10. I love how the SDF-1's bridge is humongous. Good catch there to SD its design and draw it that way.
  11. Okay, so I had to come in here and see if anyone's mentioned anything about BT's new album "These Hopeful Machines" yet. I searched the forum for it, but didn't see anything, so I wanted to bring this album to your attention. Normally, I listen to hard rock and metal, etc... but I stumbled across this song and had to check out the rest of the songs on this album. BT - Suddenly I loved BT's work in The Fast and the Furious soundtrack, but never really followed him. As soon as I get some extra spending cash, I'm definitely buying this album. Interestingly enough, I started looking into trance and electronica after getting hooked to "Information High" from Macross Plus. Totally worth it, imo...
  12. Well, to take the movie's premise and completely debunk it based on there not being any actual proof of its theory is just a bad way to say it's got a bad story. We can all logically say that ancient humans somehow figured out how to raise humongous blocks of granite to the height of the pyramids. I can see how that might be accomplished using the Egyptian's engineering technologies. It's a stretch, but okay... How, then did, even older humans create Stonehenge? It just makes you wonder, that's all. Easter Island? Curiouser and curiouser... So, before you go about debunking the obviously science-fiction explanation of the movie, how about you let us know how you think they did it in real life? It's just someone's "what if" explanation, like a fable. Nobody ever claimed that it was really true. If you don't like seeing movies that take a leap of faith, then stick to watching only documentaries. Last time I checked, the US Air Force didn't have a huge juggernaut intergalactic spaceship that covered up the Pyramids when it landed on them. Maybe Ra was just an average alien who was only able to USE the technology, not create new ones.
  13. The "Stargate" movie was pure win. There. I said it. So, tell me why it was bad. The series that spawned from it, I'm indifferent. I never really watched them.
  14. Alright... I cannot allow this thread to stay idle for too long. Some Ranka love for you all.
  15. Oh mah gawd... My favorite car of all time with Klan graphics all over it. Unable to resist...
  16. I was waiting for someone to bring up this show. I LOVED that show when I was a kid.
  17. David was talking about SDFM episode 34, not M7.
  18. jenius gets my vote for nerdiest Macross moment. He takes the cake, pun intended.
  19. HAWT, dude. Thank you very much!
  20. You don't have to go through all that work, dude. I wanted to just mess with a color scheme I thought up. Instead of trying to picture it in my mind, I might as well look at it on a computer screen to see how it turns out! =o) I have been trying to alter the Alto colors version of the 25F I snagged off of your site, but when I try to replace the colors with the off-white from the rest of the VF, it just doesn't work out right. Um, the size that's on your site is more than sufficient. The insignia is fine; all I need is a blank-colored profile so I can just use the paint bucket tool to fill in the colors where I want them to be. Thanks!
  21. You can probably select her color scheme. It looked like you can also select the training color scheme too.
  22. I started goofing around with GIMP and the first thing I want to do is create a blank profile image of a 25F without any customized coloring. Does anyone have a dorsal and side view of this? Or, can someone show me how to remove the coloring and not make it look like ass like I've been able to do so far?
  23. Yeah, I loved Seaquest until Roy Scheider quit and the show got gay. Nothing against Michael Ironside at all, but it was mostly the writing that just tanked it for me.
  24. At least Ron Perlman got some decent roles after that disaster of a show.
  25. Yeah, I kind of noticed that the paint job looked like Nora's, but I was hoping it would be good enough for ya I guess I knowingly lied that it was an alpha... haha
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