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Everything posted by frothymug

  1. Huh... I should have recognized Bosch as Ichigo's voice in Bleach too... He also does Lelouch in Code Geass. Ha! He also grew up in the town in which I grew up and currently live. I had to look up Milly's English voice actor because I knew her from some series that I had seen many many times. Which is why I thought that maybe it was Rebecca Forstadt, whom has also done a couple of voices for other series I've seen many times... such as Mihoshi Kuramitsu in Tenchi Muyo. I still can't really figure out why I've heard her voice a lot. I guess it was from Big O...
  2. Why does it look like the monster is showing off his giant metallic phallus?
  3. You're right.. sounds just like the original voices. The dude who did Vash was also the guy who did Kaneda in Akira. I remember that Vash's brother is done by the guy who voiced Tetsuo from Akira as well. Millie Thompson... why does her voice sound familiar? Is that Minmei's voice from Robotech? Uhh... Rebecca Forstadt?
  4. I hope they aren't planning on redubbing the voices. I have hated Funimation's work since they took over DBZ and screwed up all of the voices. Nobody can even come close to Brian Drummond as Vegeta. I want my Ocean Group back!
  5. AFAIK, the head doesn't really transform. It's already in the right spot. The section in front of the head basically folds downwards to latch onto the nose portion of the craft, which reveals the head for battroid use.
  6. Don't forget their "LIDAR".
  7. Looks a bit like Yukinojo in the "Tenchi Muyo!" OVA. It does say "Pioneer/AIC" on the lineart. Am I correct in my guess?
  8. I was shopping Amazon for toys and they seem remarkably affordable... even the VF-25F, VF-25G, and RVF-25 were around 90 bucks, minus shipping. However, the Chogokin DX models are much more expensive and I was curious as to what makes them so much more. Ozma's armored VF-25S was 325 bucks, iirc. They look gorgeous!
  9. Well, my point is that there are an infinite number of naming combinations that they could have used, but they chose those two. I'm just pointing out the fact that it's just too convenient to be coincidental. If it is purely coincidence, then I look forward to the universe ending very soon.
  10. I know that those names come from Greek mythology, smartass... What I mean is that they used both names in tandem, even though those two mythological figures aren't really related to each other.
  11. They named the ships Daedelus and Prometheus in SG? Is there some kind of reason those two ships are so closely related in naming conventions, or are they just drawing inspiration from SDF-Macross? (or did SDF-Macross draw inspiration from an earlier work?)
  12. Wow, Argonaut Software. I guess you could consider this one to be an older relative to Star Fox for SNES, huh?
  13. Well, since we are apparently all fans of Kawamori's work...
  14. I still have them both, but they don't work right. Usually, the problem is the games run too goddamn fast or there's BSP holes everywhere, etc... It's too bad. I would love to blast through the mines of the Post Terran Mining Corporation once more.
  15. Ungh! I nostalgia'd....
  16. Yeah, I found that on your site after reading some of the posts this morning. I didn't really find any pertinent information to help me out. Perhaps it's in one of the sections that you didn't translate (pp. 58 - 91)? Also a quick question... On your Page 46 translations "Michael: with childhood friend Ranka"?
  17. Holy crap, did you really pay three bucks for that thing? If so, where the hell is Vinnie's?? I'd like to go there!
  18. Okay, thanks for the alarm, Sketchley. I am more concerned about the TV series continuity right at this moment. That means that I need to refer to Pash Animation File #02, correct?
  19. ISC = Inertia Store Converter Along with the EX-gear system, the ISC helps to keep the intense g-forces of combat from reaching the pilot. It's stated that this combination removes the performance difference from man and machine, thereby increasing the performance capabilities of a manned-fighter. I know it's in full use for the VF-25. They installed EX-gears into the VF-171EX, but I can't remember if it has an ISC system in it... You can always assume that just because the VF-27 was created at X time, that the requirement of a cyborg pilot would only mandate the cyberneticization of the pilot itself. I think what we're trying to ascertain here is the mandate for the entire population of Macross Galaxy. I completely agree that there has to be some sort of totalitarian rule, in order to facilitate such a radical notion. I tend to think of Galaxy's government as an oligarchy, though... seeing as how Grace is at the head, but she has several cohorts with which she seems to respect on an almost-even level to herself.
  20. Well, maybe you can help with this, Seto Kaiba... Do they give any kinds of timelines on the approvals of the implantation mandates? I ask because of my afforementioned fanfic. I want to try to be as close to canon as possible.
  21. I lol'ed at this one. Good times, indeed. "Say goodbye to your two best friends. And I don't mean your pals on the Winnebago!"
  22. Interestingly enough, I am tackling this notion in the fanfic that I've been working on. I see Galaxy's government as mandating cybernetic implants, thereby installing a system of control over its citizens. Fleets like Frontier outlawed implantation, probably due to the foresight that this would become an issue. Technically, Galaxy has every right to mandate cyberneticization, when looked through the lens of the New UN Government rules. Each fleet is responsible for its own governance, and only remains loosely associated to the New UN Government for organizational purposes.
  23. I was always under the impression that the UN government was destroyed when the Zentraedi fleet bombarded the earth. The NEW UN government was formed after Space War I, but was still known as the UN government. It wasn't referred to as the New UN (New UN Spacy, or NUNS) until the reorganization of the Earth/Zentraedi government sometime between the events of Seven and Frontier. Basically, the United Nations as we know it in real life was in the Macross universe prior to the Zentraedi invasion. It ceased existence at the end of the Space War and a new governmental body was formed. This is what we're talking about here. Does that help at all, or am I still somewhat incorrect in my explanation?
  24. I believe it means that you have to take the model apart somewhat, and swap parts out to get the final transformation effect. A perfect-transformer will be one that does not need to have parts switched out and does the transformation in as few simple steps as possible.
  25. You would be surprised, dude. I don't think I've run into anyone around my age who actually has seen that movie, or even heard of it. Granted, this isn't a question that I ask to everyone I meet, but still... The few people with whom I've brought this subject up have no idea what I'm talking about. Okay, so according to Mr. March, he wants to know about the realism of the design of the ships. I thought they did a good job in TLS, when they spent time to explain the intricacies of the gunnery chair in the Gunstars. There was even a part in the movie when he was tracking multiple targets and even though his vision was obscured by the ship itself, it still marked the targets with red boxes on his HUD.
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