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Everything posted by frothymug

  1. This showed up on my recommended Youtube videos when I recently logged onto YT. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZPHQ-r5h1E It's nice. Not as good as the original, but a good cover nonetheless.
  2. Starship Troopers style?
  3. Uh yeah, in the movie. You're right about that.
  4. I guess if you like to watch propeller planes putter around in the air firing their machine guns at each other, then you're entitled to your own opinion. I'd much rather watch a few planes dogfighting at intra-sonic speeds blowing each other to smithereens with sidewinder missiles and vulcan cannons. There could have been more gun kills, I will admit. "An elegant weapon for a more civilized age." I refuted your previous reasons because they were dumb. "They couldn't even get soviet aircraft for the enemy aircraft". You expected them to do so in 1985? All I hear from you about this movie is nothing but negativity and you sit there looking for every possible way to put it down. How are the characters shallow and unrealistic? The aerial combat was flown by real fighter pilots. How could it not be up to par to you? Oh wait, that's right. You'd rather watch propeller planes in old movies so you can seem more worldly and not-in-the-norm than your averaged slack-jawed yokel.
  5. I just want to know why you hate the movie. Don't just come up here and say it sucks and not have a good reason. I've already refuted your past reasons. On a related note, IF (and that's a big "if") they do make a sequel, I'd love to see some naval fleet action. Nothing like those 16-inch guns firing a full-broadside on an enemy target. The air filled with AA fire is a sight to behold.
  6. My point is that some of you guys are "armchair quarterbacking" the movie from the year 2010. In 1985, they didn't have the means to do what they can today. If you could have written the script, then how would YOU have done it? If you get rid of the MiGs, who the heck would you fight against that would actually make it believable to the audience? At the time, the Cold War was running strong. Although they never actually confirm the MiG pilots to be Soviet, you can still kind of assume that it's some Soviet-backed faction. You also don't realize that it would take a lot for the US to launch a nuclear missile against another country. Oh noes... one of our carriers had to illegally enter foreign waters to save a disabled ship. How dare the opposing faction try to defend their territory with hostile actions! Quick! Let's justify an attack on a carrier full of military personnel by launching a nuclear missile against a city full of 3 million civilians! The story was written to make it as believable as it could be at the time. What would you have done differently?
  7. Okay, a question for all you haters out there... If Top Gun sucked so badly, how would YOU have achieved production of the movie? Let's start with this: I'd like to know how you would go about getting your hands on real MiG fighters if you're a Hollywood production company in the 1980's.
  8. I can totally understand the complaints about the beginning of episode 5. When I first saw it, I started going back to episode 4 and checking to see if I actually missed a portion of the story. I don't know... perhaps they felt they were up against a time restriction. Oh well... I want to point out that when you see Sara inside of the Birdman, she's got those organic tendrils wrapped around her body and attached to various points of her skin. You see the same kind of tendrils in DYRL when Exedol is both displaying the images from the miclone ship, and when he is translating to the captured miclones. Yet another little PC design detail that's survived for eons.
  9. I LOVE Zero, and quite frankly, I find it hard to believe that people just can't follow the story. As Azrael noted, you just have to learn to gain perspective on how advanced the Protoculture were. I didn't have any qualms about the series, except that the ending was a tiny bit ambiguous. We can assume that Sara commanded the Birdman to fold out of the atmosphere, but how did Shin do the same? Was it her power, or did he have it within him as Mao suggested? Aside from that, the mecha battles were sexy as hell and the characters were well-written. I disliked 7, simply because I felt like I was watching the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. The series was obviously geared towards a much younger audience than before and there were so many things about that series that just rubbed my fur the wrong way. If you didn't like Zero, be prepared for a tough viewing of 7. Although, imo, Zero was 956070834x better than 7.
  10. Just because they used MiGs in Top Gun, doesn't mean that they were fighting against some part of the Soviet Bloc. They could just make up a plane and call it, say... SV-51 and have them fight against F-14s and... oh wait, that's been done already.
  11. Yeah, but just losing navigation wouldn't cause the engines and hydraulics (if they still use em in MacF) to go out. Something was disrupting the computer system, most likely.
  12. That's a horrible-looking circle. You should get some more practice.
  13. The dimensional barrier was neatly shrinkwrapped around the Vajra battleship's hull. You can see it when it absorbs the first shot from Battle Frontier. Let's just say that the Pin-Point Barrier attack is unstoppable! Technically, PPB is the same energy as a dimensional barrier. Fight fire with fire, and what do you get? A whole lot of "bitchin'!"
  14. You mentioned the female marine in Zero in one of your posts. I think she is also in the scene when they take Mao and Nutuk up in the helicopter to the Asuka. She's the marine who is talking to Aries from the helicopter. See? Women are helping!
  15. The latter. I said that they mentioned that the shield was down after the Macross attack.
  16. Guld has worked hard to suppress his natural instincts and appear to be a normally-functioning person. You have to look at it this way: Guld is extremely intelligent, since he was both the pilot and one of the design engineers for the YF-21. I'm sure he was smart enough to learn how to control himself so any kinds of brain scans done while designing the BDS and BDI systems would come up with no anomalies. The very sight of Isamu triggered the neurological reaction that caused the BDS to go haywire. He's always had this condition, but he doesn't tell anyone about it. As far as Myung's true feelings go, all you have to do is look at Sharon Apple's feelings. She says that she loves Guld.. but then says that she loves Isamu even more. Sharon's emotions are a direct copy of Myung's. What does that tell us?
  17. I do believe they did say something about a dimensional shield or rift being down when the Quarter performed its melee attack on the juggernaut Vajra ship. That's what nullified the first shot from Battle Frontier's buster cannon. Remember that the Macross Cannon uses collimated superdimensional energy. Would make sense that the Vajra have the ability to nullify that very energy, since they themselves are superdimensional life forms.
  18. I always used the term "assaulted".
  19. Wow, I just have to say that I am really impressed at all of the effort you guys put into this event. I didn't go, but I really wish I could have. I thought I was a pretty big fan of Macross, but I don't even come close to the dedication that so many of you put forth. ...and speaking of dedication, I just want to say that I was surprised that Mari Iijima agreed to come. ...but after thinking about it, it really just tells me and everyone involved of the unflinching dedication SHE puts into supporting her fans and the fans of Macross. Every time I see a picture of her or hear a story about how someone ran into her, she's always more than willing to spend a few minutes to make a fan's dream come true. She's been doing this for over 20 years now and it looks like she still enjoys it to the fullest. Mari, you're a real professional. Thanks for everything you do!
  20. Merc, I just tagged that to make sure I didn't ruin anyone's expectations of the movie early on. I'm sure several other people have sprayed their essence onto the movie in a similar fashion, but I'm not gonna contribute to it. We're already talking about the real meat and potatoes of the movie in the movie discussion thread, so check it out! Welcome to the board, C_Chan!
  21. People need to quit getting so lost in the shipping wars and just appreciate the scene for what it is: dynamic.
  22. Linkage, please? Please allow me the decency of consuming the rest of my foot in style. Now, I've heard this before from Masaki Kajishima, the creator of Tenchi Muyo. He claimed that he'd resolve the love triangle in the 3rd OVA, but he never did and really just screwed up the entire franchise for me with the nonsensical horse manure of the 3rd OVA. I was halfway through watching the episodes and literally hopped out of my chair screaming "WTF is going on?!?!"
  23. Ah yeah, that was a good one. I kinda jumped back in my seat in surprise from that one.
  24. Okay, a couple more items that I remembered to mention Pros: Cons: I'll post more later
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