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Everything posted by frothymug

  1. Just in case you didn't know how, you can set the spoiler tag with the
  2. Just watch the trailer. You can already tell it's going to be a waste of time. First thing I thought when I saw the trailer was, "I've seen this movie before... is this Independence Day 2? No? Oh, okay..."
  3. Good trailer! The cinematography is on such a grand scale, you almost forget that the movie is taking place inside of a computer mainframe, so to speak...
  4. Was it your photobucket account or something?
  5. In a way, I almost envy you that you haven't seen them yet. I'm just gonna say that you're gonna love getting to watch those stories unfold for the first time. I hope you haven't seen too many spoilers so far on the forums, here.
  6. I'm just saying that when you buy anything that requires installation or assembly instructions, the manuals usually come in at least 4 languages. The fact that the manual for this toy, and probably all of the others, comes in Japanese is another little quirk... same as why there are never any subtitles for Macross releases. I agree, though, that if you need instructions to build this figurine, you might have some other problems to deal with.
  7. Let me guess... the assembly instructions are only in Japanese too??
  8. Good times! Thanks for finding those for us, Shiroth.
  9. Jaleel White and Robert Picardo, I am disappoint.
  10. Yeah, I thought you had made it that file size specifically to fit on a 4GB flash drive. I was like "Yes! Now I can watch this baby on my 48" HDTV!" Then I was disappoint....
  11. It looks real sharp and the colors are vibrant as hell. Nice job! I can't put it on my memory stick, though; says I'm 140MB short. Is the 4GB size a standard size, or does it vary from manufacturer to manufacturer?
  12. I see what you guys are talking about. I think my confusion is the problem of perception from seeing the action in the series. I guess the question would be "what is the difference between a laser cannon and beam cannon?" I'm guessing this is never clarified in any of the official media, right?
  13. The question is about the head-mounted armaments. I'm just saying that they're typically underused and when they are used, they seem to have very little overall effect on their target. I think it's funny that we'd all be quick to refer to any energy-based weapon as a "laser", when it looks like they're more like packets of energy... like a particle emitter of sorts. I think my problem here is that my impression of a "beam cannon" is put together with other high-yield superweapons like the Macross Cannon.
  14. Well, you could also argue that those Octos models had energy-conversion armor. The lasers seem to be pretty ineffective against it. As a matter of fact, I think Shin shot directly at Nora's canopy during Episode 3 and they harmlessly bounced away.... then again, you don't actually see Shin hit her. He could just be a lousy shot with that thing... lol Anyway, I wanted to clarify if it was, in fact, a change in terminology/technology. The thing that really drives me nuts, though, is that any instance of a "beam cannon" is usually a slow-firing weapon. You see Ozma pelt a Vajra mecha-drone with his lasers in MacF episode 17. It seems to do SOME damage, but it's more of an annoyance to the drone. He eventually destroys it by throwing it's own claw through it's body from behind. I guess the fact that the 25S has four of them makes it look like they're rapid-fire. I'm trying to determine the correct terminology to use for purposes of accuracy, that's all.
  15. Mr. March, I had a question of nomenclature used in your Mecha Manual. The head-mounted lasers for battroid mode... are they lasers, or beam cannons? You started using "beam cannon" in the Frontier VF descriptions, while it looks like you use "laser turret" and "laser cannon" in the earlier series compilations. My impression of a "beam cannon" was a fairly large impact weapon, such as the anti-ship cannon on the Queadluun Rhea, the particle cannon mode on the VF-171EXs gunpod, or the beam grenade of the VF-27s gunpod. In pretty much all of the series, the head lasers were useless in destroying other fighters, but they do well as anti-missile weapons. Even in Zero, Roy shot his lasers at the Octos... it didn't do any damage to the mecha itself, but it hit a missile as it was leaving its launch pod, which destroyed the Octos. A little help in clarifying would be appreciated.
  16. You know what I think would be even MORE useful? A tutorial on how to hardsub or softsub our own DVD/BD's. As soon as I can get some disposable income, I want to buy Macross BD's. However, I want to be able to rip the BD, hard or soft sub them, then burn it back onto a blank BD.... WITHOUT any loss of picture quality. Is this possible?
  17. At least by the time the second movie starts, they'll have established the relationships between the main three characters. That will leave room for my more loved characters to possibly get some front-line action time! Wewt! And Wedge was indestructible as a pilot... it's too bad he didn't get any recognition for it. "Good shot, Red 2!"
  18. Every clip I see of Skyline just makes me even more mad. However, a comment about the design of the alien creatures... Does anyone remember the Ur-Quan from the Star Control series?
  19. Yeah, perhaps having someone watch eps 1-7 to get the gist of what's going on. The only thing that they'd question is who the hell Brera is since he only makes a very brief appearance in episode 7.
  20. What's with people covering up their faces on their videos now? What's the big deal about people knowing who you are?
  21. When did this thread turn into "let's find the most outrageous music-related videos on the internet?" I beseech thee, let's get back to talking about >good< music again!
  22. I also loved Demolition Man. I couldn't stop laughing at that part when he just keep cursing at the little machine to get some "paper". All throughout the movie, anytime someone would swear, you'd hear that little klaxon go off somewhere in the background. Nice touch... "Be well, John Spartan..." "Be well??! Be f---ed!"
  23. Don't forget that part in Demolition Man where they mentioned amending the Constitution so Arnie could be President.... lol. We got real close there, too! *whew!*
  24. The Last Action Hero I'm sort of assisting another author on their MacF fanfic that kinda plays on what you were suggesting about alternate realities coming into existence when we create them... He seems to be adamant that it's a good story idea. It all depends on the final product and how its executed as to how good it comes out.
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