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Everything posted by frothymug

  1. I'm confused. Seto, did you miss Gubaba's posting of said picture, or did he go back and magically put it on his post without flagging an edit on that post?
  2. IIRC, the gunpod is supposed to be stored within the fuselage on the ventral side. I haven't seen any illustrations that show how that works out; how it fires in fighter mode, and how it ejects when going to GERWALK or battroid.
  3. I guess after reading Graham's response on some of the issues, there should be a disclaimer added to some of our complaints. When used in a "proper" manner, many of these things (such as social networks and smartphones) do serve a great purpose. However, the term "proper" is up in the air for a subjective definition... It's too bad that these innovative products have to be tainted by our commonly-perceived abuses.
  4. I have been considering writing a fanfic about a blind person who aspires to be a pilot. He or she would have to use a BDI-enabled system to achieve their goal, in that scenario. The YF-21 brought forth several interesting technologies to the playing field, which earns my vote as the most innovative. edit: I said "BDS" instead of "BDI"...
  5. Goddamn, you guys covered a lot of what I've spent hours bitching at random people about as I go on about my daily business. Social networking sites: How can people think that anyone cares that they had enchiladas for lunch? Honestly, I'd be more interested in what color it was on the way OUT. Yet, people still put this crap on their page AND THEN their friends "like" their post! Who f'ing cares?!? Smartphones: I have the same complaints as you guys do... I am so sick of people keeping their faces buried in their phones than paying attention to WTF is going on around them. My little brother, who is almost 21, is constantly on his phone texting his friends. It's so annoying when I invite him over to play some Smash Bros. or something and he's texting in between matches. F that S, put your phone away. THEN, I have to put up with asstard classmates who can't keep their phones in their pockets for at least 80 freaking minutes. They do whatever it takes to hide their phones from the professors' views and then when they get caught, they get upset that the teacher is trying to maintain a semblance of order and respect in the classroom. If you can't use it responsibly, GTFO and STFU. Seto, I totally agree with you on the ADD thing. iPods: Same complaints here... why the hell do you need 6000 hours of continuous non-repeated playback on your iPod? You just wanted the 16 gig version so you could show off to your friends how much pirated music you have available to you. There's nothing wrong with having ecclectic tastes in music, but I really don't give a rat's ass how much music you have. Your batteries won't last long enough to get through all the songs you have saved on your iPod. Is it really that hard to just dock it when you need to change up some songs? NASA: Ghost Train, I share the same sentiments on the Moon thing. As a matter of fact, I was complaining about this to my little brother earlier today. NASA has become a bloated and bureaucratic money sink that doesn't get anything done nowadays. All we do is put sattelites into orbit and screw around with the ISS. It irks me to no end when I hear about a shuttle mission getting scrubbed because there's a goddamn CLOUD in the sky! Just push the button and launch the damn thing. They get paid regardless of how quickly they get their missions completed. If they'd constructed the shuttle better, they wouldn't have to treat it like it's a fragile flower. ...and finally, Cars: areaseven's comment was also right on. ...but I'd like to add my two cents... ->Push to "start" buttons on cars.<- Every time I see this, I think of the Simpsons episode when Sideshow Bob steals a nuclear weapon and holds the city for ransom, demanding that TV be abolished. When he jumps into a waiting Harrier jet, he looks at the console that has two buttons: "start" and "stop". To which, he remarks, "God bless the idiot-proof Air Force". We already have too many morons piloting these two-ton bullets down the road. Making driving easier is just going to make things worse for those of us who actually spend a lot of time negotiating with asshat drivers for a living.
  6. Even the Jamming Birds get in on the Macross II covers.
  7. My guess is that this story is going to have a little touch of Hikaru in it, since Hikaru was an acrobatic pilot before he joined the service. I had considered writing a side story where old valkyrie models were being used to fight hand-to-hand as a spectator sport, but then I realized that it might turn out to be too much like G-Gundam, lol.
  8. The NUNS of Frontier was pretty quick to get their asses into gear and throw some major upgrades into the VF-171, once they developed anti-Vajra munitions. Gotta give them credit for upping their game so quickly to meet the challenge head-on. Let's not forget our dear friends of Diamond Force in eps 14 and 24 whoopin' up on some nasty bugs flying both the VF-171 and VF-171EX.
  9. Oh, I must have missed the part about it being about VF races on the Frontier fleet. So much to take in all at once!
  10. Sounds a lot like Che Guevara...
  11. lol, yeah, I was wondering what those air show pictures have to do with the novel. Anyone who can read the text on there shed some light on the issue?
  12. The thrust vectoring on the VF-1 is for pitch only (not yaw), since it's not three-dimensional vectoring. It does help tremendously, and it's even a common technique to switch to GERWALK for even better thrust vectoring (except it only works in one direction in the GERWALK case). What VFs have three dimensional vectoring? VF-22 and VF-27? Am I missing any? SV-51, perhaps?
  13. I thought I saw someone say that this is set in 2058? I see Ozma and the Pixies in that picture with the N-Ger firing on the 19. I suppose this would have taken place at the same time or before Michael joined up. I wonder if this Chelsea Scarlett will be a miclone or Meltran pilot? Would work well if she had something to do with the formation of the Pixies before MacF took place.
  14. I must have missed that Plus addition when I watched M7. What episode did it follow?
  15. I do want to point out that Colonel Millard was another example of someone who's gone through the same thing that the "brash and disrespectful" young soldiers do. Heck, even Global talks about how Admiral Hayase had to do some improvising of his own when he was just a young commander. The point is that many of the leaders in the military in Macross come from the same backgrounds as the series antagonists. You could just say that these "fly by the seat of their pants" characters are going to become the leaders of tomorrow because they can get sh!t done.
  16. I was wondering when Eugimon would come on here to start preaching again... I just added my $.02 about the guy, I didn't need to hear a completely unrelated story about automotive industry conspiracies. Moving back on the subject, what's with the recent trend of alien apocalypse movies? We all know that Independence Day has the market cornered on that... The only exception is that one movie or show where a race of giants comes looking for a ship that crash landed on Earth and they eventually bombard the surface of the Earth... What was it called again?
  17. I also think that they may be waiting for the 2nd MF movie to come out before releasing new models. The Klan VF-25S in Macross Trial Frontier could very well mean that it will make an appearance in the 2nd movie. If so, I don't see why they wouldn't want to release a 25S with that paint scheme.
  18. He can be right about many things and I think that he and his crew do a lot of great research and come up with some information that I find to be quite informative, but... Glenn Beck sometimes comes off of the chain and just says and does poo that makes me want to pull my hair out. I wish he'd think about these things before he says them, to be honest.
  19. Can't stop listening to this one...
  20. Doesn't the SV-51 use disposable fuel tanks to increase its range?
  21. Would it not cost more, though?
  22. I can agree with you that the VF-0 was more versatile. I could swear I had read a discussion on the highs and lows of the SV-51, but I cannot recall any details. At a glance, though... when I see the extra hinged joints on the wings, I think "more expensive both in manufacture and maintenance". Extra moving parts = more chances for failure of said moving parts. Also, isn't the SV-51 a meter or two longer than the VF-0? Pretty self-explanatory there, as to the reasons you could believe that it was more expensive. Just my $.02
  23. Yeah, head-to-head, I'd say the SV-51 was the superior fighter. But as anime52k8 mentioned, that doesn't always mean it becomes the preferred choice. The VF-0's were probably easier to build and maintain and therefore, were the preferred design leading to the VF-1 line. The YF-21 was way ahead of its time, but its high cost and slight unreliability cost it the project. The VF-22 turned out to be used on a much smaller scale, and mostly served as a special operations fighter; since it was better than the 19, but more expensive to construct.
  24. LOL! Oh man... I don't think I've ever laughed so loud from reading something off of a forum. Good one, Eugimon.
  25. Atmospheric re-entry?
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