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Everything posted by frothymug

  1. This is already used in the Queadluun Rhea.
  2. The Last Starfighter OWNS you. You cannot argue with that logic.
  3. We're not arguing that there's no artistic aspect to games; it's just that we're saying that it's tough to compare art and games on the same spectrum. However, I do know what you mean when you see a game that just "looks" so good, that it HAS to be considered art. The whole package could be immortalized as a work of art if it's good enough.
  4. In some aspect, it is... but do you consider art to be interactive on the level of a video game? When you think of 'art', you usually think of a single frame capturing the moment of the artist's inspiration.
  5. Thank you for bumping this thread.... because I did not know what the hell "WIP" stood for until now!
  6. If you look closely in episode three while Nora and DD are talking to their squadron, you see a couple of CF SV-51s get shot down by the AA fire from the carrier battlegroup. Did you mean specifically by other VF-0s? Technically, Shin took Nora down by colliding his damaged VF-0D into her SV-51.
  7. Kinda reminds me of the ABC bots from Judge Dredd, too...
  8. ...because there's a watered-down BDI in it, correct?
  9. Good catch on the naming conventions!
  10. Oh, man... thank you for bringing up this subject, too. I went on Youtube to find if someone had posted the soundtrack to C&C and lo! they have! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ez4gPTOxLCc I nostalgia'd!!! Another thing I loved about those games: running infantry over with APC's. Such a satisfying crunch...!
  11. Oh, man... so much to talk about, even though I have barely played any of the games on the poll. I played TONS of C&C back in the day. From the awesome soundtrack, to the often hilarious unit sound clips, it was one of the most enjoyable games to play. Things I LOVED about that game: The Commando and his one-liners... "That was left-handed!" "Keep 'em comin'!" Luring computer infantry through Tiberium fields and watching them spontaneously combust... of which, I loved the death screams when they died. There was something disgusting about how I'd laugh out loud when watching infantry running around on fire before they fell over dead... oh well. Kane was one of the best villains out there... I still fear the power of the NOD's mighty Obelisks. However, there was something magical about rushing bases with a handful of Mammoth tanks. Red Alert: Such a great game. I spent so much time skirmishing against computer controlled AI's, but even the game itself was thoroughly enjoyable. Exploring an alternate timeline had its ups and downs... mostly ups. The gameplay was drastically improved and units were better-balanced than its predecessor, but there were some improvements to be made. I purchased C&C 2 when it first came out... I even got the collector's edition with the soundtrack CD and die-cast GDI soldier figurine. Still have 'em, too... However, after playing several hours into the game, I realized that it just didn't have the same magic as the first two games. I never touched a C&C title after that game.
  12. lol, for a second, I thought you were facetiously referring to OUR Graham, not Graham Hollie. That would be cool though, huh?
  13. Regardless, it was good for a quick laugh. I'll have to watch Zero again in its entirety to see what else comes to mind. It was just something that hit me that I thought was strangely coincidental.
  14. That is definitely one great example of the sybolism in the Mayan culture... heh.
  15. I like hulagu's idea
  16. Aries Turner does not specify how old the AFOS device is, but she says that it is at least 10,000 years old. Michael's ancestry is never specified in canon. However, everyone assumes that he's got some Zentraedi lineage, obviously because of his ears. If anything, his ears look more Zentran, and Klan's look more Zolan. We all know that she specifies her pure Zentraedi lineage, though. Looking at Jessica Blanc... she does kind of resemble a Zolan. Anyway, as far as Alpha Bombay blood type, only the Priestess of the Wind Clan carried it. If Mao needed a blood transfusion, how come they didn't use the blood from one of the other islanders?
  17. I misunderstood the point of separating the AFOS. I thought Azrael meant that it was to hide it from nefarious beings OTHER than humans in the antiquity. Your explanation does make a lot of sense. I used this sentence as an example of a fable that was passed down from generation to generation. Although it's a story told by people who are oblivious to the workings of their own blood and DNA, it was told in a way for everyone to be able to understand and repeat to the next generation. It's not literally two snakes, but its a symbolic representation of the actual DNA strand. I'm pretty sure that the AFOS device was being controlled, or at least influenced, by Sara's song. Remember, that she was mourning the loss of Shin and when the device asked her those questions; she had nothing to live for. Imagine how she felt about humanity as a whole; after everything that she's seen civilized humanity do to her and her people... how their reckless pursuit of power and dominance took away the one person for whom she had begun to feel love. When Sara realized that Shin was not dead, but alive, she changed her song and emotion to where it halted the AFOS device's assault. Ironically, when it seemed that the device had been brought under control, the order to use brute force to destroy the device ended up tragically destroying the connection between Shin and Sara. Now we have no idea what happened to them after everything was over.
  18. That was another point I was going to bring up. It is all a rich tapestry of symbolism. I also agree that it could mean that the Protoculture has a tendency to cross-breed with humanoids on each planet. If that was the case, perhaps the Protoculture itself is an amalgamation of all cultures of the universe. That would fall in line to the whole "alignment" of Humans and Zentrans in the current time period. Perhaps it was always meant to be that way.
  19. I don't see the point in severing the AFOS device in half to "hide" it, since both pieces could be detected by the Cyclops cross-dimensional radar. Perhaps at that time, the technology wasn't available to detect on that spectrum. The point is that the fable is just that... a fable. A way of telling a story of how things came to be. I never meant to take the story LITERALLY, but you have to appreciate the symbolism in the story that could quite possibly be a little closer to the truth than one would like to believe. Sara was right about the coming of the bird-humans leading to a worldwide catastrophe. She even knew about the DNA in our blood when she said that there are two snakes intertwined with each other in blood, and she foreshadows that the power within them could be significant. How could she know about that if neither she, nor her ancestors had ever used a microscope to see what really is in one's blood? Fables usually use a more common-place nomenclature so the listeners can understand the story better. Instead of "emigration fleet", they used "turtle shell", for example.
  20. I was watching Zero earlier today when some of the dialogue hit me in a strange perspective. When Nutuk is telling the fable of Rooy-Kanu and Rooy-Waka, he mentions that when the bird-humans came, they dropped a giant turtle shell into the water, which became the islands of Mayan. When I tried to visualize this in my mind, I remembered the image of Island-1 dropping into the sea on the Vajra homeworld at the end of Macross Frontier. Island-1 very much does resemble a giant turtle shell and arrived onto the planet's surface in a similar manner. I wonder if the protoculture "colonized" the Earth many years ago and through either a humongous coincidence, or there's some kind of natural occurrence of things, Humanity follows in the footsteps of the protoculture, using almost identical technologies. Bird-humans are now variable fighters, which are similar to the supposed natural form of the protoculture. When the bird-human cut its own head off, the blood that came out became Rooy-Waka. Rooy-Kanu and Rooy-Waka had many children together, but Rooy-Waka eventually left the planet to travel across the stars once more. It seems that this is the cycle of the Protoculture. That they would find a planet, colonize it, then grow their population. Once the population reached a certain point, they would "spawn" another colonization group, which would travel the stars in search of a new home. I could go on with some other interesting coincidences, but I want to hear some input before I go on.
  21. Hope you can find a site that has a high-res version of the movie. If not, I highly recommend downloading one of the 720p versions. It's definitely full of eye-candy.
  22. Don't forget his memorable performance in Explorers. I loved that movie... still do, actually!
  23. I don't get what the complaints are about IE8. I never have problems with it and I never notice any speed differences using Firefox. I haven't touched Chrome, but seriously... why does everyone take a huge dump on IE? Is it too mainstream for your tastes?
  24. So, there's a new generation of fighters available in the VF-25 and VF-27... this isn't like Kawamori to put in ANOTHER cutting-edge variable fighter so quickly in the timeline. And why the hell does Alto get to fly it? He's a newbie pilot at this point in the series. I was kinda irked at how "good" he appeared to be after being a combat pilot for maybe a few weeks. As a matter of fact, that final battle in the movie was his first live combat engagement. Those simulators must be pretty f'ing good... Michael DID crank up the difficulty on Alto for his training. Why does it feel like this is fan-created work and someone's just going with it? I remember the hubbub when pictures of SSJ5 Goku popped up along with rumors of a "Dragonball AF", and people were in a frenzy over it. I'm not saying that I don't believe what's in that magazine scan; I'm just remaining cautiously pessimistic.
  25. Hey! I use AOL to handle my mail... although it's free internet mail. I've had the same address for... 16 years? I don't really want to change it, tbh.
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