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Everything posted by frothymug

  1. Oh, I dunno... an alien spaceship could crash-land on this planet at any time. Then you'd see such things before your death.
  2. Yeah, that doesn't mean anything. At least we get to see them interacting with each other a bit more. Michael's death in the series caught me by surprise and manly tears were shed en memoriam.
  3. There are several of us who share your sentiment on the gratuitous fanservicing of the movie. However, I thought that the mecha action was borderline orgasmic, so it's all subjective.
  4. Is it strange that I initially misread that to mean something else?
  5. I'm inclined to agree. Grace doesn't seem to be "as sinister" as she turns out to be in the series. I think Leon is behind most of the animosity that's to come in the 2nd movie. It's all still up in the air, though.
  6. Just because people aren't voting for Ozma doesn't mean that they're not liking him. I love Ozma's character. Total BAMF, but still has no problems admitting his feelings for Cathy at the most "awesomest" time. In the immortal words of Captain Zap Brannigan, "He's a man's man's man." I just like Isamu more because I share a lot of his personality quirks... and the fact that he's just a regular ass-kicker in the pilot's seat doesn't hurt.
  7. Even though Roy, Ozma, Michael, and Klan rank very highly for me, I picked Isamu, simply because he frequently reminds me of myself. Cocky and arrogant, but effective. I know people can't stand my overconfidence, but they can't deny that I'll always come through for them. As a pilot, Isamu was probably only paralleled by Max and Guld. All of them were seemingly unkillable; even against unstoppable opponents such as the Ghost X-9 and Milia Fallyna. As was previously mentioned, Isamu was nothing short of an ass-kicking pilot, ripping through that squadron of dissident Zentraedi at the beginning of the series. Then he vaulted the YF-19 team ahead of the YF-21 team during Project Supernova. Later, he even managed to get through the impenetrable planetary defense systems. Even though it pretty much WAS luck that he did so, he's got one of my favorite lines, "Luck is just one of my many skills!" I loved his always-in-a-good-mood demeanor and his desire to get under peoples' skin all of the time... especially when he made Myung eat that sour fruit without telling her that it's bad. I was like "You dick!", but I laughed anyways.
  8. Because at the time, I was not aware of a 1080p version yet. 720p is pretty damn decent, though. It was more than enough for me and I have an HD monitor.
  9. QFT! /horns
  10. Wait, I thought the MSG argument was about it just being unhealthy, not making your food taste worse. I put McDonald's employees' kids through college, I eat there so much. As has been mentioned, I'd rather eat something that tastes good, than eat bland and healthy. My mother complains at me and my diet all of the time; she's an organic foods maniac. I swear to god, if a food item doesn't have the term "organic" or "natural" on it, she won't buy it. Growing organic food is just fine and all, but I hate it when people take a giant dump on the usual way of growing foods; that is, using pesticides and artificial hormones. Right now, it's the most efficient way to feed 300 million Americans, and much of the rest of the world, for that matter. If we went all organic, we'd never be able to produce as much food. You can keep on eating organic food, if that's what makes you happy. The rest of us don't really mind the pesticides and artificial hormones.
  11. The theory that seems to be floating around is some kind of tie-in with the new serialized novel in Dengeki Hobby magazine: "Macross the Ride".
  12. This one showed up on Memebase yesterday...
  13. Yeah, this sounds like that idea for subbing Macross Blu-Rays that you and I were discussing in PMs a couple of months ago.
  14. Even though I really don't give a crap about "whom Alto chooses", I have to say that that looks like Ranka. The way the hair goes around the face and is thick on the sides is what gives me the impression. I may be wrong, but 17 years old is a legal adult in Japan, right? Ranka is 16, while Sheryl and Alto are 17. It's not far-fetched to find women marrying at that age. 18-year-olds do it here in the US all the time.
  15. When Alto and Sheryl fell down the hill during their Segway ride, Alto sucked the blood out of Sheryl's wound to keep her from getting an infection that she most likely would not have an immunity to. His theory was that because of the bodily fluid transfer (not THAT kind, you sick bastards), that Alto now carries the V-type infection as well.
  16. I have this feeling that Grace isn't so "bad" as in the series, and that it's Leon Mishima who's the main antagonist. I could hear his voice all modulated in the trailer, as if he'd been physically altered. The "horns" on the battleship are supposed to be like the Vajra Queen's head.
  17. Since nobody knows for sure, perhaps we can come up with some possibilities, just for the fun of it. How about the shoulders housing some sort of propellant for the pilot to be able to move him or herself in a certain direction while floating around in space after ejection.
  18. So, is it a common naming convention for 19's to be named after swords?
  19. Aren't the thrust reversers located farther up on the nacelle? What are those ports on the top of the nacelles on the model?
  20. I just ran across that "Modern Times" video earlier today. Definitely shows what you can do when you lack a budget, but have more than enough passion to make up for it.
  21. I actually sat down and watched the first episode of this show on Youtube. It wasn't translated, but I doubt that I will ever want to know what they were saying. All I can say is "wow". I laughed every time I saw a story element that mirrored Macross. I'm not just talking about the transformation concept, either. Although the models were designed pretty well, they were animated so horribly! The hand-drawn animation was even WORSE. For some reason, the character designs combined with crappy CGI animation reminded me of that show "Code Lyoko". I know that was made in France, but I would much rather watch Code Lyoko than this horrible pile of dung. I found a video that had "Lion" sung in Chinese. It was put onto the video as if it was the opening music. However, I still have hope that they did not also use that song as their opening... Please say they didnt!
  22. MMPR = Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers He wants a model of the, ugh... "robots" from that show.
  23. Kingdom of Jurai: Really? I see that's Katsuhito/Yosho in the picture. Does this mean you guys actually have some stuff from Tenchi Muyo OVA?
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