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Everything posted by frothymug

  1. Sketchley was listing the outputs of several different engines on the last page and he used kg as thrust measurements.
  2. I can't find the actual name for it, but it's a predecessor to the Work Destroid from MacF. IIRC, that guy shows up in Dynamite 7, correct?
  3. frothymug

    VF Girls

    mmm... Ayeka... Me want.
  4. kiloGRAMS, or kiloNEWTONS?
  5. No, I mean where does the name come from? I was already aware of what craft to which it was assigned.
  6. What's Caliburn from?
  7. That makes 3 now? Excalibur, Nothung, and Durendal?
  8. Sketchley's translation does talk about the source of the airframes, but it doesn't seem to confirm whether or not this particular pilot's (Magdalena's) is a surviving airframe, or if it's BASED off of a surviving airframe. It says that the SV-52's specs were not quite available. As Seto mentioned, there has to be some kind of market for aftermarket parts for that model. More than likely, it is possible to reconstruct a vintage aircraft this way. Maybe someone really liked the design and had the money to rebuild it. All of this air racing is very much akin to our air races here on Earth, where the pilots use restored or kit-built vintage aircraft that are highly customized. It's kinda tough to find a P-51 that's in such good shape and is able to perform on such a high level these days.
  9. Do the SV-52's HAVE to be the surviving airframes from SWI? Can't they just rebuild them kit-style like many classic cars are made today?
  10. Yeah, I forgot to mention that. It's not translated, although I seem to remember some blurb about someone possibly undertaking that effort. I'm not entirely sure, though. If it's one thing I'm missing, it's good fanfictions to read.
  11. Kronnang can probably explain it a bit better than I can, but the gist of it is that there is an author out there who has been writing a Macross side-story set in and around the first Space War, where a pilot befriends a Meltran during the war. He creates excellent works of art as companions to his stories and Kronnang is always the one who's posting them.
  12. frothymug

    VF Girls

    10/10 ^
  13. When Shin used his laser to try and shoot out Nora's canopy. Either he completely missed it, or they bounced away harmlessly before she proceeded to perforate him with the rest of the rounds in her gunpod. I'm with Seto on this one. There are several instances both where the head lasers are little more than distractive, but are good point-defense systems against incoming missiles. AFAIK, there is a network of ECA circuits integrated into the hull of the craft, but only where there is metal. Is there mention of an anti-laser coating for weak surfaces such as pilot canopies?
  14. That was one of the names that "came to mind", but we didn't settle on it. It's called brainstorming.
  15. When Shin got into the wounded VF-0 in episode 2, he spammed his gunpod fire into the air towards Nora's SV-51. He managed to hit her and it blew her battroid's arm off. Then she proceeded to give the young fledgling a little schooling in variable-fighter close-quarters-combat before Roy came in to scare her off.
  16. The first movie took about 11 months to be released on DVD. Don't expect to see any resolutions anytime soon. I am looking forward to the 2nd movie as much as anyone, but I'm not letting it bother me since I know I won't see it for about a year.
  17. I discussed the Catwoman choice with my brothers earlier today and we all agreed that Anne Hathaway (although I'd love to lay her), is just not what we'd expected of a Catwoman-type. Names such as Catherine Heigl and Jessica Biel came to mind, but my brother made the best suggestion of all: Kate Beckinsale. With the experience she's got playing her role in the Underworld movies (and wearing tight leather suits! ), she'd be a great pick as well.
  18. Compared to the tenure of you many of the members on this board, I'm still quite the fledgling.
  19. I have so many questions and refutations for this, but I'm just gonna take it as I see it discussed here.
  20. Yeah, but when you convert mass into energy by fusion, you're getting a lot of power for so little mass. It's kind of the same reason that nuclear subs and carriers can run for years without needing to be refueled.
  21. Wait, I was under the impression that these are thermonuclear reaction engines. If so, they could feasibly run for ridiculous amounts of time without needing to be refueled.
  22. Hey! Cam Clarke is a legend amongst voice actors. It's blasphemy to put down his voice-over work... even if it was on Robotech!
  23. The constant application of a downward thrust onto the surface of the water would displace so much, it'd probably send several feet of that water into the city. Not to mention, the winds being kicked up throughout the bay would pretty much demolish anything that wasn't firmly anchored to the ground near the coastline. It'd have to be anti-gravity. I think your picture is great without altering the water effects too much. I do agree that maybe a bit of a shadow should be cast onto the water, but it's otherwise quite believable... relatively speaking.
  24. I pretty much clapped out loud when Gamlin landed that haymaker onto Colonel Barton's face. That ass-master deserved it.
  25. No, that would make the SDF-1 ridiculously enormous. Remember, it's about 1 mile long. The cranes are far behind it. You'd think that an interplanetary battleship would dock in the harbor if it had to go planetside. Just my speculation.
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