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Everything posted by frothymug

  1. We all hear the stories of fathers in rural towns greeting potential suitors to their daughters by sitting on the front porch, polishing the family shotgun. My father told me of when he went to pick up my mother on their first date... My mother is Nicaraguan. Down there, they don't really use shotguns. My father told me that her father was sitting on the front porch, cleaning his MACHETE. I could totally see Max polishing his VF's gunpod as some pimply-faced teenage boy disembarks from his busted-ass conveyance to pick one of his daughters up for a date.
  2. Apparently, the gist of it is that Zentraedi genes are extremely dominant when choosing the sex of interracial children. Poor Max... you'd think that he'd request that they use this "infinite genetic knowledge" acquired from the Protoculture to alter the development of one of his kids while its sex has not yet been determined by the development process. Oh well... maybe he just didn't like to mess with the genes of his kids... or he didn't mind the fact that he would not have any sons. I might be inclined to make that concession if I had the hots for a gorgeous alien woman.
  3. Well, before a mod comes in and sets the subject back on track, I just want to say that I think it's awesome that many of the members of the board here contribute so much of their free time to make the Macross franchise more-readily available to the rest of us. By "readily-available", I mean that they create supplementary guides that help us better-understand the material, not spread copies of an intellectual property. Also, I think it's awesome that many of these members are willing to pay a HIGHER premium for media and merchandise than usual, simply because they live in the United States or whatever wonderful country they live in, which is outside of Japan (which is also a wonderful country). A product is only worth what its purchaser is willing to pay for it. This famous quote says a lot about the importance they put in the franchise. I think it's great to have a place where I can come to discuss all things Macross with other members who are devoted to the dissemination of Macross fandom. I thought I was a big fan of the series until I found this forum last year. Those of you who have been fans for so long and have made it a point to buy every piece of merch they can get their hands on, I salute your devotion. I only envy the fact that you guys have the means to financially support your fandom. Even you guys who advocate against illegal pirating have looked the other way when we were posting links download copies to the first Frontier movie. Sometimes, you guys do get elitist attitudes over the pirating thing, and sometimes it's not that important to enforce. If you didn't, it would probably run rampant all over this board. So, for those of you who are on both sides of the issue, I'd just appreciate that at least some people care enough to curb that detrimental behavior. Not all people who download copies are worthless parasites; I'm one of them. However, I will definitely spend my scarce income to support the franchise at every opportunity. Just because I don't have much money to spend and I cannot understand the language, doesn't make pirating "okay", though. Let's not get delusional.
  4. By this logic, then nothing SDFM-related should be considered full canon. They'd belong in the XU category, IMO.
  5. Did anyone else get a horribly spelled and grammatically incorrect message from someone trying to spoil the movie for those of us who are waiting? Thankfully, I was prepared for such a thing and didn't even bother to comprehend it once I realized what it was. I don't even remember what the message said; I had to sit there and figure out what kind of information it was trying to convey before I realized what it was.
  6. I was successful in waiting for the first movie to come out on DVD/BD. From what I had seen, there wasn't much in the way of spoilers to the movie... or at least the details of what happen in the movie. I've been mentally preparing myself for the wait ever since I saw the first movie with subtitles. I doubt I'm the only one who feels that way about spoilers, too.
  7. How can Macross the First and SDFM both be in the official setting? Does this mean that you consider SDFM to be the official story? DYRL was basically a dramatic retelling of the series, if someone had come along some decades later and made a movie about Space War I? I could see Macross the Ride as being able to nestle itself nicely within the official setting. I'm sure that its story will have little to do with the outcome of Macross Frontier, even though we may see some characters intersect with MF characters.
  8. I'm prepared to wait the year or so before it hits DVD/Blu-ray and gets translated. I'm just worried that I'm going to see a spoiler somewhere before then. I wonder if we'll have to censor any scans of related material as it gets posted here on the site? Sometimes, those can give away the story. Fanart might do it, too!
  9. It's just a redirect to another website built to look like a virus scanner. God kills a kitten every time one of those damn things attempts to bilk you out of your money, but they don't care...
  10. I approve of these scans. The battroid finally makes an appearance. Looks pretty sweet.
  11. Had you seen Macross Zero when you made that video? Just curious about that part where he was chasing his gunpod down as it fell to the ground.
  12. I showed my Zero to my mother a few months ago and she really liked it alot! However, I tried to get her to watch DYRL several weeks later, and she couldn't stay awake It seems that each show has elements that appeal to slightly different crowds. Doing that while maintaining the same game-winning formula of Macross has got to account for something!
  13. Goddamn, that's a gorgeous background of a nebula. I think that would make an excellent desktop wallpaper!
  14. This is the reason that's keeping me from buying the Blu-rays and DVDs. What I don't get is that we constantly see explanations as to why they simply won't put freakin' English subtitles on their releases. Is it because they can't market to the US? Is it because it's too expensive and prohibitive because the English-speaking market isn't there to pay for it? I call BS on that. When I go to the DVD store and look through their anime section for something that might catch my eye, I see some of the dumbest shows in DVD form on the shelf. Someone thought it would be a good investment to import and DUB some crappy show that nobody's ever heard of and probably never will. Why? Because they're crap! Why do they keep doing it over and over? Because they make money! I can't imagine how a show that's as popular in Japan as it is right now can't do well in the US, where there's already a fairly well-established fanbase. *sigh* I didn't mean to go on a rant there, but it's frustrating to feel like we're all having to work hard just to BE fans of this franchise. Yes, I understand that HG stands in the way. They had good foresight to work that out in the deal decades ago, and I don't fault them (too much) for trying to cling to their cash cow like a drowning man. All we ask for is a little consideration for the extra work we go through to enjoy a great product.
  15. I am pretty sure that those barrels are for the gun's gatling mode. If you'll notice, Quarter's buster cannon is used in a gatling mode when it's not charging for a big blast.
  16. SDFM - I picked Vanessa, simply because I love women with glasses... and she's kinda cute. I love Misa, but she gets enough attention. We need to make sure our bridge bunnies feel loved, too! M7 - Rex. Hot biker chick, leader personality archetype... irresistible. MII/M+ - Sylvie Gena. Badass pilot, badass woman... just overall badass. Thumbs up! M0 - Sara Nome. Natural beauty, fairly tall, strong and independent personality, has an affinity for all things nature. MF - Klan Klang. I can't resist the tall ones (see above), long hair, great body, badass pilot, badass woman, just overall badass... Are we noticing a trend here? On a side note, you need to add Cathy Glass to the MF list. She'd be my backup plan if Klan had to report for duty and miss the date.
  17. Holy panel lines, Batman! It's starting to look pretty sexy. Just need to see GERWALK and battroid modes, now.
  18. I see you're using FRED2 to take pictures. Are you creating the models and importing them into FS2?
  19. I didn't mean that the fanboy fighting was the trolling. I was saying that the obvious obscurement of the bride's identity was intended to get the fanshipping wars started again... thus trolling for a reaction.
  20. Just something to consider about the "petite" comment... Alto's wearing an EX-gear, so the hands and arms are larger than usual. Makes things seem a bit "off", when it comes to size proportion. On a related note, that EX-gear got the crap torn out of it. All of this imagery of fire and destruction is making the 2nd movie seem like the s**t's gonna hit the fan pretty quick. ...Then you have the YF-29 rising above Alto like some kind of phoenix. All this speculation about who the bride is is just another form of trolling. It's obviously designed to obscure any and all semblance of identification to keep the fanboys guessing. I'm gonna laugh if this "character" is actually relevant in the story, and it if is, it's neither Sheryl nor Ranka. Instead of resolving the love triangle, Alto finds someone else.
  21. The battle scars are a great concept, but I think you went overboard on them. I'd just reduce them a bit. I do especially like the burn marks on the one side of the model, though.
  22. ^ this
  23. Notice how I didn't say anyone was wrong... I was just wondering if he intended on using kg and not kN.
  24. shop'd
  25. Oh, come on! Glavil has one of the best dialogue catchphrases ever! Which moderator is it who has "The Beauty of Moderating" as their forum rank?
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