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Everything posted by frothymug

  1. I saw it. I was curious. Didn't think anything was being spoiled, since I didn't know who it was for sure...
  2. Yeah, my password was alphanumeric, so it had a decent amount of security strength in it. AVG actually updated itself today about 4 hours ago and I ran the scan 2 hours ago. It had run its regularly-scheduled scan yesterday evening. It didn't pick anything up. When I tried to purchase a game from Steam, it made me verify the account by sending me an e-mail and having me click on a link embedded within. I'm wondering if this was the culprit.
  3. I guess it's about time I got into this thread, considering I enjoy working on and with computers. However, I'm here with a general inquiry for you gurus. I got a text from a friend telling me that they got an e-mail from me with a spam link, meaning my account was compromised. By the way... no laughs, please... I use AOL mail (and have been for 13 years with no problems to date). I found two e-mails sent out to my entire address book with a simple link in the text. I immediately changed my e-mail password and scanned my computer for viruses. Nothing has turned up. Again, no laughing... I use the free version of AVG Anti-virus. I recently downloaded a slew of game demos from Steam, looking for something to keep me busy during Spring Break. I'd hate to think that I got some kind of virus from their servers, but it's a strong possibility. The questions I want to ask: 1) Is it possible someone just "guessed" or hacked my e-mail password? 2) If not, is my computer infected and AVG is not picking it up?
  4. So, the question that I have to ask, then, is if the 171EX has two gunpods on it in this picture, where does the gatling pod go during transformation? I believe that the loadout does not allow for both gunpods. Both pods should be for righties, but since the beam pod is already attached to the right manipulator, the gatling pod has absolutely no use.
  5. I was waiting for someone to make a joke about that.
  6. Well, I'm glad you guys mentioned the shaky cam thing. That'll pretty much kill it for me. When I saw Cloverfield, I threw up on my feet a few times... and that was after leaving the theater a couple of times to fight off the nausea. The good news is that I was probably better off for missing large portions of that movie. What a steaming pile of crap that one was. I even had difficulty stomaching District 9 at the beginning. I managed to fight through that one and enjoyed the rest of the movie. Perhaps I'll wait for this one to come out on Netflix or at Blockbuster (if they're still in business at that point).
  7. I can't recall any Cathy fan art to date. MOAR!
  8. Oohh... shiny!
  9. Looked like a hydrogen-oxygen reaction explosion. Still, the containment building was probably blown to pieces. We'll have to wait for any new information to come out so we know what's going on in there.
  10. Natural disasters and civil unrest... good times are yet to come, huh? One thing that really stood out to me after watching a bunch of peoples' videos of the quake was that all of those tall buildings really took that quake like champs. I was just amazed at how well-built they are. It's terrible that so many people died from the tsunami, but it could have been worse if any of those buildings decided that they weren't gonna take any more and collapse. Good job, engineers and construction workers!
  11. I agree with Che on the bump-mapping. You'd be better off significantly reducing it. Don't forget to add a command tower on the carrier... oh and I think you should put some catapult tracks on it, too.
  12. If you guys don't like LOTR, why do you feel compelled to post in this thread? Just curious... I love Star Wars, but I just prefer LOTR over it. It just seems more entertaining to me, that's all. I love the Jedi Politics clip that you can watch from the first Clerks movie.
  13. You know, I thought Americans were massive consumer whores. The amount of merchandise and product tie-ins they're promoting over there are beyond the level of "ridiculous". I hate to admit it, but I think I'd start to get sick of seeing all of that stuff everywhere I turned. Here in the 'States, I'm used to seeing Happy Meal toys of the latest PG movie to hit the theatres. A few product tie-ins on TV commercials show up, too. Some action figures are frequent, too. Other than that, I really don't see much more. I guess the Japanese really do make Americans look tame when it comes to "otaku-hood".
  14. I was just looking at the Blu-rays for these movies at Walmart the other day. I remarked to my best friend, who is a HUGE LOTR fan, about how I would buy the Blu-rays if they were the extended editions, like the DVDs that I have now. Looks like my prayers have been answered Thanks for the link!
  15. Haha... Nurse Sheryl dancing on a giant centrifuge. That's awesome. Kreshpy, do you have a super hi-res version of that picture of the Quarter firing its buster cannon? That's prime wallpaper material!
  16. We've been discussing this in detail in another thread started by Sketchley. I am too lazy to link it to you, but you'll find it on the list of topics in this forum.
  17. Y'know, is it just me, or does Ranka's costume resemble Wendy Ryder's from MII?
  18. This conversation sounds familiar...
  19. I was in the understanding that reaction weaponry was always pair-annihilation... Matter-antimatter bombs. It appears that the printed material is conflicting with itself on several occasions.
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