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Everything posted by frothymug

  1. Well, at a first glance, you'd think that with that additional boost power, that it would be impossible for him to be able to take the g-forces without an ISC and/or EX-gear. However, we have to consider that fighter performance is going to be severely limited by the resistance of an atmosphere.
  2. I opened a thread a few months ago about how there are a lot of similarities between humanity and the PC. The story the Mayan islanders tell about how "a huge turtle shell dropped from the sky and hit a rock. The pieces then became the island of Mayan." I noticed on the last episode of Frontier, how when the Island-1 carrier landed in the ocean, it very much resembled a huge turtle shell. Also, there was the prophecy of the arrival of the Birdmen, and how it would signal the end of humanity. Did the protoculture also use variable fighters? Did the ancient Humans only see them as their giant mecha-forms, or were the protoculture actually part bird, part humanoid?
  3. Does that VF-0 Kai have the same engines as the VF-25? It looks pretty awesome.
  4. Since, I'm working on taking off the training wheels on my lessons for Pro-E, I may try to recreate this in 3-D using Wildfire. Not terribly complicated, but still looks cool as hell.
  5. I read your prologue, Banshee. Everything looks good. A couple of minor grammatical errors and punctuation omissions, but otherwise a solid, coherent introduction. One thing I wanted to point out was that when you described the reformation of the UN into the New UN, you only mentioned the NUNS. Remember that the Spacy is a branch of the New UN. Plus, from what I read, you are inferring that the New UN government seat is on the Frontier fleet. I am pretty sure that this is slightly misleading. The New UN is a loose collection of the city-states that constitute the individual established colonies, and the emigration fleets still searching for a planet on which to settle (correct me if I'm wrong, here). This means that each colony and fleet has governmental autonomy, like an individual country of today's Earth. However, they are still members of the association of governments, the New UN. It is to the fleets and colonies as the (real) United Nations is to our countries on Earth. I'll read your other fic update later. Starscream, you make your divorce sound like it's a good thing!
  6. I consider the Air Force to be the tech geeks of the Armed Forces. They're the ones that handle reconnaissance, sattelites, electronic warfare, and special operations. They don't fly the combat jets as much as you'd think, but they handle AWACS, cargo logistics, and bombers. On the flip side, they do get to play with those beautiful F-22s.
  7. That scene isn't one of my faves in the movie. I just didn't really have anything good or bad to say, that's all. You know we all appreciate your hard work!
  8. Oh yeah... I am supposed to check out your new fic. I've got the writing bug right now, but I'll probably take a break and visit your page soon.
  9. I'm sitting here doing some writing on a late Friday night, and I'm debating on experimenting with some present-tense writing. I'm wondering if I can get away with using present-tense to set up a scene, then switching back to past tense, once the action starts. Does anyone have any tips or suggestions about this? Maybe I should just stick to 100% past tense, after all...
  10. Zhang Ziyi was Mulan?? I know her from such ass-kicking movies as "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", "Rush Hour 2", and "Memoirs of a Geisha". She was also in "House of Flying Daggers" and "Hero", but those movies sucked big floppy donkey, imo.
  11. frothymug

    VF Girls

    Yay, polidread is still alive! A fairly epic old-thread bump, but I think boganrobotlightning beat you out, since he resurfaced a couple of threads 7 and 8 years old! Last I saw from you was your Vajra-girl piece, which I thought was awesome. I hope that since you've bumped your own thread, you've got some new stuff coming down the pike?
  12. Are you doing the modelling for fun, or do you have some kind of a story behind your work here?
  13. That would definitely be something to brag about.
  14. I posted Chapter 48 tonight, finally bringing a 3-part chapter to a close. (Chapter 1, for any new readers.) Banshee, if those fics you linked are rather short, I'll try to find time to check them out sometime this week. It all just depends on how quickly I can get my homework done and how much I can resist the temptation to play Left 4 Dead 2.
  15. Of course, in no way am I trying to downplay your work. I am asking because sometimes, I don't know better. I will offer suggestions where I can without being too much of a prick At least you got the gunpod just right; I love that sound!
  16. Is it not possible to just pull the original sounds from the movie to plug it in where the Queadluun is firing?
  17. Yeah, that's true. The first time I watched it, I thought I had skipped an episode. It doesn't really bother me all that much now. It jumps ahead a bit and then quickly flashes back to show what happened.
  18. Good sound effects editing, but I don't like the sound used for Milia's laser pulse cannons. Kakizaki needs to be redone. If it's one thing I can't stand is when people try to alter their voice into a very unnatural tone. Some people can do it, others can't. In this case, it doesn't work with your voice actor. Did his natural voice not really cut it for the part? Milia's voice comes through pretty clearly, when compared to the other voices. Is it because you've added a reverb effect to her voice because she's Meltrandi, or is it a difference in recording equipment? IIRC, everyone uses their own equipment to record, right?
  19. I really don't get why you guys are always taking a dump on MacZero. I really like that OVA, and I can't find a lot to complain about. I guess this is my M7, by comparison.
  20. Interesting concept. A couple of questions: Are you going to have these "pirates" operating out of some kind of base, or perhaps have a mothership that they've "specially modified"? Also, are you planning on including the SDFNs in your story? In 2065, I'd think that they'd been either destroyed or decommissioned by then.
  21. Mutant League Football and Mutant League Hockey. I cannot think of a game at which I spent more time laughing. Good times...
  22. Did you see the latest post in the Scoopda thread?
  23. Okay, just be sure to come back here when you do post the thread. I don't currently visit the For Sale forums, since I don't have the money to spare to buy expensive toys.
  24. I've been wishing and hoping someone would take the initiative to make some of these for car windows. Count me in!
  25. Took me awhile to find it... it was on about the 13th page I don't approve of Vanessa's new look. No, sir... I don't like it!
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