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Everything posted by frothymug

  1. You completely missed the point I was trying to make. People complain about movie adaptations solely on the fact that it didn't live up to their expectations of accuracy to the book and entirely dismiss it on those grounds. They'd rather complain about it than just enjoying it for its merits. Yeah, there's a lot of crap out there that's poorly done, but I don't think ST was one of those examples. People can complain about it not being faithful to the novel, but if that's the only complaint they have when they say "This movie is a giant pile of steaming dog poo", I'm sorry that it rubs me the wrong way. It really makes you sound like a literature elitist when you do that. "I didn't like how they changed this or that scene, but it was otherwise a pretty good movie." or "This was done well, but it could have been adapted better and here's how..." or "I don't like the movie because it failed to entertain me for these reasons. On top of that, the adaptation was very poorly done."
  2. I did read 2 and 3. Everything seemed to roll out pretty well. I did have one observation, though, I was planning on updating my story this weekend, but I have soooo much homework to do, I don't think I'll get around to it. I did do some writing last night, though. I have one new completed chapter, and I am about 2/3 done with the one after that. I'd like to at least finish writing the 2nd new chapter before posting the first one.
  3. If it's one thing I can't stand, it's when people nerd-rage about a movie not being true to it source material and taking a huge dump all over it simply for that fact. They can't find anything good about the movie and only persist to complain about the differences between the two, as if it's massive heresy. So what? Like I said, "It was an entertaining movie"! The book was great, the movie was great. Quit bitching and enjoy the effing movie. Thank you. Believe me, I can understand a little frustration about movies not being true to source material. I wasn't happy about the changes they made for the Doom movie, but I still enjoyed it for what it was. Please enlighten me on the differences between the book and movie versions of the government.
  4. I, too, enjoyed the movie and found the anime to be somewhat boring. I do kind of wish they used the power armor in the movie, but meh... It was otherwise an entertaining movie. If it doesn't follow the book to your liking, then go back and read your book and wait for Heinlen to write a true sequel so you can be happy... owait, he's dead. Too bad for you! Let me guess, you thought the LotR movies weren't faithful enough to the books too, right? Who cares?! They were damn good movies that did an otherwise pretty good job of sticking to the material as much as possible.
  5. This is golden. Perhaps this is what I need to understand. I tend to state the obvious, like you mentioned earlier in your post. Rather than that, I might want to pay more attention to the little things and use those to replace the descriptive phrases. The reader should be intelligent enough to fill in the gaps, as you said. It's up to the author to add an extra degree of authenticity to the situation. I appreciate the little breakdown of those excerpts. It actually does help me by making me take an extra look at my writing from a different point of view that I hadn't considered before.
  6. I was asking because I am kind of experimenting with juggling tenses. Unlike you, I cannot yet write in present tense in an effective way. I had originally begun my fanfic in present tense and it just wasn't working out. So, I had to basically make a note to readers that I had to abandon that approach and just go with the blue chips style of writing... in past tense. I did my best to go back through my old work and re-tune the story into the correct tense, but it just didn't come out the same as before. That's why I say a lot of my early chapters just don't resonate with the proper frequency. Once you get deep into the story, though, there's a noticeable difference in the quality and style. Even now, my style is slowly evolving into a (hopefully) more perfect form. I have a long ways to go, though. So far, I'm learning to use present tense to tear away from the story for a moment to clarify a definition, or to make a relevant observation of some everyday occurrence. I can get away with it because I'm usually talking about something that we all run into from time to time... as if it was, is, and always will be that way. This is good discussion, though. This is why I wanted to start this thread in the first place. Reading other peoples' good work and discussing writing style really encourages me to keep on creating. I was having a lot of problems with writer's blocks and was hoping to draw a little inspiration from other writers and fans of the series. On a related note, I could definitely use another test-reader. My current test-reader is my best friend, but she's not a big fan of the series and doesn't really understand a lot of the technical jargon I use in my stories. Not just in-universe terminology, but also nomenclature of general physics and engineering. I write in a lot of this stuff, but sometimes I get things wrong and I only have myself to check their validity.
  7. I just watched Toradora over the weekend. I wasn't sure if I'd like it, but it was surprisingly good. It was definitely a lot different than the other anime series I've watched.
  8. Right now, the star means there's new posts AND you've posted in that thread. It'll just be a circle if there are new posts only.
  9. They're still making changes to the board. If you want to go to the last unread post, the button is to the left of the thread title.
  10. Honestly, I'm finding it hard to put things into perspective, Che. I'll give it my best shot. Based on this excerpt, you have the ability to take something as trivial as an everyday conversation between co-workers, and turn it into a multi-faceted object with texture, scent, and intensity. Much of what you have in your first chapter is something that I wish I could do myself. I frequently run across works from amateur authors that leave me somewhat jealous. The ability to describe a scene down to the tiniest detail by using abundant metaphor and contrast is something I just can't seem to do as well. When I see writing like yours, Che, it makes me hope that you continue your work. That way, I might eventually be able to glean some technique and incorporate it into my own repertoire. Even VF-15's writing has some of the same qualities I desire: being able to step away from progressing the story and inserting long strings of insights and observations to spice things up a bit. I'll definitely be keeping an eye on you both to see if I can possibly learn something by osmosis.
  11. I completely missed this one. Wow, that was really good!
  12. Danger Zone fits way better in that video. However, the audio seems to pop a lot on that one. Does anyone else have the same problem?
  13. Tick tock tick tock... the days are counting down!
  14. Watch the spoilers, bro! Like I said at the end of that chapter, try to be ambiguous about major events like that when leaving feedback. If you feel like making some comments of a more specific nature, just send them via e-mail or PM. Do me a favor and just edit those specific comments out for me. I read that fic that you linked already. Seems like it has some potential, but I kind of knew that he was gonna bring out the missing fleet before I was even done with the first chapter. I considered addressing the Megaroad 01 in a future fic, but I think that it's just best to leave it alone. AFAIK, he hasn't updated in awhile. Perhaps he moved on to something else.
  15. Um, as long as it's Macross-related, put 'em right here. If they're not, just let us know what they are and I suppose we can amend the rules to accomodate. I threw the original rules together after a brief session of brainstorming amongst several board members. They're definitely not perfect.
  16. ^ this It's kind of the natural progression to take, if one were to try writing a sequel to the series, wink wink, nudge nudge.
  17. She was thinking, "Well played, sir. Well played."
  18. I may be wrong, but can you just get legit copies, rip one for each copy you buy, find a subtitle track, and recombine them into a digital track to go alongside the original copy? I'm not talking about buying one legit DVD and making multiple copies. I mean buying one legit for each digital copy you're going to make. I've been playing around with doing this in the last few weeks. It's not hard to rip and re-encode into a matroska file. That's all I could figure out how to do with freeware programs, though. It works just fine if you have a good player or WMP with the K-Lite codec pack.
  19. As listed on the M3: engines utilize air as coolant/propellant in atmosphere, but problems with cooling efficiency (attributed to exceeding output and melting the core) limit maximum thrust to 40% to 60% of thrust in space. As listed on the M3: max cruise speed at 30,000+ m Mach 21+ [Mach 24+ (8.1 km/s)].
  20. That's the main reason I wanted to start this thread. I frequently run into writer's block and I would like to discuss other works to help me get out of it. Reading other works really helps. Talking to other writers and, presumably, fans and followers for feedback, is also of great assistance. I noticed there were a couple of other fanfic writers lurking on the forums, but they never really talked about their work that much. At least everyone can come here to get some opinions.
  21. As far as I know, no. He was a civilian engineer and pilot, mainly responsible for designing and flying the YF-21. I'm pretty sure that he was still a civilian while he participated in Supernova. Without a resistant atmosphere, the VFs travel MUCH faster in outer space. The downside is that in space, their range is limited to the amount of propellant they can carry. In an atmosphere, they just use the air as propellant and can operate indefinitely. In space, they use the super packs both for increased thrust and armament, and as propellant storage.
  22. Pretty good! I just wish it was a little longer
  23. You bring up a good point about Basara not being the typical emo-protagonist we see in so many shows nowadays. I'm still not a big fan of him as a character, but I will admit that he does have that going for him. If it's one kind of character I despise, it's the emo-protagonist. Shinji Ikari is the sole reason I didn't watch NGE past episode 4. Basara may be annoying, but he does have his sh!t together right out of the gate.
  24. A Gundam nerd raging about other Gundam nerds... raging about a Gundam show. Where's Xzibit when you need him? A lot of what he said was pretty true, but I am one of those fans who's tired of having the main protagonist be some snotty 15-year old kid. I'm starting to become less able to suspend my belief about the plausibility of a kid getting into a huge robot and saving the universe, etc... I had the same complaints about MacF, but the rest of the characters were really what saved the day for me. Regardless, he's right... we'll just have to wait to see how things pan out for this series.
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