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Everything posted by frothymug

  1. Zinjo, anything on those screenshot wallpapers? I found this smaller picture on my computer and this is what I was talking about earlier.
  2. Couldn't have phrased my rebuttal any better. No matter what, haters gonna hate... OPEN RANKA!
  3. I'm just going to say it: That was my favorite part of the movie. I almost stood up from my chair and cheered during that scene. I agree that it's maybe a little over-the-top, when it comes to the "keeping it real" motif they try to stick to in this series. That's one of the things that I appreciate the most about Macross. However, I think this scene was too good to allow me to retract from the quality of the movie. I love attention to detail, and every iteration of Macross is frought with it. Based on this track record, I'm willing to let it fly.
  4. Does that mean you now have original sound effects?
  5. Every day, I thank God I'm not studying electrical engineering. I'm almost done with physics 2 and I have to say it: I hate electricity! It's always been the one thing I have not been able to fully wrap my brain around. I still have to deal with circuit analysis, but that's going to be next fall...
  6. I, er, "stole" my mother's digital camera last weekend during my visit to her house. As you can see, it's just a simple peg that broke off. My brother suggested I dig through some old toys and Legos of his and came up with the arm from a Lego man that I could possibly use. Cut off the hand and then use glue to attach it to the part. However, if you can come up with something for me, I'd love to give it a shot!
  7. As I mentioned earlier, I also endorse Xvid4PSP. Didn't even notice any video quality degradation when hard-subbing onto an .mp4.
  8. Commie Subs only released a Matroska version, so it's technically soft-coded. As I mentioned earlier, I only recently managed to figure out how to hard-code the subs onto an .mp4 for use on a PS3 or whatever else I want to play it on. Took my computer 6 1/2 hours to do it, but it worked! As Merc said, just name the subtitle file the same exact name as the movie file name and both MPC and WMP will play that sub track alongside the movie. Speaking of MPC vs. WMP, I've noticed that MPC is not as finicky, but it seems to display my movies at a brighter color saturation than WMP. For visuals, I prefer WMP right now... Does anyone else have this problem?
  9. Sounds like a perfectly reasonable opinion to me. We can just agree to disagree.
  10. I've been watching this argument from a third-person perspective and I have to say that you, Load Master, did kind of come in here with the intention of roughing up the status quo, so to speak. You can't expect there to not be a little resistance to what is purely your opinion. Once everyone starts to challenge your opinion, you start to dismiss them as if they don't matter. This is not the way to get people to go over to your side on the matter of things. If by reading that just now, you say "well, I don't care what everyone has to say about this or that," then there was no point to coming in here to debate things in the first place. Everyone in here has a pretty good bead on the way they see each Macross series. You can't fault anyone for standing behind their opinions to this point, and then refuting yours a little bit.
  11. These problems seem to pop up on a case-by-case basis. Other than the occasional hangup when posting, the site works perfectly fine for me. I use IE and it rarely gives me any hiccups. That's weird that it does the same thing on an iPad and PC for you.
  12. Okay, I found Xvid4PSP and it did the job just fine. Although it took 6 1/2 hours, I managed to hardcode the subtitles onto an .mp4 in 720p format (file size came in just under 1.7 GB). Works like a champ on the PS3. I didn't really notice much in the way of quality loss, due to the re-encoding necessary to hard-code. You'd have to have a very sharp eye to even notice the difference, if any. Even though it takes a long time, Xvid4PSP gets my thumbs-up. I may start working on hard-subbing M-Zero eps soon.
  13. I thought SC3K was the best game in the series. I bought SC4, but didn't play it much because I just didn't like it. Maybe it might be worth another look after all of these years. It's just collecting dust in my Big Box o' Games. Pretty cool city, though!
  14. I thought I saw it posted somewhere, but I can't find it... I am looking for a PS3-friendly version WITH subs in it. I found a 480p .mp4 raw and had to convert the subtitles from .ass to .srt. When I try to combine them using Yamb, it just doesn't seem to work right. Does anyone have a reliable program to repackage .mp4 files with subs or has a .mp4 with subs already in it? mkvmerge works well for me when I want to make .mkv files, but the PS3 doesn't like that format.
  15. I know this is a horrible picture, but I hope it's enough to give you an idea. The only camera that I have is on my piece of sh*t RAZR phone from when they were cutting-edge so many years ago. Now you see why I can't afford to buy a new valk?
  16. When I first started reading this "amputee" stuff in this thread, I was like, "What the hell are you guys talking about?" Upon watching the part in the OVA when Millard is chewing out Isamu, I didn't realize that his boot was actually a prosthetic leg... or at least it appears to be one. I always thought he was just getting some pesky stone out of his shoe, or something like that. Good catch!
  17. I never played Twilight Princess all of the way through, but I was thoroughly entertained. I'm extremely intrigued by Skyward Sword. Before yesterday, I didn't even know it was about to come out. All I need to do is find a few dollars to spend on a rental, lol.
  18. Yeah, I was thinking of tapping Jasonc to create a replacement GU-11 for my Robotech Ben Dixon VF-1A, since I lost that damn gunpod. Unfortunately, the backpack hinge broke and I was not successful at superglueing it back on. My brothers were the culprits in each case. They lost the gunpod. They broke the backpack... then I had been saving the broken-off piece in a plastic bag so I could try to affix it at a later time. I asked my older little brother (who's 21 now) to pack the valkyrie in its case for me so I could pack it into my moving boxes. Get to my new place and unpack it... the damn piece is gone. He never put the baggie inside of the box for me, even though I explicitly told him not to forget it. FFFFFUUUUUUUUUU--- I'm just going to have to wait a few years until after I graduate before I can afford to buy a new valk...
  19. That's such a horrible color! Is this an incomplete model? I am asking because I notice the handle and trigger are square when they should be more round and the tip is exposed. I'm guessing you did it like that with the intention of finishing it later.
  20. Why the hell are those Guantanamos firing beam cannons? Zinjo, to answer your question, I just want the image. I don't really care for any graphic effects. I've had the wallpaper of Battle Frontier firing its buster cannon in storm attack mode from the first movie as my wallpaper for awhile now. Time for something new.
  21. I am usually bored with "slice of life" animes, but this one really captured and kept my attention. I've recommended it to many friends in the last few weeks since I watched it.
  22. You made me waste 90 seconds of my life and I want them back... oh, I probably would have wasted them anyway
  23. Yeah, the second one is the one I was thinking. I know the movie was done in 1080, so adding letterbox on top and bottom to fill in the extra space is okay. Someone once posted that screenshot (in a tiny resolution) when the movie first came out in theatres in Japan and I have been wanting that as my wallpaper ever since!
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