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Everything posted by frothymug

  1. It's all a part of the internet trolling culture. I, too, have fallen into the ranks. I want to say that maybe it's because you live in Japan, Renato, but... this is all on the internet; your location doesn't have anything to do with it. Guess that means you've grown out of that kind of nonsense. One of my current proverbs is "You know you're getting old when all of the new stuff that comes out seems like worthless crap to you."
  2. I don't really follow MLP, but I can see why it's popular. I was a little disappointed when Roy Focker closed the thread in the OT forum. Haters gonna hate...
  3. I don't get it. Who are they supposed to represent?
  4. Pretty cool work, but getting 10000 supporters is not going to get an official nod from Lego. Is it just me, or do some of those parts look like they're rendered by a computer?
  5. Let's not turn Macross into Gundam. One major property release every few years is good enough for me.
  6. Perhaps it would be helpful to list some of the items whose links are now broken, so we can scrape up the files you need.
  7. I think Boinger's Macrosshare site is a good place to look
  8. I take it you're looking for a raw?
  9. Yeah, that's true... I misspoke when I said "destroyed", then. When I read your site, it led me to believe that the entire military fleet and SLRE ships were in orbit around the Vajra homeworld. I needed clarification and made a suggestion to make a change so there won't be any more misconceptions. I'm cool with it if we know that Battle Galaxy was destroyed, along with at least a complement of the military fleet. However, the location of the mainland carrier and any remaining escort fleet is still unknown.
  10. I'm going to start this post out by stating that my original question was, in no way, meant to invalidate the information listed on your site. I had a completely different impression, and wanted to know the source of such information. Your subsequent answers were intentionally vague so that your published material stays correct... and it is technically right. The question and suggestion was intended to help dispel any confusion that may arise from this special situation: The whereabouts of Galaxy's mainland carrier is unknown. Therefore, it's fate is also unknown. The series, nor any of the published material (to my knowledge) does not give any answers on where it is. To assume that the military fleet was destroyed in orbit around the Vajra homeworld is also a stretch. In the series, only a handful of carriers (undesignated class) and Deneb-class cruisers are seen. It's entirely plausible that only a sliver of Galaxy's military forces were needed for that operation, since the Vajra swarm was able to be manipulated for their own gain. Why would I want to create my own list of fleet locations, when I can offer a suggestion to add an extra level of detail on your own? If you don't want to change anything at my behest because your material is perfect as-is, that's your choice. I apologize if I came off as being antagonistic towards your work, as that was not my intention. I want to merely get my facts straight and perhaps help dispel any confusion around this matter for everyone else. What do you think is the correct answer? You don't have to publish it, but I would certainly like to know what you think.
  11. As a suggestion then, perhaps you should clarify what you mean on your site. It looks like what you're saying is that the fleet in its entirety was last seen in orbit around the Vajra homeworld. Do you mean that it was there at the beginning of the series, or was it there when the final battle took place in the last two episodes? Judging on some responses so far, everyone seems to think that the fleet itself was destroyed, including the SLRE ships.
  12. ...but it wasn't destroyed! Watch the credits at the end of episode 15. It looks fine to me! It's surrounded by a bunch of ships and asteroids, but they never say exactly where it is. You never get to ascertain the fate of the mainland carrier after that point, as far as my memory goes.
  13. What I mean is the whereabouts of Galaxy's mainland carrier. Only Battle Galaxy was seen in the last episode... right before it got punched in half. Love that scene, btw.
  14. Macross Zero takes place in 2008 on the timeline. The ASS-1 crashed to earth in 1999. There was plenty of time to reverse-engineer the overtechnology on the ship and apply it to a new fighter design (the VF-0 and VF-1). At the time, the fact that the ASS-1's former inhabitants were giants, was still a classified matter... but at least someone knew. That's why they decided to create a variable fighter.
  15. Kinda... Not in that kind of detail, but I run into people like that all of the time. You'll find the point that I'm getting at fairly soon. I plan on finishing 51 this weekend and posting it, as the new semester starts on Tuesday. I'm about halfway done with it right now.
  16. Hey, I didn't write the story; I'm just roughly quoting what she said. This isn't a matter of my opinion at all.
  17. I remember Milia telling Mylene about it (I think it was in one of the Encore episodes). She explained that Max became very controlling, so she wanted Mylene to settle for someone who wasn't a pilot. Otherwise, she'd end up with the same fate as Milia.
  18. I watched Sekirei a couple of weeks ago, after someone suggested it. He was right, you have to really get past all of the blatant and abundant fanservice to even get any kind of story. ...and when you get the story, it really isn't anything to brag about. I finished both seasons and I'm not really looking forward to any new content. It was very "meh" to me. Even the ridiculously well-endowed women weren't enough to save the series for me. PASS. Oh, I did recognize the voice actor for Seo. After a hunch, I looked up the seiyuus and sure enough... Katsuyuki Konishi voiced him... goddamn Ozma himself (and Kamina, for that matter). I didn't recognize her, but Aya Endo (Sheryl Nome) was Matsu. Just something I thought you guys might find interesting.
  19. I already linked Wings of the Fairy FIRST! Anyway, the author messaged me asking about whether or not he should keep going. It seems that he feels that he's not getting enough traffic nor reviews. I had to explain to him that the MacF section of FF.net is not heavily traveled, so he shouldn't take it personally. However, if we can put up a few good independent stories that are updated regularly, I'm sure we can improve readership for everyone involved there. That being said, send some nice words his way. I'm sure he'll appreciate it!
  20. I know mkvtoolnix and mkvextract can unpackage matroskas into their individual elements. That's about all I can say to help you
  21. Yeah, if you look at the sidebar when he's on the screen and they're showing sponsors, you can see his Twitter name as "@cleatus" right below his portrait.
  22. "American Burger"?
  23. I see that the UN Spacy kite is implemented on the main forum page, while the sub-topics are marked with what looks like vernier jets. Cool idea, but I wonder if something could be done to help increase the differentiation from threads with posts with your response and threads with new posts without your response. Also, the ranking system looks like it's in place. Is this meant to emulate the rank insignia found in the series? I recognize the lower ranks, but the higher ranks just don't look right. What are you guys using as reference? I should say this in the other thread, but the banner looks nice!
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