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Everything posted by frothymug

  1. Did I mention their penchant to jump on every opportunity to correct minor, unimportant details, even though everyone knows what is intended? Just figured you used "sketch" in your e-mail address because it was a suitable alternative to your forum moniker. I promise I won't dare sully Your Majesty's name ever again.
  2. When people like Sketch and Seto get into a disagreement, it's basically an unstoppable force meeting an immovable object. Both sides refuse to yield, so there's always a lot of crap flying around during these colossal conflicts. Seems like it happens every few weeks, so get used to it.
  3. Well Chronocidal, if you dare, head over to the MacF section on Fanfiction.net. Someone's working on a story that pretty much does tackle the pilot Sheryl angle. Might be worth a look.
  4. Although I don't really care either way, why did you lock the Pony thread in the OFF-TOPIC forum? I'm just curious... this is kind of like that aquarium thread issue a few months back. Oh yeah, that Sheryl figurine? NICE.
  5. Our problem with Macross is that it's not native to English and is subject to mistranslation. If it's not outright denied by official material, I say go ahead and make up whatever you'd like... within reason, of course.
  6. I think Sketchley's site had a short list of vocabulary words. Might be something worth looking at. From a writing perspective, I would have to say that it's risky territory. If done right, it will make your story look really good. If done wrong, well... It won't be pretty. It's too bad you can't use a custom that has the Zentraedi alphabet. That certainly would make things a lot easier, since nobody really knows how to pronounce anything and you could basically make up whatever you want and it'd look authentic. If I had to do something like that, I'd try to avoid it being the forefront of dialogue. Here's a sample of something I might do. "Excuse me a moment..." he cordially pleaded. He then turned towards his subordinate and engaged in a conversation using their native tongue. Despite the fact that the dialect was unintelligible to most, a sense of urgency and despair flowed from the younger officer; something was indeed very wrong. After a short, terse exchange of commands and affirmations, the younger officer scurried away to carry out his new orders. "Sorry about that," he said, returning to his previous amicable demeanor, "Now, where were we?" It was as if nothing had even happened just moments before; the previous conversation with his underling had no effect on him whatsoever. I guess it depends on how important the dialogue is going to be. I've seen you asking some pretty tough-to-answer questions in the Newbie thread. Any clues as to what you're working on?
  7. I recently watched Zero no Tsukaima through Season 3. The first season went pretty well. There was a decent story line and fanservice was kept to somewhat of a minimum. Season two was not as good, though. There were a few added characters and some additional fanservice. It did finish pretty well, with a nice emotional ending. Season 3, however, went completely downhill. There was very little story progression, which made way for gobs and gobs of fanservice. Every episode was an excuse to put more fanservice into the show, and to put characters into ridiculously compromising situations. New characters were introduced and were yet more sources of fanservice.... and the show turned more into a harem-type of anime. The two main characters worked well together, but it seemed like neither of them were growing along with the story. At this point, I grew tired of the fanservice and lack of character development. I am not planning on watching Season 4, but I may change my mind later just to see how the final season works out. Rie Kugimiya is an incredible voice actress and her talent shows in Toradora. However, her excellent performance in Zero no Tsukaima is not enough to help this show gain the same kind of quality I'd hoped for.
  8. I think it's fairly accurate to compare the Vajra to social insects such as ants and bees. In the bees' case, they fly out, gather nectar from plants, and return it to the hive so they can create honey and other useful materials. Vajra gather raw materials and return it to the queen, so she can manufacture the fold quartz and use it in creating her eggs. See, it doesn't take arguments or exhaustively long posts to offer an opinion.
  9. I'm a little confused about all of this. Is it okay to use various clipart for the DVD wrap? Is it supposed to be original artwork? I ask because I've seen the Minmay on the front cover used as the cover art for the "Macross the Complete" OST. Perhaps what's being used is the whole picture and the OST art just had it cropped to only show Minmay. Just curious...
  10. I completely missed that picture of Ayeka that you drew, Shaorin. It's nice to see her again. Just sucks that Kajishima Masaki wrote and direct OVA 3 while obviously baked out of his mind. I was yelling at the TV as I watched the final episode.
  11. It was a good series, but I have to agree with wolfx. The ending was not done very well. What is it with anime series? It's like the Japanese have no idea how to create great endings to their shows. Only rarely do they succeed in doing so.
  12. Well, whatever the translation is, all I can say is that it's in episode 23 when Alto went to Leon's office for a meeting with Mr. Bilrer. Perhaps they "obtain" the raw materials for it from dying stars and the such, and then are able to "form" (manufacture) it inside of their bodies.
  13. I've only read up to chapter 9... I haven't had any time to check for updates nor work on my own fic It's been pretty quiet so far, but I see he's taken a couple of my suggestions to heart earlier in the story.
  14. I love the avatar used for this poster. Got a laugh out of me.
  15. If the Vajra are considered super-dimensional life forms, could that possibly mean that they also live in super-dimension or fold space? It is, after all, another dimension existing in parallel with standard space. Just a thought...
  16. Since I liked Toradora so much, it's been suggested that I check out Zero no Tsukaima (Familiar of Zero). Does anyone have any opinions on this one?
  17. I figured you guys would take exception to it. I suppose a true nerd would identify it as "1982", but you could consider 1985 as the year anime started to gain traction here in the US because of a certain three-year-old show... I agree. The shirt definitely would have been more epic if it said 1982.
  18. Just found this as a t-shirt print on the ThinkGeek website. http://www.thinkgeek.com/tshirts-apparel/e968/
  19. I don't have the book, but I may have gotten that information when someone (somewhere on the internet) was talking about it, probably using their book as a source. Maybe it was off of Sketchley's site... Of course, he'd know if he'd translated something like that, so I kind of expect him to pop in and weigh in on the situation.
  20. Dammit. I could have sworn I saw someone make the argument that the use of railguns means that there is no need to stock ammo. I may have misinterpreted something someone said. I also looked for the information about the operation of the Dragunov and the ISC. Unfortunately, I don't currently have the time to be scouring teh internetz for my source; I'm buried in homework and I hope to get some sleep tonight Until I get the time, my argument is cheerfully withdrawn. It does make some sense, though, doesn't it?
  21. Right. That's what I thought, anyway. I basically had to point that out to object to the argument that "railguns don't need to carry ammo packs." I was more or less wondering if they were just going to "magic" that away with some kind of technical explanation using the technology in the Macross universe. I mean, look at the Macross cannons. They're essentially designed to collect, collimate, direct, and discharge enormous amounts of super-dimensional energy. IIRC, the Dragunov helps dispel the recoil forces by redirecting it into super-dimensional space. That's also how the ISC system works. But, like you said, they haven't actually explained that part. We can only speculate at this point.
  22. Last I checked, railguns need something to accelerate to ultra high speeds. Are they not accelerating depleted-uranium slugs of some sort? Just checking, in case there's something that says there is no physical object needed and it's just pure energy-based.
  23. Looks pretty effin' sweet! The only thing I noticed that might need some attention is the running lights stop flashing for a moment before it makes its move.
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