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Everything posted by frothymug

  1. Funny how it's rare to find series that actually have a "good" ending. ...just like I was saying the other day in this thread. What series can you guys think of that had a satisfactory ending?
  2. From personal experience, xVid4PSP does an excellent job of hard-coding subtitles and encodes a plethora of media file types. However, I do not know how to soft-code into a BD/DVD format, nor do I know how to burn onto a BD/DVD. Perhaps that will get you started, at least.
  3. Okay, that makes sense then, because I have all of those movies. Daughter of Darkness was set in the OVA continuity, while the other two were set in the TV continuity. I also did not like Tenchi Forever, but the first one was really good. I had considered the "multiple wives" thing as well, but I am pretty sure I read an interview with Masaki Kajishima and he said it would involve Tenchi choosing one of the girls. Oh well... I guess he changed his mind. My gripe is just that the third OVA was nowhere near as well-written as the first 13 eps. I guess it's more of a personal preference, but I've seen how much nerdraging occurred as a result of the story's conclusion. I took that slice of opinion as representative of the whole fanbase.
  4. For the years before OVA3 released, Masaki Kajishima had talked about how he was going to write a resolution to the Ayeka/Ryoko problem. When he didn't even try to resolve it and dragged us around with a non-sensical story, I can understand why much of the fan base got pissed off. If it's one thing I've learned about Japanese animators, it's that they suck at writing good endings to their series. Must be a cultural difference thing... Anyway, I remember watching the encounter with Z and the goddesses fighting over each other and at some point, I stood up and yelled at the TV, "What the hell is going on?!?" All of this bullcrap about how Noboyuki knowing all about what was going on and every important character in the galaxy descending onto their household for a friendly family visit just went beyond the level of believability precedence that the show had set. I was looking forward to a longer story arc involving Z, and perhaps to see what King Azusa had in store for Tenchi. I was just grossly disappointed in what could have been a great overall series. OVA's 1 & 2? Awesome. OVA 3? Big steaming pile of donkey poo. There was a second Tenchi Muyo In Love movie?? I loved that movie, but wasn't aware of a sequel to it...
  5. I was a big Tenchi fan when it started showing on CN several years ago. I bought pretty much every DVD they had and still have them. However, I didn't buy the last two discs of the OVA 3 series. I didn't like the direction it was going and when I found the remaining episodes on the internet and watched them, I was glad I didn't waste any more of my money. Masaki Kajishima must have been smoking some really bad crack when he finished writing and directing his series, which was very masterful up until the beginning of OVA 3. Needless to say, it was like he urinated all over his own work. "Right now, Mugato is so hot, he could take a crap, wrap it in tinfoil, stick a couple of hooks in it, and sell it to Queen Elizabeth as earrings!" I never did get into GXP, but I'm glad to hear that some of you really did enjoy it. Maybe I'll look into it someday.
  6. For those of you who played and loved Wing Commander, did you try out Freespace 1 and 2? Just want to know what your take on it was, since I never played the WC series.
  7. Honestly, Cobra, you always come off as judgmental and condescending whenever you decide to voice your opinion on matters (which is quite often, by the way...). Just be aware that when you do this, it pisses people off. If you want to get along here, I'd suggest being more diplomatic and learning to agree to disagree. Thank you.
  8. For those of us who don't keep up with exchange rates, what is the price in USD and what's a standard ballpark figure for shipping to the US?
  9. He has returned! I saw you commenting on Memebase a few months ago and tried to respond, but the stupid thing wouldn't post my reply for some reason. It was on that picture of one of the characters from MLP flying in what looks like the YF-21 Omega One. ...unless there's someone else using the same exact name as you
  10. How can you tell if you have a censored or uncensored version of Akira? I bought mine on DVD many years ago, but I wasn't aware there were different versions.
  11. I just realized that decal probably indicates the 'family unit'... a play on the stickers you usually find on the back of minivans and SUVs showing mom, dad, and kids... Very creative!
  12. They still use the same "reactor: online. sensors: online. weapons: online" voice... nostalgia. I've been out of Mechwarrior since #3 in the series. Gonna have to keep an eye on this to see if it's worth getting into again.
  13. I am actually envious. You will not be disappointed. Can I come over to watch?
  14. I think add some "head lasers" on the hood and you've got yourself a bitchin' hoodie! Nice work!
  15. So good! Tough to choose which one I want at any given time. They turned out to be 1200x675, though. Did I download them incorrectly? Perhaps the site chopped it down some? Thanks a bunch!
  16. Just make sure that a standard blu-ray player can read a matroska. I don't know if it can, personally.
  17. I've always played games where you can't adjust strafe speed. To me, the very name "Counter Strike" is synonymous with hacking. I wouldn't be surprised if this is the case.
  18. If it's a side-story set in SWI, I think a good candidate would be Inui's fanfiction. I only know the gist of the story, though... it'd make a great OVA!
  19. I, and a couple of other guys on this board, did some work on encoding our own files and also hard-subbing the shows. I didn't go as far as learning how to burn onto a DVD or BD, but I can at least make some recommendations for you: mkvmerge and mkvtoolnix are excellent, lightweight programs that are efficient at packaging audio, video, and subtitles into matroska format. .mkv isn't very widely-accepted and even my WMP doesn't like them (I even have K-lite codec pack and it still doesn't display the subtitles. I use MPC for .mkv files). PS3's don't like matroskas right now, either. However, matroskas are the easiest and quickest to encode. I used XviD4PSP to encode two different versions of the 2nd Macross Frontier movie, one in 1080 and the other in 720 (because 1080 was too large for my flash drive). I hard-coded the subtitles into an MP4 format so it would play on a PS3. In each case, the encoding took around 6 hours for the 1080 movie into MP4. However, there was no noticeable loss of quality and everything worked out great. If you really wanted to, you could find a program to rip your BD for the best possible quality, then re-encode that stream with hard or soft-coded subtitles (not sure how to make it toggle-able for a BD/DVD, but research...), then find another program to re-burn your new version onto a blank disc for your and your friends' viewing pleasures. Both programs I mentioned earlier are free to download, so you may not have to spend a single penny on achieving your goal. Good luck!
  20. heh... Maybe I'll watch a couple more eps of that series this weekend. I've only seen the first
  21. He lives!
  22. Zinjo, were you planning on taking that shot from Movie 2 and making into a 1920x1200 desktop wallpaper for me? I'm getting kind of tired of seeing Battle Galaxy aiming its buster cannon at my face every time I start up my computer
  23. I take it this is your firstborn? I can only imagine how awesome it feels. Congratulations!
  24. When I started my fanfic, I had strongly considered using honorifics, but wisely decided against it. I think it's one of those rules of thumb when doing fanfic based on anime. I find myself giving the existing characters and my OC's more American traits and mannerisms. It's too bad it isn't a movie where you can just put subtitles on it.
  25. Don't forget Dragonball Z's filler episodes and entire sagas.
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