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Everything posted by frothymug

  1. I think the best way to say it is "It's not for everybody." There are a lot of members here on the board for whom the series is second to none, yet there are many others who feel that it's more of a cancer on the franchise as a whole. I will say this, though, as someone who didn't particularly care for the series, it does get better as you get towards the middle of the series and carries some good momentum towards its end. 49 episodes is a lot of material to have to go through, especially if it's not quite your cup of tea. Watch it once. Like it or hate it; at least you gave it a try. Whereabouts in Dallas do you live? You're definitely local to me and a couple of other forum lurkers...
  2. Looks really interesting! I loved Freespace and Freespace 2 and haven't seen any good space combat sims since then. Never played Wing Commander games, since I was into other things at the time. Gotta keep an eye on this one.
  3. I kind of wish there was a way to rewatch it "for the first time". It was a grand adventure, it was...
  4. I think I can accurately answer these questions, but if I'm wrong, one of the gurus will step in and correct me. The specifications on any of the vehicles outline the standard and optional loadouts. In the case of the hip-joint guns, the pilot should be able to choose between the standard machine guns, or the beam machine guns. "Reaction bullets" is probably a mistranslation. What he probably actually said was "reaction missile". A depleted uranium round doesn't actually explode like a mini-nuke, it's just a super-dense slug that will give the bullet a lot more range and penetration power.
  5. It's Mena Roshan, system operations officer... You know, the girl with the bindi on her forehead... Reading the descriptions from y'all, I'm imagining a show where they're all just sitting around watching Fire Bomber music videos and adding commentary where necessary... Sounds like Beavis and Butthead!
  6. Saw it, had a good time. Like Hikuro said, it's kind of like an episode of a running TV show... "Dredd supervises a rookie judge on her first day in the field. Is her mysterious 'talent' enough to pass the test?" I really think they could stretch this type of Dredd out to other movies, but as was noted, it doesn't seem to be doing well financially. We'll see if it picks up some momentum as word of mouth spreads.
  7. Similar to "The Galaxy is Calling Me!", it appears to take place in the middle of the series or movie. Probably another 45 minute "movie", as well...
  8. I hated the flightsuit design from SDFM, but this guy's adaptation actually looks pretty good!
  9. Well, I managed to sit my ass down the other day and get a bit of work done on my next chapter. I haven't updated in almost a year, but I am still determined to finish this thing eventually. I've had over half of the chapter done since last year, and just haven't had the spare time nor desire to finish it. Now, I've been feeling the urge to get back on it and I'm almost done with it. I need to know if one of you guys can proofread for me. Chilly, you were an invaluable source of input for the last couple of chapters I'd posted. I'm sure Banshee would be interested too, so let me know if you guys will be able to spare some time for me sometime in the next couple of weeks, whenever I manage to wrap it up.
  10. I scanned through it really fast, since I am unfamiliar with the Mass Effect games (Is that what that "N7" thing is? I keep seeing it around, but don't know what it means). I don't really know what's new and what's Mass Effect stuff, so it's tough for me to even know what's going on. I did notice that there were some names of what appeared to be other races not capitalized. Is this intentional?
  11. Oh, she's on there twice! I was thinking the same thing, though.
  12. Yep, this is something of a thread resurrection, but it was the best place I could find to answer my question: My birthday just came and went and my girlfriend got me some Macross CD's as a gift. I was a bit suspicious of them, since she paid, I think, 25 bucks for three CDs off of eBay. How can I tell if they're legit? She got Macross Frontier OSTs 1 and 2, and Macross Frontier Nyantama. I'd like to make sure before I unwrap the plastic packaging and dive right in.
  13. I thought they were supposed to be announcing major project information in October.
  14. Is this supposed to be some epic crossover story? I really am not familiar with most of these characters, so maybe I'm just not able to enjoy it on the same level... I just vaguely know what shows they come from.
  15. I kind of enjoyed that. I especially loved the "Who the hell are you?! Never appear on this show again!" "aww...."
  16. Well, I don't really throw movies into the timeline. Basically the way I was seeing it is: SDFM (series), Plus (OVA), 7 (series), Zero (OVA), Frontier (series). Notice how I didn't even consider II in the line? I like it some, but I just don't consider it to be a part of the "family".
  17. There is quite a likeness going on there between them! When my mother first met my girlfriend, one of the first things she said to my gf was that she should be a hand model. I immediately thought of this movie when I heard her say that. Of course, my gf looks up at me like "wtf?". I just shrugged and walked away chuckling.
  18. Well, it does seem that the pattern of series alternates between series and OVA. Not surprised if the next project is an OVA.
  19. I am seriously considering stealing one of those to be used as a forum avatar
  20. I think it was season 6, episode 13. It's the one where they are reimagined as a 20's-era cartoon and as an 8-bit video game... then as an anime show.
  21. Not sure if anyone pointed this out, nor does it really qualify as "Macross" in the weirdest places... Today, I watched that Futurama episode where they were reimagined as an anime show, and they used some music from Robotech at various points AND I suppose the image of the planet being bombarded by the invaders from orbit kinda meant something. I know... it's stretching it...
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