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Everything posted by frothymug

  1. Banshee, I sent you a message regarding my upcoming chapter.
  2. Just finished "Angel Beats!" Man, this was a good one. The story was difficult for me to follow at the beginning of the series, but once everything settled down and the main story arc got into motion, it was fun to watch. Each character had a different personality, which goes to show that the author put a lot of thought into each one. There were several touching moments in the series and the ending was one of the best I'd seen from an anime show. I've complained over and over that anime endings always seem rushed and leave too many loose ends tied up; I'm always wanting the story to continue because I felt there were important things left unresolved. I guess this is usually by design so that the author may continue his or her story if he or she so chooses. "Angel Beats!" was anything but this. The author carefully brought the story to a close and I can really appreciate that. I'll definitely recommend this to people when the subject of good anime comes up.
  3. Watched "Asobi ni iku yo", or its Funimation adaptation, "Cat Planet Cuties." Interesting concept of a show with medium levels of fan-service. I don't really like fan-service, but the show made up for it with pretty good humor. There were tons of references to old science fiction shows and movies... and some anime shows, too. While a couple of the episodes did nothing to advance the storyline, the short series did end with most loose ends tied up and even had a cool ending with the Catians giving something that the humans would find very useful! I wouldn't aggressively recommend this show, but it's worth a watch, since it's only 12 episodes. The OVA episode was also pretty funny, but the fanservice went full-scale. That means this show has a little bit of everything for all types of watchers. Aside from the fanservice and a couple of go-nowhere episodes, I don't really have any complaints.
  4. Well said, my friend.... Well said.
  5. Had a busy day, so I didn't spend as much time writing as I wanted. I've just got to wrap up the end and I'll be done. It's getting late and I have a tutoring client to see in the morning. I'll try to finish after I get home and before I have to go in to work my job.
  6. Okay, I've finally gotten some time to work on my fanfic again. I've been working on the same chapter for almost two damn years. It's gotten so long, that I've decided to break the unfinished portion off and publish the first part as its own chapter. I just need to do some touching up and all that and I can have it ready for a proofread. Chillyche and VF-15 Banshee, you both indicated that you'd be available for some proofreading. You guys up to it? You may need to get refreshed so you can pick up where I left off so long ago! I have all day tomorrow to do whatever I want, so I will probably have something ready to go by then.
  7. I'm glad you decided to do another run of these decals. I bought two of your UN Spacy kite logos a couple of years ago and they're both still in use today! Love 'em! I'd be interested in buying up some other stuff of yours, but I am already behind on my bills this summer. Good luck!
  8. http://www.macross2.net/m3/forfansonly/zentradiheight.html This might be helpful to the conversation at the moment.
  9. It's the new marketing strategy: Announce the next-gen system and purposely make it look like a piece of garbage. Sales of current-gen system skyrocket as a result, depleting inventories of remaining stock. Company re-packages and revamps next-gen system with all the features fans have wanted and at the same time, looks like a company that admits its mistakes and listens to its potential customers. Next-gen system sales go through the roof and company enjoys extra-large profits and stockholders get sizeable dividends. Everyone wins.
  10. There are multiple lifts on the flight deck. I've always assumed the Monster would use those lifts, since the Asuka from M0 had a lift large enough to bring a Monster from the lower flight decks. It looks like the Monster's destroid form would fit: http://www.macross2.net/m3/macrossf/vb-6-konig-mf.htm
  11. The first MF movie was kinda "meh", but it's got some good moments. The second movie made up for all of the first movie's shortcomings, and then some! If you can get your hands on a copy, make sure it's 1080p and you've got a connection to a good TV set. I recently watched some scenes on my 120 Hz 46" LED TV and I had to pick my jaw up off of the floor. My girlfriend recently finished watching Black Butler, so I got to watch a few episodes with her. It was okay... not quite my type, but a well-done series, nonetheless. We watched a couple of episodes of Burst Angel, because I thought I had heard good things about it on this thread. We watched two, but one was enough... I was already writing this series off as a bunch of crap. We moved on to Angel Beats, which his what I had confused for Burst Angel. I was immediately impressed by the show's opening and the animation quality is top-notch for a series. The story is a bit confusing to me because as the viewer, you're just thrown into the mix of things without any real explanation as to what's going on. Even after a few episodes, I still don't know who really is the bad guy in the show... To me, it sounds like the Battlefront is a bunch of bullies picking on Angel. Anyway, I am still interested to see where this goes. My girlfriend and I are about 5 episodes in and I'm starting to see what all the fuss was about. We're also watching High School of the Dead, mostly for the laughs we get when the fanservice gets so overdone. I am still trying to figure out why Japan keeps making stuff like this, but I guess I'll have to ask God for an explanation whenever I die We're about 5 eps into that one, too.
  12. Because the Battle of Salamis was equally as important as the Battle of Thermopylae, which was featured in the first film. Salamis was basically a smaller Greek navy putting the smackdown on a much larger Persian Navy. I think I will have to check this one out. It probably won't be as badass as 300, but it will at least shine some spotlight on Themistocles's effectiveness as a leader.
  13. Epic bump! We've been missing out on your awesome photos. I could really use a new desktop wallpaper. Please release new ones!
  14. I loved Road Rash! Good times there! To celebrate the start of my summer break, I've been playing some rather retro games. I have been playing Descent with the D1X Rebirth mod for modern computers. I plan on playing it through Descent 2 soon. Also, (although it isn't nearly as retro) I've been playing Metroid Prime. Finished the first game and am on the second game now. I haven't played the third yet, so I borrowed Metroid Prime Trilogy from my brother and I've been playing it on the Wii. One of the best games ever made, in my educated opinion.
  15. Re-watching Soul Eater after introducing it to my girlfriend. She likes it a lot! I had watched some of the series a couple of years back in bits and pieces. It's nice to get to fill in the gaps from when I was distracted with homework while my brother was watching it back then.
  16. I used that as my avatar when I first joined MW, but I found it on the internet somewhere. It's a great design, for sure.
  17. So, I was visiting the Udvar-Hazy Center (Air and Space Museum Annex) after kicking ass at a rocketry competition in central Virginia, and I came upon this case display: They had these in there as part of the Transformers exhibit. I guess they put it in there because there was a scene in one of the movies that takes place in the museum... I haven't seen it, though. On the left is the transformable SR-71 toy. Note on the card that it does give credit to Japanese toymakers.
  18. Sounds interesting! I'm going to have to keep my work on hiatus for a bit longer. This semester is destroying any free time I have. I don't plan on taking any classes this summer, but I am going to be looking for full-time work. Even with a full-time job, though, I should have much more free time than if I was taking a full load at the university.
  19. Hey, guys. I'm shopping out some parts to upgrade my system and I need your opinions. I currently have an i7 920 Intel processor, ASUS P6T Deluxe V2 motherboard, and 6 GB of Corsair Dominator memory at 1600 MHz. I also recently upgraded my video card from a GTX 295 to a GTX 660Ti SC+. I need to alleviate the bottleneck that is my processor, which means I will also need to get a new motherboard and memory (and a PCIe 3.0 compliant board for my GPU). I was looking at the Intel Core i5-3550P, along with an ASUS P8H77-V motherboard, and either 8 or 16 gigs of Corsair Dominator memory. Some friends are telling me that I'm a fool for not going for an overclocking setup and I am just trying to gather up enough information to assure me that OC'ing is not as dangerous as it used to be. I know that the K-series processors and Z77 chipset motherboards are the best bet for overclocking setups. I could use some suggestions on what to do. Thanks! Oh, and I'm on a budget trying to stay under 400 bucks.
  20. Is this another one of your crossover submissions? Quick synopsis, perhaps?
  21. Come to think of it... I never really revealed much about my main character OC in my fanfic. All you know is name and age... I'll put something up on here when I get around to hashing out more details, hehe...
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