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Everything posted by frothymug

  1. I haven't watched much of the series, but I remember when Luffy was fighting the bouncy-guy and he decked him into the ground with one punch. I practically felt that one sitting on the couch. It's fairly entertaining and is worth a shot.
  2. "Now and Then, Here and There..." = Acchi Kocchi? I saw a couple of episodes of Acchi Kocchi and it was fairly entertaining. Target demographic seemed like it was for preteens, though. Well-done show, regardless. Was it the story that made it depressing, or are you just saying it's kind of bad?
  3. Episode 14, I believe. After Sheryl "pilots" Michael's 25G back to the fleet and gets into trouble, Luca springs in to help. He quickly transforms to battroid to open fire, but has his gunpod knocked out of his hand before he can even get a round off. I have to admit, I almost cheered when he finally got an on-screen kill in episode 24.
  4. Today's the first day of the new semester at my university and I've had the main theme stuck in my head since I got up. Definitely a good soundtrack to have when you're "prepping for the fight", like at the beginning of the movie.
  5. Through Chapter 6 now. I'm interested in how Mina will react to suddenly being thrust into this mysterious world that is probably alien to her. Your tease in the author's notes at the end have got me wondering who it is.
  6. Read Chapter 3, I think it was? The VF-0 trip to get the hunter license. Looking forward to more when I get around to it.
  7. Isn't that second one a scene from Robotech: Battlecry? The first one... umm, dafuq?
  8. Saw it last night with my girlfriend. Warned her ahead of time that there's not going to be much strength in plot; it's just a big rollercoaster, so hang on and enjoy the ride. I thoroughly enjoyed it. As I suspected, the plot development scenes were vastly overshadowed by the eye-candy and action-fest that is the fight scenes. Both the Kaiju and Jaegers had great designs and detail. I loved some of the scenes where the Jaegers were simply walking and you could see the articulation; cooling vents opening and closing, the shoulderguards on the Gipsy Danger rattling while it moves, and so on... It really gave the Jaegers the feel of cold, hard, clunky technology that only we humans would build in such a hurry like that. This movie had a lot of similarities to Independence Day. Alien creatures bent on destroying humanity so they can harvest the planet's resources, gaining entry into the aliens' "homeworld" by disguising as one of them, setting off a nuke right in their faces, and even the same "oh crap" look on their faces when they realized they were about to be blown to bits. I was a bit disappointed to see these devices being used, but they were just so good, they had to be used again. It's the reason you see a lot of the same stuff in modern sci-fi movies that you've seen in Star Wars. They just got to use them first, that's all. Yes, there were some plot holes and things that we know wouldn't really happen, but (even as an engineering student) I was able to just "let it go" and just plain enjoy the movie for what it was: kickass monsters and kickass robots duking it out in a fight to the death.
  9. Read chapter 2. I like how you put the flashback scene at the beginning. I had to take a moment to figure out it was a flashback, but that was because I couldn't remember exactly how the first chapter ended. No fault of yours. My only complaint was how quickly Leon went from unconscious to running about the hallways of the ship so nonchalantly. Then Aisha expected him to be in flying condition...? I'll read another chapter soon.
  10. I saw this video several months ago and thought that the chicken-walker problem was handled well. The costume is so well-done, I barely notice the human legs. http://youtu.be/oTWMXRWN0N8 Maybe this will help you in deciding how to do your costume. Side note: not sure why the embed isn't working for me...
  11. I'm sure this is just another creative liberty change made specifically for the movie. As many relationships and situations have been altered, this may be another instance. Michael and Klan are inferred to already be "involved" with each other, and they may have put Klan into Mihoshi as a soon-to-be-graduating senior. Luca does refer to her as "senpai". If this is the case, she'd have to be no older than 18 for the movie continuity. There's no time in the movie to weave together the relationships of the characters, so this was probably the easiest solution to the problem. In the series, she has already long since graduated and is taking classes in college.
  12. crap. I haven't had any time over the weekend to do any reading nor writing. I might have some time tomorrow night.
  13. I don't see the posting anymore. I can imagine your frustration, though. People will exploit the system anytime they can get away with it. There's a special place in hell for them.
  14. Cool! He even constructed an Uraga-class carrier to launch from and gave a good look via a flyby at the end!
  15. Yeah, I got the e-mail and came here to see if you'd mentioned anything about the site. I'm about to go to bed, but I'll check it out soon. You've piqued my curiosity on this "novelization" of the game. How accurate is it going to be? Might be worth reading and then playing the game so I at least know what's going on. I went ahead and read your prologue. Nice! One question: I thought CIC was Commander In Chief.
  16. I don't think having a good VA for her was deemed necessary.
  17. Oh boyy... I think I will take cover behind this flame-retardant material and break out the popcorn.
  18. I think the Ranka suplexing Alto one is inspired by Angel Beats when Yui does that to Otonashi. http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/32600000/Yui-s-German-Suplex-angel-beats-32674872-500-281.jpg
  19. I saw you on Steam last night and almost messaged you, Che. I'll send you a copy so you can proofread too. I haven't gotten any feedback from Banshee yet and I'm getting antsy to update on FF.net.
  20. I thought this was one of those forbidden crossover threads that just hadn't been closed and annihilated from existence by a mod... And then I saw it was started by Tochiro. Bizarre, indeed...
  21. It's been a long time since I've messed with altering existing subtitles and doing some of my own remuxing and encoding, but I used XviD4PSP and really liked it. I used this program to make the Matroskas I had into PS3 friendly MP4s and really liked how it worked. Since Matroskas are sets of files muxed together, I had to hard-code the MP4s with the subtitles so they'd display on the PS3. I think this is similar to what you want to do, only I'm guessing you want to burn your own DVDs and/or Blu-Rays. I used Jubler to do any text, font, and timing edits on the files. Hope this helps!
  22. Although I don't normally suggest Macross 7 to friends, I will say that you should go into it a few more episodes before writing it off entirely. As has already been mentioned, it takes its time getting the story started. You might be able to tolerate it once you get to that take-off point.
  23. For once, I have to agree with him on this one. I haven't bought any of the DVDs or Blu-Rays, but I will be looking this set up when I graduate and get a job.
  24. I do like the flightsuits from Zero, too. Nice job!
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