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Everything posted by frothymug

  1. As far as I understand it, the anime followed the printed media pretty closely. The series, as a whole, was pretty good and I'm looking forward to the new season that's supposed to come out this year. However, they made a major change to the character dynamics in the second half of the season that left me complaining a bit. The whole series is definitely worth the watch, save for that one gripe. I'll be checking out Log Horizon pretty soon. Hopefully, this week. I'm also looking at watching "The World God Only Knows", simply because the reviews on Crunchyroll were pretty impressive. Familiar of Zero F is also on my list. I watched the first three seasons a couple of years back and was pretty turned off by the gratuitous fanservice in season 3. I heard they brought the season 1 director back to do the fourth season, so I will give it another chance again. I plan on watching Gurren Lagann. I have seen some of it with my younger brother and know enough about the series to know what happens in the end, but I would like to sit through all of the episodes. I watched the first two eps of Witch Craft Works. Not my type of anime; a lot of wackiness, but some of the jokes are humorous. Also, they carefully tread the "ecchi" line with the character designs. I'm mostly curious to see what becomes of the main male protagonist. If he doesn't man up soon, I'm going to give up on the series. Still in progress: On episode 20 of Attack on Titan and on episode 78 of Space Brothers.
  2. I've been watching Sword Art Online. It's easy to say how my girlfriend and I relate to this one, since we both played a lot of WoW back in the day. Been enjoying it up to what appears to be a second season. We finished episode 17 last night and I have to say that I'm a little concerned about the direction the show is going, though.
  3. I hope this releases soon. It would be great to see it with my aerospace engineering classmates before we graduate in May.
  4. I'll admit it: I haven't seen a lot of Jackie Chan's older stuff... the golden stuff. I do, however, think that of all of his movies that I've seen so far, Legend of Drunken Master is the best!
  5. Bump! I am in dire need of a new wallpaper for my laptop. Could use something new for the upcoming semester.
  6. Your family is pretty badass to come up with those for you. Great gifts!
  7. I've tried to indirectly address the Galaxy situation in my writing. The way I see it is: The Galaxy fleet still exists and its leadership continues to work towards dominating the galaxy. The people of the Galaxy fleet are so heavily modified by cybernetics, it's easy to draw the conclusion that they must be under some kind of control exerted by the leadership. The way I put it was that at some point in their past, they passed legislation that practically required all citizens to undergo "enhancement". The ulterior motive was to slowly gain control of the citizens' everyday lives. Sheryl somehow escaped this fate. The political view is that Galaxy was slowly transformed from a corporation-influenced meritocracy into a despotic oligarchy. All colony operations are directly controlled by the government and the citizens are nothing but drone workers with little to no autonomy nor freedom. This social structure falls into line with their planned assimilation into the Vajra hive-mind. Although the Vajra are seen leaving the galaxy with their queen, there are still pockets of Vajra hives left behind. Those independent hives are in danger of being manipulated by the Galaxy fleet to further their own ambitions. There is a chance that the Galaxy scientists may be working on a way to create their own version of a hive queen. The remaining Galaxy fleet still remains a threat to the well-being of the Frontier emigration fleet. Frontier, whether they like it or not, stands in the way of Galaxy's ambitions of conquest.
  8. You guys think I'm joking, but I'm actually pretty serious. I put the flamebait tag because I was pretty sure it would get some asinine answers. People just love to hate on IE, even though it's a perfectly competent browser and nothing will ever change their minds. I use all three at various times and each one annoys me in different ways. It's just whatever floats your boat.
  9. Translate it, dammit!
  10. I can't help but notice that nobody can ever answer questions like the one I asked.
  11. I don't get it. What's wrong with IE? /flamebait
  12. Better late than never... http://youtu.be/0ecv0bT9DEo Can't figure out how to embed, so it's Blizzard's official new cinematic trailer of "Heroes of the Storm".
  13. I got to, maybe, level 40 on Diablo 3. The game is great, but it got boring for me before I could even get close to level cap. I have Torchlight 2 and have thoroughly enjoyed the game thus far. I actually like it better than D3. The classes and abilities are all well-polished, so they play differently than each other. The worlds are a great mix of drab and vivid coloring, so it's not the same dungeony feel throughout the game, like D3 has. Give it a shot!
  14. I lol'ed at the "corrected" intro logo
  15. Major Focker, can you recommend a good site to watch IS? The first season isn't on Crunchyroll. I'm through episode 9 of Attack on Titan. My girlfriend and I are thoroughly enjoying it. It's good to find some quality anime that doesn't have to resort to fanservice or ecchi themes to please its fans. Space Brothers is just as engaging to me; I'm through 7 episodes, with many more to go!
  16. I've barely had time to play it, so I'm on the GERWALK training mission.
  17. I've got three pages of Crunchyroll open on my browser right now: Attack on Titan, Sword Art Online, and Space Brothers.I am waiting to see if my girlfriend is interested in the first two before I start watching (so we can watch together). I've watched three episodes of Space Brothers today and I am very impressed. As many other watchers have done, I'm finding a lot of inspiration from this show. I'm 33 and almost finished with my aerospace engineering degree with the hopes of getting a job designing and building rockets and rocket engines. I have to say that I would die happy if I could make it to outer space some day. And I don't mean the cheap "space tourism" way, where you're in space for a few minutes until gravity pulls you back down because you're not technically in orbit... I can already tell I'm really going to enjoy this series.
  18. That's too bad. My gf loved Frontier and was excited to get this game for me so she could watch for the story and action... almost like a whole new series to her. Well, she can't understand a lick of Japanese and I am finding myself not really enjoying the game the way I had hoped. I am giving her the loose rundown of what's going on based on what I've read of your fanfic, Banshee. At some point, I'll progress past what you've done so far and we'll be in the woods. One of the guys who builds rockets with me is Japanese, but I fear to ask him to translate because, even though he's been in the US for a very long time, I can't understand him half of the time.
  19. Watch the director's cut/extended version of Chronicles of Riddick. They cut out a lot of scenes for the theatrical release; and probably for good reason. It'll answer your question, though.
  20. If you like Civ 3 (which is my personal favorite), you'll like Civ 4. Like Duke Togo mentioned about fans of the series, Civ 5 just didn't do it for me. I may give it another try sometime down the road.
  21. ...which is what I was alluding to in my post. Yes, neither the VF-0 nor the SV-51 could leave the atmosphere, but as was mentioned in Ep. 3 of M-0, The VF-0 could still operate for a couple of minutes sans atmosphere. A thermonuclear engine would work in space by superheating propellant, which would be linearly-accelerated out of the engine. The subsequent action-reaction would produce thrust in space. In-universe, the thermonuclear engines can operate indefinitely within an atmosphere, while those same engines would require stored propellant somewhere on the craft.
  22. Interesting idea for a picture, but... heh, I don't see why a VF-11 would need to be refueled in an atmosphere.
  23. Okay, so my gf imported this game for my birthday (she's a keeper) and I tried playing for a short while before bedtime. We're wondering if there's any dialogue translation, or a listing of the dialogue in each scene. If there's something on the internet (like a script), we can just use a translator to get the gist of what's being said. Although I could just play the game and try to figure things out, I'd like to know the story, as well...
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