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Everything posted by frothymug

  1. Thanks for the input, Major Focker. I will give it another go soon, then. I also watched Chaika the Coffin Princess through episode 3 and I am liking the story and visuals displayed so far. The melee fight in episode 2 was so impressive, I hope to see more like that throughout the series. Combat is not relegated to a handful of overpowered moves, but it's more like a visual ballet. It's displayed in real-time, so each move, each strike, each feign, each riposte may be missed if you aren't paying attention. The storytelling is pretty good so far and there is a distinct lack of annoying characters. Definitely worth looking into. One of the other shows I'm following this season is The Irregular at Magic High School. The title makes this show sound pretty cliché, but it's anything but. The animation is top-notch and the CGI is integrated seamlessly so that it is somewhat hard to distinguish the two from each other. Shiba, the male lead, is a total badass and has no problems taking care of himself. The writing is very good so far and it does a great job of explaining what is going on, including logical and engineering-style breakdowns of the mechanics of spellcasting. In one scene, spells are explained to behave like electromagnetic waves, where the user "loop-cast" three spells of the same type, but varied the frequency and speed so that they would converge on the same point to hit the target simultaneously. I like this show! The music is also pretty cool, as it has a touch of EDM in it. Check it out! Finally, I just watched the first two episodes of Kill laKill. Me after the first episode: After the second episode: I can now see why everyone was crapping their pants over this series. You just have to get over the craziness and fanservice-y elements. It's more like a visual treat. Looking forward to seeing more soon.
  2. No input on Blast of Tempest? It's also known as Civilization Blaster, if that helps. Brynhildr in the Darkness episode 3 leaves you with quite the cliffhanger. Looking forward to next Saturday!
  3. Looking for some new material to whet my appetite. I started watching Brynhildr in the Darkness. Looks like it has potential, so I'll keep watching. I watched one episode of a "Blast of Tempest" on Crunchyroll. The series description and viewer reviews got me interested, but the way the episodes are structured rubs me the wrong way. I couldn't tell what was going on because they kept seamlessly switching from present events to flashbacks. Plus, the some of the main cast of characters were real a-holes. The action looks cool and the animation is top-notch. I just want to know if anyone's seen this series and if it's worth sticking around for.
  4. I first saw this and checked the date, knowing that April is just around the corner...
  5. Log Horizon finished up this past weekend. Although I'm really liking it, the series, as a whole, seemed to crawl at times. Episodes would take on a "slice of life set within an MMO" feel, rather than focus on advancing the plot or having any action. The final episode ended with, what I feel like, is a promise for more adventure next season. Looking forward to picking things up again next October.
  6. I know that feels, bro. I got the game as a birthday gift from my girlfriend, but I don't understand a lick of what's being said. I can't get through the training missions without spending several minutes trying to figure out what it is I'm supposed to be doing and I can't enjoy the dialogue or story.
  7. There's that one picture that looks like a combination of the Dai-Gurren and the SDF-1. I believe he even comments on that article that he's a huge fan of Macross.
  8. Started The World God Only Knows today. When I initially read the synopsis, I thought it was going to be pretty lame. The reviews on Crunchyroll told me otherwise, so I finally gave it a chance. I'm very impressed! I got several laughs out of one episode, which speaks volumes for the show's lightheartedness. I have high hopes for this one. Finished Kids on the Slope last week. It was good, but slightly underwhelming. I have high expectations for a Watanabe-Kanno collaboration, but they toned it down for this series. The jazz sessions were good, but there were far too few! I think if the show was more about the music than the heavy (but well deserved) emphasis on friendships and relationships, it would have been better.
  9. I'm also watching this and, surprisingly, I agree with you on pretty much everything you said. Saw the character designs in the intro and thought it was going to be fairly ecchi. That has not been the case. I also can only think of the one instance of fan-service and that was the ice-witch character you mentioned in (I think) the second episode. There have been so many opportunities for the insertion of fan service, but it always gets toned down. You occasionally see some cleavage in a couple of "fantasy" situations that Takamiya dreams up, but there was even one where he was dreaming about being on the beach with Kagari and she was wearing a one-piece swimsuit! I was floored. Kagari is difficult to explain. She's never shows emotion and acts so much like a robot, but you still can sense a warm, caring personality. She's completely devoted and loyal; one of the flashback scenes in the newer episodes sort of explains why she seems to be attached to Takamiya. As for him, I agree that he's too much of a wimp and I complained about this a few weeks ago when I talked about this show on this thread. He keeps showing signs of a backbone and then fails to live up to it. If he'd just let his balls drop, he'd be a great character. Seems like the show is becoming some type of harem-anime, but it doesn't quite go "all the way". Although I love the women, there needs to be some more male characters, to be honest. There's plenty of comedy and the show is chock-full of moments where I'm laughing and saying "WTF" at the same time. It can get pretty wacky and out-of-context at times, but you just have to come to expect it after awhile. I'll keep watching it, as long as Takamiya shows some character development.
  10. I thought Steamboy was well-executed, but it just dragged on for far too long. Definitely worth checking out, though.
  11. Through ep. 15 on Gurren Lagann. It's getting better every episode. I just love the over-the-top style of action, which probably means I'll love Kill la Kill. I'm caught up on Log Horizon, eagerly awaiting the next episode week-to-week. I have to admit, I loved Sword Art Online, but I am liking Log Horizon just a tad bit better. The story and characters are much more engaging. It seems to be much more carefully written, taking into account world politics, game mechanics, and group combat strategy. I started Kids on the Slope a couple of days ago and it's a pleasant show to watch. As usual, my girlfriend was resistant to check it out, but I can tell she loves it after three episodes. I was really looking forward to being exposed to some good jazz music and Yoko Kanno certainly delivers!
  12. The main reason that 3-dimensional thrust vectoring isn't used much is that it adds more complexity and weight to an aircraft, with very little return on maneuverability over 2-dimensional TVC. I can see it working out great for non-atmospheric maneuvers, though. We also don't see forward-swept wings much because of the aeroelasticity issues it has. All it needs to become feasible is to produce a wing with composite grains in the appropriate directions so that when the wing undergoes loading, it flexes in a way that doesn't destroy the behavior of the flow over the wing at reasonable angle of attack. IIRC, the story of Macross Plus was inspired by the ATF competition. The designs were pretty unique from their real-world counterparts. Oh, and I'd bet that Kawamori doesn't really like the F-117 because it was essentially designed by electrical engineers, not aerospace engineers.
  13. I thought the same thing when that thread got locked. To be perfectly honest, I've never seen any of Hoffman's movies. NONE OF THEM. When my Facebook started lighting up with people mentioning his death, I thought "Big deal!" Looked up his filmography on IMDB and realized why I don't seem to have any interest. The point is, it's all subjective. James Avery was important to me because I loved to watch TMNT as a kid and loved Fresh Prince. I don't think his thread deserved to get locked after three posts. Regardless, sorry to hear the news. Always sad when they die so young.
  14. Understood. We're just here to encourage you.
  15. Yeah, actually. This is that same chapter I sent to you a few months ago, as I'm sure you may have already noticed. I don't have any new material "hiding" on my HDD at this point, so it may be awhile before I post again. I made sure to make that clear in my author's notes on FF.net. I mostly posted it to let the followers know that I was still alive and that I still intend on finishing. I'm sure someone around here would be willing to help with a translation project. You'd be surprised at what kind of support you can drum up. I know that I might be willing to help clean up some spelling and grammar, and I'm sure several other posters here can do just as good of a job.
  16. fixt Seriously, I'm very curious to see what you've been working on. Hint, hint...
  17. I watched one episode and also saw that the show had the "same annoying characters". As much as I love Macross, SK's involvement in this show isn't nearly enough to keep me interested.
  18. Respectable reason not to.... but I think that your readers would give you a pass if you just explained to them that English isn't your native language.
  19. Translate it!
  20. Is Titanfall designed for 360, XBO? I am not sure if I want to pre-order a game that's been ported to PC.
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