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Everything posted by frothymug

  1. Exactly my sentiments. Looking forward to a fun movie, but not expecting it to blow my mind.
  2. Did you watch the 25th anniversary Blu-ray? They cleaned up the CGI quite a bit. It still looks dated, but I think there is a marked improvement over the original film.
  3. This pretty much accurately sums up my feelings on the issue. I just re-watched this movie a couple of days ago and I still get starry-eyed. There better not be a remake, or I will lose my mind.
  4. I had AVG for a long time and it started to feel like it had way too much overhead. I've been happy with Avast since I switched about 6 months ago.
  5. Is it this? https://www.modernprops.com/Details1b.asp?dept=195&category=290&item=1
  6. As I understand it, the difference between the 200LR and 300ER is that the former has auxilliary fuel tanks in the storage compartment?
  7. Well, the mission was from DFW to Seoul, Korea. I used the 300ER because it represents a large portion of Korean Air's international fleet.
  8. Yep, Sorry about that. I meant the 300-ER. I was sleep deprived
  9. Looks great! I'd try to improve or change the coloring style to give the VFs a more metallic look, though. The current style should work great as-is for anything not mechanical.
  10. Finally turned in my report this afternoon. I ended up sticking with the design I had originally selected. I had mistakenly used the wrong plane as a real-world counterpart. I should have been using the 777-400ER, which has tanks that are twice as large as the 767's. Fuel efficiency was more than enough to make the trip, but the cruise performance was insufficient. Max thrust was about 17,600 pounds and I needed about 19,000 pounds at cruise thrust. I was originally opposed to increasing fuel flow because it wouldn't have made the trip on the 767's tanks anyway. Part of my report was to simulate a transient solution to the case of an aborted landing where the throttle would need to be thrown from 60% RPM to 100% RPM in as little time as possible. With the sudden massive increase in fuel flow, the turbine inlet would have gotten cooked pretty good if I had set the max thrust Tt4 any higher. I had to ramp up the fuel flow over 0.9 seconds to keep the temperature from going too high... and to not stall the compressor.
  11. I was going to put that in here, but I figured it was understood.
  12. The problem with higher exit velocity is that fuel consumption would have to increase. I'm using a 767-400ER's fuel tanks as a measuring stick for what should be available, which is 161,000 lbm. With my current design, I can go about 4600 miles at 100% thrust. As I was saying, I am sure that overall consumption would be reduced so that I can explain my way through completing the mission. I just want to know what required thrust at cruise would be. I already have an OPR of 64.8 (including the fan PR. 1.6/4.5/9.0, fan/LPC/HPC). I'm pretty sure that's pushing current technological limits. I would like to include at least some semblance of realism in my designs and not just cobble together whatever works. I agree that the requirements may be too high. I may just take what I have now and explain where the limitations are for fulfilling the mission requirements. Maybe if I had more time, I'd explore a geared turbofan model.
  13. I've been working on a design project for my graduate air-breathing propulsion project and I'm trying to nail down some reasonable engine operating conditions. Maybe you guys can help me out. My mission is 11,000 km at 40k ft and at Mach 0.9. Required takeoff thrust is 100k lbf. I need to design a high-bypass unmixed flow turbofan engine to complete it. Using some real-world engines as a measuring stick, I've been able to size out an engine and used NPSS to simulate the on-design and off-design performance using a custom turbofan model that I coded up. However, I can only output performance at 100% thrust, as I haven't figured out how to vary shaft RPMs to change performance. My current design has an uninstalled SLS thrust of 103k lbf., but the cruise condition has me at about 17.6k lbf. I would assume that this engine would be one of two engines on a long range commercial jet like a 767-400ER. The current fuel flow only gives me about 9,000 km range. Since I only know of performance at 100% throttle, I need to know of a typical required thrust at cruise condition for a long range jet. If I can justify the lower thrust requirement, I can assume that the engine I've designed will meet the mission requirements. I found a forum post where someone listed the GE90-110BL's cruise thrust at 19k lbf. However, that engine's cruise velocity is probably around Mach 0.8. I know that Mach 0.9 is high for a large jet, but that's what my professor wants. I may have to resort to further increasing the fan diameter to ingest more air, but it's already at 10.8 feet and I haven't factored in the hub size yet. The GE90-115B's fan diameter is 10.7 feet. Any help is greatly appreciated!
  14. What's the difference between Cherry red, blue, brown, etc? One post mentioned blue is louder than the others?
  15. My "W" key has been sticking lately and I've started to also consider trying out a mechanical keyboard. I've been happy with cheap $10-15 keyboards thus far. Why do you guys like mechanical keyboards? What about them would make someone want to switch? Oh, and I do play a lot of games of various genres. I currently spend most of my time playing WoW, but I occasionally binge-play some other games from time to time.
  16. Since there's been some hype behind the new season (and movie) of The Fruit of Grisaia, I decided to give the first season a try. I was definitely intrigued by the ending of the first episode, but after three episodes, I'm beginning to wonder if I'm wasting my time. The third episode did pretty much nothing to advance the plot. Do I need to give it some more time?
  17. ...and note that Macross II is set after the DYRL movie. Which brings us to another caveat that is difficult to understand: the movies are "retellings" of the series they are based on. Essentially, you must take everything as a broad interpretation of what really did happen at that time in the Macross universe. Subtle differences between movie and series elements are not really debated; they are just taken as "artistic expression" of things that actually happened. Basically, everything is canon and nothing is canon. Now that I've confused you again, I'll just take my leave...
  18. Oh, don't get me wrong; I liked the music. I just lol'ed because it does kind of sound like someone fell asleep on the keyboard.
  19. Has anyone heard anything about new Space Brothers? It's been almost a year since episode 99 and I haven't heard any news regarding a continuation.
  20. I've been pretty quiet thus far, but I have been unable to understand why you guys are so critical about the show. It wasn't perfect, but it was a great show to look forward to every week for me. The mecha designs are top-notch, the music is excellent, and the story is somewhat well-paced. My main complaint was that Inaho was way too OP. I would have appreciated it more if the rest of the cast wasn't marginalized so much by Inaho's talents. Other than that, I didn't really think that more emphasis should have been placed on other characters. If they did what you suggest, the series would probably suffer from far too much bloat and have pacing issues. I am just saying that, while not perfect, A/Z is well worth recommending to any mecha anime fan.
  21. I wouldn't put intake/exhaust right next to each other like that. Just leave the rest of the ports as passive intakes if you have enough forced airflow for the time being. Cases have been coming with a good micro-screen on the bottom port. You might be able to fashion something for the top two ports that will also help keep dust out. I have left the top two ports open on my gf's case and it's been about 9 months since I built her system. I'll crack open her case and see how the dust problem has been dealt with thus far. Ah, I just remembered that you have the same case as my gf, David. Should be a pretty good measure of how clean (or dirty) it gets. I'll let you know asap.
  22. I haven't laughed that hard in quite awhile. Good one, man.
  23. Yeah, I actually agree with that. What I meant was if you are using fans on all possible intake/exhaust ports and not just using some as passive intake/exhaust. I have three passives on my girlfriend's tower, and one passive intake on my own tower. Works just fine.
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