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Everything posted by frothymug

  1. Oh, I wasn't trying to be critical. I was just trying to start a discussion on the subject.
  2. I've noticed that the video games thread is usually abuzz with the AAA titles that come out. Right now, everyone's crapping their pants over Fallout 4. They usually only talk about COD, HALO, BF, etc...
  3. My gf started watching it on a whim and the first episode was pretty good. It has a lot of similarity to Akame ga Kill, minus the ultra-dark and semi-gory parts. At least, that's from the first episode. I think we'll go ahead and continue watching this series with anticipation.
  4. What's Urutsukidoki? I Googled it, but came up with nil.
  5. I wanted to respectfully point out that this character trope is starting to become overused, in my opinion. Admittedly, I am guilty of using the same in my fan fiction. It seems like all main characters have to come with emotional baggage, as it helps the reader feel a bit of sympathy. It makes the MC's accomplishments seem that much more impactful. Not trying to criticize or tell you how to write your story. Just suggesting that it might be worth considering to downplay the emotional angle in the future. I'm just one reader, though. My opinion does not reflect everyone else's. Also, if you plan on continuing the motion comic, I had a comment to make about the voice acting, which was, for the most part, superb. I get turned away by actors who make their voices artificially gruffy and macho to fill some kind of character type. Again, it's probably just me that it bothers, but something else to consider. Looking forward to more!
  6. IIRC, he used the term "larger", which set off alarms in my head. Was I misinterpreting, or did he actually say "more powerful"? Increasing the size of the core while holding fan diameter constant would have to mean reducing the bypass cross-sectional area, where the vast majority of thrust is generated. From what I remember, the guy talked about using composite ceramics to increase allowable Tt4, which would yield a moderate increase in thrust without having to increase fan diameter. Perhaps David H. has a point. They could always add intermediate compressor and turbine stages, lengthening the engine and therefore making the engine "larger". It might still pose a rotation ground clearance problem, but probably not as difficult to mitigate as a larger fan diameter.
  7. It feels like something is "off" about the look of the movie. Compositing real actors into what appear to be full CGI scenes just isn't looking right. They did a great job on the goblins and orcs in the LOTR movies and those were mostly make-up effects. I can understand that a lot of computer graphics is needed to give the non-human characters human-like emotions, though. Also, the shot locations don't look real enough. Again, LOTR got it right by filming in exotic locations in NZ.
  8. I'm surprised there isn't more interest in this game on this forum, considering the prime demographic that lurks here. I've been too busy to play this past week, but I am curious to know if anyone else has had a chance to give it a try. I'd love to know what you think!
  9. It came out today? No wonder the lunch lines at the university were so short.
  10. Alright! Finally remembered to watch. I'm seriously impressed! I don't often compliment, but your work definitely deserves it! The story is chock full of references to other series, including M-II. Sound editing was superb, especially for a homebrew project such as yours. Looking forward to any more content you can generate!
  11. I'm trying to understand why GE is once again thinking that "bigger is better". Didn't they have airframe integration issues with the GE90-115B? You can only go so large on the fan radius before the engine risks striking the ground on takeoff or landing.
  12. That looks to be some kind of aqueduct. You can see it appears to attach to a building at the top of the hill.
  13. Once you get to season 2, it gets a whole lot more fun. I won't spoil it for you guys. Really, this game is just a huge love-letter to 80's sci-fi anime. Anyone get a chance to play yet?
  14. The F-104 had a much smaller fuselage that wasn't packed to the brim with propellant. The chord length is also much larger in relative size to its fuselage. The body of the Skylon just looks colossal, when compared to its lifting and control surfaces.
  15. I managed to find a couple of hours to play yesterday. It's got a lot of potential! The combat is intense and satisfying when you finally bring down that pesky alien bogey. The physics-based space flight is tough to get used to, but can lead to some interesting combat styles. One thing that's really getting me excited is the attention to detail on the seemingly minor and inconsequential things. Namely, the extra effort that the developers put into making the game seem like it's some kind of 80's anime imported from Japan and localized for US audiences. This very Saturday-morning-cartoon feel is easy to sense, as I'm reminded of shows like Robotech and Voltron when I play. The missions are called "episodes", which are contained within "seasons", reinforcing that design philosophy. When a mission starts, it has some randomly-generated episode title and it gives writing credits to a randomly-generated name. The pause screen is where this concept really jumps out at me, though. It shows a shaky, distorted still of the game, with snowy effects at the top, as if you've paused a VCR with tracking issues. The pause menu is constructed from large, plain, blocky text you'd see on old-school televisions and VCRs. There's even a blinking "12:00" at the top right corner! Even if the aforementioned minutia is not of interest to you, the combat is totally worth trying out. I am just concerned that there will not be much replayability, once I've finished the game. Some criticisms I've heard is that the game is too punishing of getting killed. However, you simply have to restart the mission on the standard difficulty. It's only on the higher difficulty that you have to restart from the beginning of the season, as it serves as a checkpoint of sorts.
  16. Has anyone sat down and assessed the ridiculous design of the Skylon? Just from looking at it, it appears that there are some obvious points of concern: 1) Those tiny wings and canards are supposed to generate enough lift to pick up that vehicle, it's enormous fuel payload, and the several tons of payload in the bay? 2) Undersized vertical tail and rudder are supposed to provide enough yaw authority to handle unusual aerodynamic loads and high-crosswind landing conditions? 3) Despite the use of canards, I still think that the wings are going to have to produce a significant offsetting pitching moment to counter the forward-leaning CG. The Sabre engines are very interesting and I hope that they succeed on that point. However, the Skylon just looks like it will never fly in its current state.
  17. I had a jam-packed weekend, so I haven't had a chance to watch yet. It's on my "to do" list, though!
  18. PC release date is October 29th on Steam!
  19. I'll check it out this weekend!
  20. I haven't watched any Gundam series in over 10 years. Will I be able to step right into Iron-Blooded Orphans without missing a beat?
  21. God, I loved MXC. I used to watch it for hours when they'd marathon it on Spike TV. Watching that MXC video, I haven't laughed that hard in a while.
  22. I don't see anything worth watching this season and last season was relatively dry. Maybe I'm just going off of Crunchyroll's lineup. Does anyone have a link to that one page that has all of the shows for a season with brief synopses? Since it's football season, I have been quenching my midweek football thirst with some classic Eyeshield 21. Pretty good for such a low-budget show. Hiruma is one of my all-time favorite characters.
  23. I've been spoiled from using a PC for FPS games. When I play them on consoles, it feels clunky and weird. My advice is to just keep giving it a chance. You will eventually get used to the vastly different control scheme. There are so many console players who swear their gamepads are the superior input device.
  24. Looks like they cleaned up some of the special effects, based on the trailer clips. Or maybe I just don't remember the fidelity of the original films since I haven't seen them in years. I will probably go search this one out, as it's definitely worth a buy! (All three movies, even!)
  25. I'd definitely prefer the SATA cables with the clips, like Azrael mentioned. However, you can also find cables with 90 degree ends to keep from having to kink the cables inside of your case (I currently use these). Whichever has the best bang for your buck, I guess...
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