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Everything posted by Archer

  1. Ended up switching new 3ds xl black to a Majora's Mask edition when gamestop opened up orders the other day. The design really grew on me the past couple days, so I made the switch.
  2. Could have sworn there was a rezel in the first episode? Maybe we'll at least see more Unicorn grunt units.
  3. But that bionic eye aimbot though
  4. Really like Lightning Gundam's backpack expansion. Reminds me of the Rezel Type-C back pack, a favorite of mine. Also, build fighter try's OST came out a few days ago for those who might have have heard it yet. My favorite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66-vqwpHJzk
  5. I went with a plan black *New* 3DS xl. I'm a big fan of 3D, but the narrow optimum field of vision on the old model bothered me. Xenoblade also helps as well. I think I must be the one person who passed over the special editions too. Not really a fan of game skins on consoles, like to stick with plan black on almost everything. Yes, I'm fairly boring in real life Edit: Might have come out of my shell and ordered a blue had they offered it though. It offers just enough "fun" while remaining within my threshold of boring.
  6. Gotta love Titanfall's 30 GB of uncompressed audio
  7. That rx-78 is incredible. Still having difficulty telling it's an actual model kit, and not an animation frame
  8. I overdid it and bought Unity, FC4, GTA 5, and DA: I all on ps4. Luckily, got the lot for $160 after tax and shipping, so saved quite a bit. However, I can't put down GTA for anything else. It's my first GTA and I'm loving it!
  9. Do PG straight builds with some stickers look decent? Cuz I SUCK at painting, nor do I have the facilities (in a college dorm) to make such work feasible. I have the artistic tendencies of an agitated squirrel, if not worse, for reference
  10. Can the the wii u even support 8 controllers? I thought 4 was the max for wii-motes?
  11. Had a group of 4 buddies to play with, but we all tired out rather quickly after hitting the 20+ levels. Crucible is still a bit unbalanced for my comfort (I'm a bladedancer, and I feel OP), and PvE has bored me out with bullet sponges. Borderlands suffered from the same issues, but the writing was good enough to keep me entertained, but I cannot say the same for Destiny.
  12. Dang man, sorry to hear that. I've actually been having a ton of fun with the game (and I think I'm right about where you stopped playing). I too initially started the game frustrated at how quickly the warchief's buddies take you out before you can grab and dominate him, so I spent some time and upgraded that area of effect smash attack (don't know what it's called). I then went ahead and upgraded my hit count bonus (making a well timed attack worth x3 hits, and you only need five now to unlock a finisher). Now, when I jump in, I build up five hits as quick as possible, and spam the area of effect finisher, which pushes everyone back while doing a little damage. Rinse and repeat until the grunts go down, and the captains are near the end of their health. Then, I pick them off one by one till the chief is left (unless I can somehow get lucky and grab him first). Kind of tedious, but I'm predisposed to enjoying this type of combat, as it's really similar to arkham (albeit, more brutal), and I loved arkham. Lastly, for your "only ranged attacks work" uberbro, I haven't encountered someone like this, but I'd recommend getting the auto-dominate combo finisher, which lets you automatically dominate an orc, which regenerates your arrows as a side effect. I've spent a lot of time upgrading my stats rather than playing the story missions, so YMMV on how feasible/efficient this is. I honestly completely understand how you feel about how OP some of these guys feel. In the first area of the game, the first warchief I fought took my down 8 times, before I up and quit, only coming back to finish the job before moving on the next (grassy) area. I thought it was "cool" and "innovative" at first how time continues after you fall, but it sort of got annoying quick. I've currently stopped playing the game for now (as I picked up Bravely Default, which is awesome, for the moment), but I'll get back to it once I tire out of Bravely Default
  13. I wonder what that "third" form is?
  14. My body is ready I wonder if they'll take the 00 raiser route (with the premade GN drives), and just deliver a prebuilt frame with LEDs placed throughout (I can't imagine that we'll just be getting some wires and LEDs for that crazy price). While I like customization as much as the next guy, I honestly would love it if Bandai takes this route. Would make things a whole lot easier for a noob builder like myself. And yes, good posability and easy transformation would be awesome. It's been what, 5 years since the last PG? Let's hope bandai has something awesome up their sleeves
  15. Anyone planning on picking up shadow of mordor? I've had it pre purchased in steam for a while, excited to get my hands on it soon. Hoping its on par with the Arkham series, which they used as an inspiration
  16. Have a level 21 Hunter, but I'm done with this game. I understand its grindy, but it's a special kind of ridiculously boring grind. It annoys me to no end when I top my team, and the kiddos below me with 0.25 K/D's get exotics as a reward and I get absolutely nothing. I dunno, I don't think Destiny lived up to any of its promises
  17. Any reason they decided to go for black bars on the top and bottom? Kinda makes the game feel a bit awkward for me (feels a little restricted). I'm pretty surprised the PS4 is able to kick out this level of detail, but I'm somewhat worried that the final product will be cut back in some way (i.e. poor draw distance, DOF, aliasing, pop in, or poor frame rates). If the Order does end up looking this good without taking performance hits, credit where it's due.
  18. I've got Gundam Breaker on the PS Vita. Played it a good solid week (even had a friend who bought it at the same time who co-played with me), but I really got tired of playing after a while. Maybe the whole "customizing your own Gundam" thing didn't catch on with me, or maybe it's because every mission is basically the same thing, but I stopped playing after that week, and have yet to pick it up since. Waste of $79 The best Gundam game I've ever played most likely goes to E.F. vs. Zeon on the PS2. Had a blast playing that co-op with friends. In other news, anything $40 in Target (including games), and you get $10 off. Not a bad deal.
  19. Awwwwww Yisssss, Burning Gundam goodness. Can't wait for episodial variants on Burning Finger, leading up to the horribly awkward love love Burning finger
  20. I don't know the full details of how this works, but apparently you can get a PS4 for 15 - 25% off at target (netting it for around 300 bucks or so before tax): http://www.reddit.com/r/PS4/comments/2alv16/ps4_20_off_at_target_today_and_tomorrow/ Hopefully this helps those looking for one.
  21. Anyone have thoughts on Shadow of Mordor? Will it be what the Arkham series was for Batman? The combat looks very similar, but I'll put that down as a good thing
  22. I'm not super familiar with G1. Does Lockdown ever actually turn his own face into a weapon? I remember his hand hook from "animated"
  23. Anyone not really like the "new" designs. While Bayformers have always been metal in a blender, I felt that the old designs at minimum held some reference to their vehicle alternate form. In AOE, I felt like a lot of the bots (Optimus and Bumblebee in particular) just eschewed this idea, and transformed from car into robot 'with somewhat relevant color scheme reminiscent of the vehicle form'. I suppose Drift and Lockdown held more apparent hints of their alternate vehicle forms.
  24. Thanks for all the headphone suggestions guys! I actually jumped on the Logitech g430 that anime suggested, since I too noticed that they got a lot of recommendations (and work on PC/PS4). Within short notice, though, I got a great deal on some Steelseries Siberia v2 (heat orange) headphones. I use a lot of steel series stuff for my desktop, and reviews stated the excellent sound quality (and PS4 compatibility), so I jumped on those instead.
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