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Everything posted by Archer

  1. Is there any reason Bandai refuses to make more metal builds and DX valks? I mean, they sell like hot cakes even at eBay mark up prices...
  2. Welp, put in an order! Just need to hunt down an 0 riser now
  3. You don't need to pay until it ships for HLJ correct?
  4. I just had a quick question for those that know more about aviation than I do. While I was re-watching parts of episode 6 of macross delta, something piqued my interest during the "preparation" scene where we see the VF-31's installed with booster packs. During start-up, a "helmet(?)" comes down onto Hayate's head, and is immediately removed. I was wondering what the purpose of this is, as it's not immediately explained (or if it is, the reasoning is lost to me). I've attached a screenshot of what I'm talking about.
  5. Have a Neon Switch and Zelda pre-ordered for this week. Excited, but somewhat reserved considering I'll have nothing to play after I finish Zelda until Splatoon 2 this summer (unless Xenoblade Chronicles 2 decides to come out earlier than Splatoon, but I can't see that happening). The Nintendo conundrum - Games that I'll remember for the rest of my life, but they only come out once every 6 months or so
  6. Archer

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Ended up deciding not to sell off my VF-31, and cracked open the box. Good lord, what an impressive figure. This is by far and away the best valk I've ever owned. Joints that need to be tight or ratcheted are, and the whole thing doesn't feel super fragile at all (which some of my older Yamato stuff did). I was so impressed I impulse bought the super parts
  7. Archer

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Oh wow, did not know this. I actually watched that preview episode, but I must have forgotten about that scene. Also, just received my shipping notice from NY for my VF-31, very excited
  8. Archer

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Random question, but what exactly is the purpose of the green pod next to the pod that stores the rifle of the vf-31. I don't ever recall seeing it be used in the anime (I don't even recall them detaching the rifle to be honest).
  9. Archer

    Bandai DX VF-31

    We can only hope NY doesn't take 9 more years to ship my stuff Another day goes by without a shipping notice. Well, this is one of the first macross figures I've been really excited about in recent memory (seems like every major release I'm interested in gets bogged down with issues a la VF-0D/A), so I don't mind the wait.
  10. Archer

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Yep, I saw that thread a few days ago. I'm currently bogged down by med school tests, which has distracted me well the past few days. They're coming to a close mid-this week though. Wanted the VF-31 to get here by then as a reward for myself (lol), but I guess that's not happening.
  11. Archer

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Ordered a VF-31J from Nippon Yasan a week ago. Paid the premium they were charging and splurged for EMS shipping. Now a week later, it still hasn't shipped Very disappointed. I wonder if they only ship one day a week or something.
  12. Not really on-topic in terms of the FA order, but I made an order on NY earlier this week for a DX VF-31. Still in "preparation in progress" mode. Paid for EMS shipping an everything. I wonder if they only ship things out one day a week or something? I find it strange that they take your money so promptly, but disallow refunds/cancels if things are moving too slow on their end. Certainly the last time I use NY, that's for sure :/
  13. Absolutely loving the direction IBO is taking. It's rare to see a series where the "protagonist" may be seen as the "bad guy" (depending on your interpretation of the morally grey conflict between McGillis and Vidar/Gaelio).
  14. I am late to this thread (and Delta as a whole), but I just finished watching the series. To preface this, Macross Frontier was one of my favorite shows of all time. I think it did an incredible job of telling a story, while developing a very tight cast of characters each with their own motivations and beliefs. Moreover, the mecha aspect of it was also very well done (I don't think the VF-31 has anything on how awesome and modular the VF-25, and its variants, were). On the other hand, Delta really let me down. I'll admit, I was already incredibly biased against the show due to it's emphasis on singing rather than military combat (as you might guess, I am also not a big fan of Macross 7). However, the first half of the show showed promise (up until around Episode 13, following Messer's death). However, after that, I felt like the show really lose direction and started to forget a lot of its own plot points. Things like the "Immelman dance" were kind of forgotten, while I felt like elements such as Hayate's dad were shoe-horned in as Deus Ex Machina to push what plot there was. Lastly, the love triangle wasn't nearly as well done as Frontier in my opinion. I really felt like it could go either way in Frontier as both Sheryl and Ranka were equally developed, but Delta really focused a bit too much on Freya imho. I suppose I'm just ranting at this point, and obviously nothing I've said is new to this thread. Just wanted to express my disappointment, as I was really hoping for a show of similar quality to Macross Frontier. Hopefully they'll be able to redeem themselves with the next series. With how many risks other popular series are taking (IBO as a stark departure from typical Gundam, and all the more successful for it, for example), I'm hoping to see a more gritty macross in line with Zero or Plus in the future.
  15. For those interested, the Crunchyroll store has the Metal Build Exia (Standard/R3, not R1) available for $154, with a $12 discount for premium members. Just snagged a copy myself! Use the code "SHINJI75" for free shipping as well within the U.S.
  16. Really enjoyed the book, and am very excited for the movie. As others have stated though, the book pulls references from so many different sources (anime, 80s television and music, etc.). I can't imagine them being able to license stuff like Gundam, Voltron, Macross, on top of big name 80s stuff, just for the sake of this one movie.
  17. I think the PS4's issues go beyond one's internet speed. I get 600 mbps on my PC with an ethernet connection. That same ethernet connection gives my PS4 around 30 mbps?!
  18. Wait, what's the spoiler? Apologies if I missed it, but I can't see anything that would be a spoiler. We've already seen the Star Winning right?
  19. I think season 1 was great because we actually knew all the fighters on a fairly personal level (Fellini, Meijin, Mao, etc.). We also had Aila as a side-plot that was developed quite well too. Now we have some other schools, only two of which are really relevant/developed (Gunpla Academy and the Tryon squad). No real "antagonist" to be found like the chairman from last season, etc. I personally think that season 2 should have piggybacked off of season 1 with individual fights and a lot more recurring cast. Also, season 1 showed a lot of the "building" part of gunpla as well. Sekai, on the other hand, just kind of fell into an epic gunpla from the start, and so we don't really know that much about Build Burning either.
  20. I wonder if we'll see a season 3 at this point. I mean, we've yet to see any previous faces save for Meijin. Maybe we'll get like a "middle school champions enter the actual legit world tournament" season, or something of that sorts? We've had Fellini and Luang Dallara mentioned as top fighters in the individual world tournament.
  21. Anyone order Majora's Mask New 3DS XL from Fry's? Looks like a lot of them are being cancelled due to overselling issues. Man, I wonder how limited this release really is. The monster hunter version seems to go on sale every other day if you keep your eyes out. I actually think Nintendo should do a second run of this MM edition just to spite the scalpers.
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