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Everything posted by Archer

  1. Anyone else hear the rumors that Killzone 3 is going to be in 3-D? Just some rumors I heard flying around the Web..... -Archer
  2. Yeah, but I think that is just our eyes playing tricks on us because the liger looks big in comparison to the people behind it. The Paradox effect I think is what they call it.
  3. "1st: V2 Gundam - Configuration technology under development." I guess that means we can safely assume that a MG V2 gundam is in the works?
  4. So, I am kind of torn right now. I have recently gotten real bored of modern warfare 2, and most of all my other games are finished so I am planning on heading out to buy a new game. I really want to get Battlefield Bad Company 2, but the new Transformers War for Cybertron looks really promising as well. I only want to get one, so what do you guys think? Buy BBC2 right now, or wait it out for Transformers. *sigh* decisions, decisions...... -Archer
  5. Check this out guys: http://ngeekhiong.blogspot.com/2010/05/12000-macross-sdf-1-others-from.html scroll down the page and you will yamato's new shield liger. I can't really tell if it is a model kit or a toy, but it looks good all the same. I really love the proportions of the liger itself. Looks really promising. -Archer
  6. Aww, come on! I thought the star ocean combat system was pretty cool, and innovative. It incorporated aspects of both RPGs and Action RPGs into the game, and I really enjoyed that. The combat system also kept the action going, with no pauses in between attacks. idk, to each his own i guess -Archer
  7. The price has been confirmed for "The 0". It going to cost a whopping 12,600 Yen! Looks like its a summer or late third quarter release. By the way, what do u guys think about the new gunpla anime? And the new gunpla beginning gundam?
  8. Yeah, I know what you mean. I got this game when it came out and played through the first couple chapters. I soon saw myself slowly spending more and more time switching to modern warfare 2 though. For some reason, after the nth time of pressing the x button to autoselect moves to attack with in battle, I really started to get bored. This FF was kind of a let-down for me. I really wish square enix would convert FF into a Star Ocean type combat system.
  9. So, it seems as though he and his group members are trying to promote a cross religion between Christianity and "Nerv"ism (lol). He is proclaiming that apparently the Second Impact (I guess from evangelion?) will occur do to the second coming of Jesus Christ. Essentially, he is promoting the fact that our world will soon be heading toward the direction the Earth in Evangelion took, and that rather than experiments on an angel, the second impact will be caused by the second coming of Christ. That about sums it up. (the date for second impact is December 25, 2013 btw) Looks like if we survive 2012, 2013 will be heading our way -Archer (btw, in no way, shape, or form am I trying to promote Christianity or "Nerv"ism)
  10. The normal version of the VB-6 (the less expensive one) is just the regular release with no special "prizes" or extras. It essentially is just the VB-6 and some stickers. The special edition (the more expensive one) is a limited edition release that comes with some decals already applied to the VB-6 (sheryl on the nose to be exact) as well as a base that can be used to depict the Vb-6 firing on the top of a space cruiser (i believe this will be a part of the upcoming movie?). Finally the special version will also come with some kind of handbook thing as well (don't really know the details of this handbook). I hope that helps. -Archer
  11. Rather than get the g-system one, check out his sweet custom one made by gundampro http://www.gundampro.com/news/nightingale2009.php -Archer
  12. NOO!! I really wanted the new MG to be the 00 raiser. -Archer
  13. lol, that is actually a meeting in India. They are speaking telugu, which I can actually speak! If you guys want, I will translate it. -Archer
  14. Snap!, u may be right. I had no clue, but yeah the "Gunpla" part should probably give it away. Sorry -Archer
  15. http://ngeekhiong.blogspot.com/2010/05/gunpla-30th-anniversary-limited-hy2m.html Gunpla 30th Anniversary limited HY2M 1/12 Gundam RX-78-2. Pretty cool if u ask me, but it will probably cost a few grand or so to import here to the U.S. Not on my wishlist, but letting you guys know. -Archer
  16. Well, I am kind of testing the waters here, but when do you guys think the next PG will come out, and what do you think it will be? Seeing as the 00 raiser was kind of a letdown, and it came out only a few months after the PG astray, I think the next PG will come out fairly soon, hopefully in the next year or two. (seeing as bandai likes to milk major trends, I am predicting an MS from Unicorn is up next for the PG treatment)
  17. Yeah, i saw pics of the mk.II conversion kit, but i really couldn't make out any *apparent* differences from the regular pg to the conversion. Any idea? (oh, and btw, i contacted them and got back a message saying that pricing for pre - built is about 3 - 6 times the amount of $ as the regular kit!!!!!!!)
  18. Doesn't G-System offer some sort of pre-built option that you can request? I don't know, but I wonder if the model painted by the masters themselves is worth the approximate $2500 pricetag.........
  19. Thanks for the info. Want to post some pics of that kamper? I am sure everyone would love to see it
  20. Thanks a lot anime52k8. That helps out a ton. I might just have to go and pick this one up.
  21. Well, I haven't seen it yet, but is there a lot of war machine? The main reason why i am gonna go see this is to go see war machine on the big screen!!
  22. Thanks, but iirc, psn updates only on thursdays?
  23. That ghost set-up must have cost a TON...........did u buy 3 of the web-shop exclusive missile packs for the vf-25? (oh, and i love the pics btw)
  24. I really wish bandai would just make the whole figure rather than make a bust of it..........oh one can only wish
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