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Everything posted by Archer

  1. Nice! But just a suggestion on my part, if you haven't already heard that is, you should definitely try and watch the last episode of the Zeta TV series after you finish watching the movies mainly because the ending of the movies is a little bit different than that of the TV series. Furthermore, the movie (trilogy of movies) ending essentially retcons much of the continuing series, which would be ZZ. Just a thought, unless you already know that is
  2. Actually, I could have sworn the even Gundams only have a single main camera, which is not the actual eyes, but the little green bit above the yellow crown on their helmet (You know, the other green thing other than the eyes on most gundams' heads. I have always thought that the actual camera resided in their. At least, that is how it worked in 08th MS Team (that one girl appears in shiro's main moniter, but when they show the outside, the girl is looking into the upper green thing on the gundam's helmet, not the actual eyes) I dunno for sure, but IIRC, that is how it worked for a few Gundams, at least within the UC timeline.... Wow, so much thought for such a little peripheral detail
  3. Any information or hints at to when Evangelion 3.0 (?) will be released? I think that 2.0 has been released for a while now, and I have just been wondering about when the next segment will come out....
  4. Does anyone have Crysis 2? Is it worth picking up? I have a whole week off soon, and I've been wanting to pick up a game with good online multiplayer to play...
  5. Archer

    1/60 Yamato Glaug

    Isn't that around $7000? Wait, is it 660,000 or is it 66,000 cuz that would make more sense to me...
  6. Is it just me, or does it seem to be that Bandai is selling more products through the Web Shop limited scheme than actual retail? Just seems like everything nowadays is Web Shop limited (both Macross and Gundam)!
  7. Wow, that means that those that want to purchase both the sound booster and the valk itself will most likely be paying upwards of $400 to get it. That is fairly insane.....
  8. Yeah, I really enjoy the Gundam series that do NOT feature a high school age boy randomly falling into the possession of a prototype uber Gundam and then we later find out that he is some kind of "uber-person" (i.e. ultimate coordinator, newtype, innovator, etc.). I love the series like 08th MS Team and Stardust Memory for the more enjoyable overtones and realism in that they are actual soldiers in the Gundam, not a random teenager. Beyond that, I think 08th MS team, Stardust Memory, and related OVAs were some of the only Gundam shows to really feature actual "damage" to the mobile suit. Well yes, in other series, an arm or so would fall off once in a while, and "maybe" the main gundam would be destroyed, but the pilot would generally miraculously survive with no explanation or it would only be a part of a final battle or story battle. In 08th MS team and Stardust Memory, we see this kind of damage in any regular old battle (like when one of the ground type gundams get damaged by a zaku attack). Dunno, but I guess the general idea is that I agree with you Sunrise should do more "realistic" gundam series...
  9. That YF-29 looks really nice, but the longer I look at it, the more I want a legit DX VF-25 instead......or one made by Yamato Speaking of which, in previous pictures, wasn't the crotch section angled like it is in the anime? Why is it flat in the pic above? I dunno about you guys, but I'd rather have it angled like it is in the anime....
  10. Actually, in terms of what the OP posted, I believe that it all depends, but for the most balanced situations, I think set up b or c would work best. Where as nukes are great an all, from what I have seen in macross, they a are a bit slower than regular missiles and less maneuverable as well. If you are up against a big or stationary target, then sure, set up A would be great, but for all other situations where the enemies are small and agile, i think a set like b or c with box missiles deliver a more effective payload. Just my humble $0.02 EDIT: Just noticed that Jasonc posted nearly the identical thing. Sorry for the repitition, but yeah, I agree with him!
  11. Thanks for the tips guys! I got the Max DYRL version, which I heard was rumored to be safe in terms of shoulders. Anyways, I got the thing to transform, and its a bit easier now, and I was able to move the arms and position them the way I like in GERWALK mode. Unfortunately, one of my landing gear doors is a bit loose, but that is no real biggie. Really fun model though!
  12. Ok guys, so I got my order of my first 1/60 VF-1. What I noticed after taking it out of the box though, is that it is insanely tight! Like it took me 20 minutes just to pull out one of the feet. Is this general with new 1/60's or is my copy just incredibly tight? Secondly, how do you guys manage to move around and angle the arms in GERWALK mode? It just seems as though I can't really angle them outward nor can I really move them around freely due to the wing obstructions. Any ideas?
  13. Finally got my first 1/60 VF-1 from HLJ (Its the Max DYRL Super Version). Though I have not gotten the chance to take it out of the box and transform it, I have to say that the actual size of the thing surprised me. I thought the 1/60 would be really small, but for the scale, it is actually quite large in front of me. Looks great though!
  14. I really don't think there is that much "hate" for the Wing series, as, for example, there is toward the Mobile Fighter G series, but I would guess that there are probably 3 potential reasons for people DISLIKING the wing series. First of all, some people do consider the Gundam designs a bit ridiculous and/or unrealistic, thereby deviating from the normal "Real Robot" feel of past Gundams or UC Gundams. I guess there is some truth to that...for example, in EW, Wing Zero has GIANT FEATHERED WINGS. What this has in terms of purpose besides the loose argument of atmospheric flight/reentry purposes, one can only guess, but the fact remains that the protagonist Gundam has Angel Wings.... Second reason may be that some people just don't like anything outside of UC. I don't know how legitimate of an argument that may be, but there is no arguing that a lot of Gundam fans are only faithful to the original UC series, and anything outside of that is trash.....(not my opinions btw) Lastly, some people just plain didn't like the way Gundam Wing went. I mean, everyone can't like everything right? Some people just didn't like the series. For what reason, I can't say, but everyone is entitled to their own opinions. And beyond that, the series is far from a simple retelling of the one year war.... These are what I've heard as justifications for dislike of the Wing Series, but I wouldn't go as far as to say there is a lot of HATE for the series. Some people dislike it, but meh, what are you gonna do? As I said, Everyone can't like everything And as far as I know, there are a LOT of people who really enjoyed the series, including myself and many others here, which is why Bandai is successfully selling a lot of Wing merchandise at the moment, and there even has been a MANGA release recently. Just my humble $0.02. Don't want to derail this thread any further
  15. WOW! If you had ordered only recently, you must have received that order crazy fast from HLJ?!! What shipping did you use btw, as many others on this forum have suggested, you can use like a bent paper clip, or better yet, a small rubber band to wrap around and pull out the landing gear in a very safe fashion
  16. I believe that a 1/60 VF-1 is similar in size to a 1/72 VF-27, so this comparison pic of a 1/60 VF-1 vs. a 1/60 VF-0S should be somewhat helpful. For more accuracy though, I would definitely ask around the forum here as I bet people who have both models will be willing to snap a pic or something for you.....
  17. I don't know if you already know this or not, but just in case you don't, I believe that a 1/60 VF-0A will be MUCH larger than the 1/72 VF-27 in your pictures. Unless you intended for that in the first place, at which point you are right on track
  18. I am not positively sure, but I have heard that the re-release of the 0S and 0A were flawless and good toys to boot. But you say that the one on HLJ that is currently on sale is the 2006 issue? I believe this is the release that was plagued with breaking arms that may even pop off during the first transformation or right out of the box. On the other hand though, there have been a lot of people who have gotten theirs in perfect condition with no problems. So all in all, it seems as though things have really been hit and miss. At this price, I would say go for it. At nearly a $100 savings, the sting of a broken toy will be a LOT less than if you paid full retail, AND there is always the good chance that you will get a good copy of the model with no issues. Beyond that, you can always find ways to get new arms from Yamato in the case that your model breaks. Also, since you seem to really like the design of the 0A, the potential benefits really do outweigh the negs. Lastly, if you don't want to take a leap of faith for a potentially broken toy, then you could always pay up a bit more for a re-released model, though it can be hard to tell which release a store is selling. Just my $0.02
  19. Thanks for the heads up CF18. I am kind of a noob when it comes to display stands, and I didn't notice that. Needless to say, I took that off of my order
  20. Hey guys, I have a quick question. Does the Yamato Mighty Block Stand #2 allow you to suspend or hoist action figures up into the air, or do you have to have a yamato mighty block stand number 1 to do that? I don't know, because all the pictures I have seen just show the #2 stand as a flat raised platform....
  21. Those are some pretty good deals. I am planning on buying the Max VF-1A TV with Super Parts and one of yamato's new mighty block stands. Anyone have any idea of how good these mighty block stands are?
  22. I kind of like it, I kind of don't. Really though, at that price, I would def. rather buy a vf-27, which is much more aesthetically pleasing to me. The new design changes and stuff are great and all, but to me, it just seems like a DX vf-25 with inverted wings and some boosters. On a side note though, more story related than anything else, isn't this the 3rd valkyrie with the same basic transformation layout. The vf - 25, the vf - 27, and now the yf - 29??!! Isn't this kinda getting ridiculous?
  23. Good point, but it is pretty hard to wait 6 months for an hour of unicorn. AND the fact that over the course of the past two episodes, we've seen like 10 mins of unicorn and like 50 mins of Kshatriya beam spam doesn't help with the anticipation of wanting to see a legit unicorn fight that lasts longer than 5 mins
  24. Simple EPIC! I wish Unicorn was made into a full - blown 50 episode series instead of these movies. Soooo much anticipation, and April (or May for the likely subs) feels so far away!
  25. I am pretty sure the pieces are molded in color, but I am fairly positive that the one in their demonstration pics is in fact painted, and if it is not painted, I am pretty sure that it has gone through adequate clean up, decaling, touch up painting, and flat coating I wish I had the talent to make something that looks that awesome
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