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Everything posted by Archer

  1. Yep, same thing happened to me, as well as many others. It looks like PSN is designed to delete the access icon after you back out after dwnloading the "welcome back game #" select, even if you haven't actually got a game yet. This stops you from actually getting the game. Beyond that, since PSN is soooo buggy right now, sometimes, error messages will kick you out as well. Do this to get your game back: PlayStation Network > Account Management > Transaction Management > Services List > SCEA Promotions > Game 2 > Select Content ^^That should let you download your 2nd game
  2. Awesome! Thanks for the info. Will try later today
  3. I've been out of the Transformers fold for a while. Has the newest (DOTM) Optimus Prime been released yet? This time, I have planned to go all out and get a FrenzyRumble custom of him with all the works. That will really feed my inner child hunger for Transformers toys all the while feeding my older collector's desire for a detailed model...
  4. I feel bad for Sony, but at the same time, wish they would really get their act together.... Anwyways, I posted this in the All Things Video Game thread, but I want to open this up here as well. While I was downloading my first PS3 free game on PSN Welcome Back, I needed to exit the store to remove some stuff to open up some more space on my PS3 for the new game. When I got back to PSN store, my game 1 tab had disappeared, and I can no longer download my first Free game. I was able to get my second game successfully, but alas, the first one is gone. I wanted inFamous and Super Stardust HD, but could only get inFamous as game 2 Anyone know of a fix?
  5. For those that haven't heard, Welcome Back package is live, though if I were you, I'd wait a few days before trying to use it. Some of my free stuff disappeared when I exited the store to try and delete some other stuff to make room for the new free games. When I got back to the store, my free PS3 game tab 1 disappeared, so I could only download a single game (inFamous). If anyone knows a fix, please post a solution
  6. EPIC WIN Anyways, PSN is back up for PS3 users, though the "welcome back package" is not yet live. If things go they way they have been the past couple weeks, i wouldn't be surprised if Sony gets hacked while the package goes live or if the package gets postponed until August
  7. lol @ guardian mode references Back on topic, if the yf-29 still functions 2 months down the road, I may consider picking one up. But for now, VF-19 variants it is for me.
  8. Looking at the previous comments, all the suggestions for the model, and the sheer number of potential gimmicks (which I am sure out do the vf-19 hands down), I have a feeling this toy will be a *nightmare* for all the yamato designers
  9. Has any(every)one heard about Final Fantasy XIII - 2? What in the world? I was just browsing ebgames to be released lists and that popped up. I didn't know that they were making a sequel.... Why oh why can't sqaure enix focus on Versus 13 instead of milking 13
  10. True, it does look like one could make a standard GERWALK configuration. Regarding the legs (not) bending forward though, I wonder which way yamato will go with it...
  11. Maybe this is a stupid question (it probably is) but does the GERWALK mode of the vf-17 have arms? I have not seen macross 7, and all the pics I look at make it seem like the standard GERWALK configuration of the vf-17 lacks arms.....
  12. Anyone have any idea when PSN store will be back up?
  13. I'd like to put in the good word for a large scale VF-25 since we have no proper toy/model at the time and the bandai 1/48 seems like vaporware. Just a thought !
  14. Grease? I have not heard anything about that... maybe its an after product of the gloss finish? Though I thought grease was an issue only experienced by Bandai..
  15. Oh! Must have missed those pics before. Thanks!
  16. For those that have it, how does the whole cockpit transformation gizmo work? Is it effective in that the pilot can stay in his seat throughout the entire transformation sequence, or does he have to be removed for everything to work? Also, is the cockpit secure in battroid mode? Lolz, don't want to have pilot shake out of his seat and land in some crevice only to lose his head or an arm when I move it (the model)....
  17. Really? I heard that Bay wanted this to be a trilogy (as you stated), but the producers wanted him to produce one more after Dark of the Moon to make it a total of four movies (I wouldn't blame 'em either. Transformers is an easy money - maker)
  18. Coming from a guy who wasn't alive at the time these things came out, are these things (the 1/35 legioss) really all that great? Sorry to sound like a n00b, but the fit and finish doesn't seem as awesome as some of the more modern releases. Maybe I'm just being naive or something....
  19. Sorry for the double post, but does anyone have large scale (or any actually) pictures of mecha from shadow chronicles? Thinking about some customs for building off of the toynami masterpiece series, but have yet to find any good pics for references of design and paint schemes...
  20. Cool. That means that it won't crumble in my hands as I take it out of the box right? Or worse, come broken in the package? I really liked Shadow Chronicles for what it was. It kept me entertained, and character designs were pretty good, but the Marcus Shadow Alpha scheme is what really appealed to me. So yeah, I was hoping for a Marcus release, but if not, looks like I will just have to take matters into my own hands and repaint the thing (both alpha and beta)
  21. Hey Captain America, I was wondering (sorry if this has been answered before) if this model would be transformable, and if it was, is it a partsformer? Just a bit curious. Rock solid work by the way. You should definitely consider going into a mecha model designing business. I know some people who would pay top dollar for their own custom mechas
  22. Darnit! That sucks to hear. I had some hope that they would still be produced. Looks like I'll just have to paint both of them to my color of liking. Speaking of which, Jenius, I looked at your website and you have some awesome reviews! Did you happen to get a re-issue Maia Sterling MPC. I have heard its ok, but it would be great for your or anyone's input actually on how sturdy the re-issue is. If it comes down to it, the Maia Sterling one will be the MPC that I repaint into a Marcus...
  23. With the slow down of product releases, does anyone have any information regarding the stated releases of both the MPC shadow beta and/or MPC Marcus Rush Alpha? I have heard good things about both the MPC Beta and the re-issued MPC Maia Sterling, so I was holding off until I could purchase a Marcus release with a shadow beta (my favorite scheme). Though pics have been shown though, I can't seem to find any release information anywhere?? Can anyone give me some info? Thanks a bunch!
  24. OMG!!! MG Delta Plus!!!! Epic Mega WANT!!!! Sorry 'bout that, but I've always wanted an MG Delta Plus, and even though its not surprising, it still makes me feel really excited! I really liked the ReZEL, and I hope this tops that in every form
  25. For those that have it, can anyone point out if either of the two Beagle's has any obvious advantages over the other? I haven't got one, but the reviews and pictures have tempted me to go and purchase one. I like both designs, and head sculpts and what not are not a matter to me as well (as it will be wearing its head visor down). I just want to know if one of the two released is better than the other in terms of construction, materials, design, etc. Thanks Guys!
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