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Everything posted by Archer

  1. Well, I wouldn't say that transformers toys, especially some of the Movieverse ones, are inferior to yamato/bandai toys, at least in terms of engineering. To be honest, I have seen some transformers that are even BETTER in engineering terms when compared to some Yamato/Bandai releases (ROTF Leader Prime, etc.). And furthermore, the real problem I see it with transformers figures are the fact that the paint apps are SEVERELY lacking, and that really reduces the quality of the toy compared to Bandai/Yamato. For example, look at Frenzy_Rumble's leader ironhide: You can clearly see that the toy has a LOT of potential, and all it takes really is some quality paint work. And lastly, you really are comparing two different beasts here. Hasbro Transformers are made for kids to buy and play around with, where as even the most mainstream releases by Bandai/Yamato are really meant for the serious collector. Bandai/Yamato put out maybe 1 - 2 new molds max each YEAR and milk the daylights out of them, where as Hasbro needs to make many new molds nearly EACH season. Its not surprising that a few may be subpar. But to me, when I see some of the new leader classes, I can't help but think that with a good paintjob, they might even be better than a Yamato/Bandai release. That all said and done, I am very sorry to hear about your damaged toy, which I understand can be VERY expensive where you live. I would be just as upset as you if I were in that same situation. My sympathies to you...
  2. Being the self - proclaimed noob that I am, I wonder if this (and consecutive releases) will come in that awesome stylized box that the YF-29 comes in Would certainly add to the external appeal lol. Also, has anyone wondered what the point of a second seat is, if there is no one to sit in it? I actually would have liked to see a sheryl, ranka, GENERIC CO-PILOT, or someone to sit in the back seat, rather than that "space Isamu" posed alto....or both actually
  3. Lol at all the battery discussions. I went in to target today to look for some figs that might need some collectin' It was here that the thought hit me. I love the wreckers, and would like to get all three, but Hasbro is screwing us over by not giving us a 3 character set weaponized in ANY line. Alas, only the pro customizers of the world will ever get to see all 3 wreckers in their armored form next to each other in scale (assuming someone would make a weaponized custom). Sooooooo annoying in my opinion. Hasbro, if you're listening, do make another deluxe roadbuster that is weaponized por favor.
  4. Here is some new stuff that you guys may be interested in: http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/transformers-movie-toys--products-30/dark-of-the-moon-striker-optimus-prime-deluxe-leadfoot-new-images-173181/ Featured are the new soundwave figures, deluxe leadfoot, and striker optimus prime. I have been interested in Striker Prime since it was first announced, but take a look at that first vehicle mode picture....is that an integrated stealth force mode i see? If it is, INSTABUY!
  5. Being a noob, but does Takara have any plans to release a re-tooled rodimus prime without any of the issues of the first release? Want to get one, but am waiting for a Takara that will come with that winnebago
  6. This. Seriously, these things are freaking awesome. I want an EX one as well. Sooo much better than a regular VF-17 imho...
  7. I too do not have the need for something that big. Its just.....unnecessary for me anyways. Don't like devestator's design at all. I really wish someone would move past devestator on to cooler designs (imho) like defensor or something lol. But as of now, I am done with buying transformers, at least this year. I probably will get a takara sidearm sideswipe, because HE IS AWESOME, but I am waiting for the newer releases predicted in early 2012 (hopes for HA Mirage) before I get back into the fold.
  8. I would go as far as saying that, from what I've seen in pictures, Leader ROTF Optimus Prime, as heavily coveted as he already is, could have been a LOT more movie accurate and streamlined if he had no battery box compartment within the chest (which is good for one lousy "I am Optimus Prime"). I would recon he would have looked a lot like the DMK-01 model of Optimus Prime....
  9. Thanks for the reply. I really like leader starscream's robot mode, but HATE his alt mode. Its just WAY to large in the hull area for me to consider it a legitimate F-22, no matter how well engineered it is. I'm waiting for striker optimus prime before I get that mold (largely due to the fact that he comes with a gun and shield to face off against sentinel's sword and shield). I think I might get bumblebee for that awesome stealth mode....
  10. Recently got a Leader Sentinel Prime, and WOW!, I like this figure a LOT more than I thought I would. Its my first leader class, and sure was worth it. Its nice to take a break from more complicated Macross Figures for a figure of similar complexity, though really only takes me a few minutes to transform. Lot more fun.... Anywho's, what should I get next? Leader Bee or Ironhide? People seem to hate on both of them, but I can't understand why
  11. I agree with eugimon, saying "no", the movie doesn't hold up. I don't have any sentimental connection to either, but (IMHO) the live action movie(s) do hold up a bit better, with simply better flow and graphics. The animated movie was great, sure, but looking back upon it now, it really was just a hyped chance at selling more toys...just my thoughts though.
  12. Looks just like the CG model. Luckily, the toy looks like it will lock together much better than the model, improving proportions.
  13. LOL, I believe they did the same thing for both the yf-29 and vf-19 kai. But if you go now, you can see that both products are quite in stock and being sold by HLJ themselves. HLJ seems really quick to slap the "discontinued" tag on any slightly popular release
  14. Is the Hasbro MP Rodimus compatible with the Takara winnebago attachment? Cuz to me, its not rodimus prime without, which is really whats preventing me from getting the Hasbro release (waiting for a fixed takara)
  15. All I'd really want to see on the Bluray is the scene showing how
  16. Will this come with the gunpod extension attachment? The one that pops out of the other leg (the leg without the gunpod)?
  17. LOL, did you read that last line that was there. Already did that, but the screw was in so tight that it felt like the leg was gonna give if I twisted any further. Don't worry, I make sure to scrutinize every detail before I say my share, unlike some others around here... EDIT: Just went ahead and deleted the whole post. No point in articulating whats already been said
  18. Cool. I, personally, am looking forward to that Human Alliance Soundwave. They need more 'cons in the HA lineup. Soundwave seems to have a lot of back kibble for his HA version, but the kibble seems to be done right and blends well with the figure imho...
  19. Just the fact that Yamato is doing something Macross F related is promising to me. It seems like Bandai's clutch on the Macross F license is ever weakening!
  20. Lolz, thats fine, I don't need your Sideswipe. Like you, many people I have seen on the internet seem to really dislike the figure. And yeah, I was wooed by that awesome alt mode, but that huge back-pack in robot seems like a wast really. Any thoughts on roadbuster? I think I might just go ahead and get that one. Jazz looks like an awesome figure, but I really don't like the character. I really LOVED roadbuster's alt mode, so I was hoping to detail it up and mod it to look like this:
  21. Anyone got a (all) human alliance figure? I have been meaning to pick one up, but can't decide which one is the best. My two favs, at least in terms of alt mode, are Sideswipe and Roadbuster. If you got 'em, which one is the better of the two. And also, if its not one of those two, which H.A. is the best overall. Don't want to waste money on terrible products lol
  22. Don't know if anyone else saw this, but take a look at the G-System-Shop home page: http://www.g-system-shop.com/ They seem to be offering two new kits, a standard 1/72 rx-78-2, and a new 1/72 Xi gundam. What's interesting is that these figures feature a pre-built (at least, I think) internal frame, that interestingly enough, is made out of ABS plastics. This may be what a lot of people were looking for: A model with the beauty of a resin kit, but the durability/playability of a standard plamo. All I know is, it looks easy enough to build with a pre-build frame and pre-colored parts, so I might get one as my first introduction to resin...
  23. Wasn't Jetwing Prime around $120 as well? If this was just a better painted DOTM prime without the Jetpack, than I don't think it would warrant a similar price tag, even with the extra gun and shield. I was thinking that maybe the "third mode" or whatever would warrant the extra $$ for the price tag... Alternatively, the name "striker" suggests that he has something to....strike with. I was hoping that might be a trailer that coverts to a battle station like in the movie, but that really is a pipe dream Eh...I'll just pick up a Human Alliance Sideswipe in the meantime. I like its Alt mode and design a lot more than prime's anyways..
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